Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary time

Please find our latest bulletin for Sunday, August 21th, 2022 here:

August 21, 2022

Fr. Robert’s Installation Mass

Archbishop Marcel Damphousse visited St. Joe’s Parish on August 15th for the installation of our new Pastor, which occurred at the 9:30 a.m. Mass. Fr. Robert Laroche, OMI was welcomed by the community with quality music, a blessing led by Parish Pastoral Council Chair Donna Rietschlin and a reception organized by parishioners. Thanks to everyone who helped and participated! Bishop Marcel had the chance to meet many parishioners between the two Masses, but he could not stay for the 11:30 a.m. Mass. He indicated his hope that he would be able to return to St. Joe’s in the foreseeable future to connect again with our community.


Upcoming Parking lot Reparis

Beginning Wednesday, August 24th and lasting for three to four days, contractors will be repairing the asphalt in the western half of the church parking lot. Over the years, the asphalt has deteriorated significantly, resulting in several large potholes. The work will include the areas of the parking lot closest to the church wall. During this period, access to the west-side of the parking lot will be limited. Thank you for your understanding.


Chris Adam’s book Review of Ordinary People, Extraordinary Action — Refuge Through Activism at Ottawa’s St. Joe’s ParishIt’s a unique event in the life of a Roman Catholic parish when a Canadian university press publishes a monograph on one of its ministries. In fulfilling its mission over the past 30 years, the St. Joe’s Refugee Outreach Committee (ROC) has, of course, extended far beyond the boundaries of its home parish — helping to settle more than 200 refugees and immigrants seeking asylum and a new life in Canada. Earlier this summer, when I had the chance to attend the University of Ottawa’s book launch of Ordinary People, Extraordinary Actions — Refuge Through Activism at Ottawa’s St. Joe’s Parish, I purchased a copy of the book and committed myself to reviewing it. This succinct and accessible co-authored work is based heavily on oral interviews with 16 of the ROC’s past and present volunteers, as well as several refugees who were once the recipients of care and support. The book also relies on the ROC’s archive of meeting minutes, the Parish Bulletin and the Spirit newsletter, newspaper clippings and other media sources. One of the most important contributions of this book is how it has drawn on, and helped to preserve grassroots primary sources held by volunteers. These are the types of sources, accumulated by passionate community organizers, that are frequently neglected in published works. In time, they also risk being lost.

Co-authors Stéfanie Morris, Karina Juma, Meredith Terretta and Patti Tamara Lenard framed the ROC’s history within the broader context of private sponsorships –formally introduced into law in 1978 as part of Canada’s Immigration Act. Section 115 of the Act allowed charitable organizations and groups of five or more private Canadian citizens to select refugees abroad and commit to funding and coordinating the first year of their settlement in Canada. Faith communities have been the driving forces behind these private sponsorships. Not only were Christian and Jewish communities the most vocal advocates in lobbying the federal government to become more open to accepting refugees after World War II, but they were the first to step up, organize and raise the necessary funds to settle new families.

The connection between religious faith and refugee outreach appears throughout this book. Speaking with the authors, ROC volunteers said: “Christianity is our motivation, but we are not here to proselytize.” We learn of the trailblazing efforts of Ottawa Mayor Marion Dewar, a practising Roman Catholic, in welcoming thousands of Vietnamese ‘boat people’ to the nation’s capital in 1979. Mayor Dewar launched Project 4000 as she felt that the federal government had been lacklustre in its efforts to settle Southeast Asian refugees. She believed that much more could be done. On July 12, 1979, Mayor Dewar spearheaded a rally in Lansdowne Park, which attracted more than 3,000 participants. The demonstration included a roster of high-profile religious leaders as keynote speakers, notably Catholic Archbishop Joseph-Aurèle Plourde, Anglican Bishop William Robinson and Rabbi Don Gerber of Temple Israel. Local media, including the Ottawa Citizen and the Ottawa Journal, played an active role in building support for private sponsorships as well. The rally and the popularity of sponsorship among faith communities helped convince the new Progressive Conservative government of Prime Minister Joe Clark to augment the quota of refugees from 8,000 to 50,000. The government also signed agreements with 40 churches and faith-based organizations that would serve as partners in the private sponsorship programme. Between 1979 and 1982, the majority of Southeast Asian refugees to Canada (34,000 out of 60,000) were being privately sponsored — largely by faith communities.

To read the full book review, please visit:

Young Adult Ministry & Faith Formation: Volunteers Needed!

The Young Adult Ministry & Faith Formation office is looking to re-launch a number of sacramental preparation programs this year, and asking for volunteers to help with facilitating the different programs. In the fall of 2022: Marriage Preparation and RCIA. In the spring of 2023: First Reconciliation/First Holy Communion, and Confirmation. If you have any experience or interest in helping in one of these areas please contact our new Faith Formation Coordinator, Paul Dansereau, at

Thank you to all those who have helped with these programs in the past, and even if you do not feel like you are able to be involved at this time, please do not hesitate to contact Paul and share any suggestions you might have. Your experience and expertise is a valuable asset to our parish! Thank you.


My Little Church has reopened !

After more than two years, My Little Church has  reopened last Sunday. It features toys, and books to keep the children of St. Joe’s occupied during mass. Please note that children need to be supervised by parents or guardians when they are in this play space located in the gathering area of the church.

St Joe`s Women`s Centre: Towel Program

St. Joe’s Women’s Centre is looking for donations of bath towels for our shower program.

Gently used and/or new towels can be dropped off to the Women’s Centre Monday – Friday, 9:30 – 3:30pm.

For more information, please contact Jennifer, 613-231-6722.

Thank you for your generosity & support!

St. Joe’s Supper Table: Items Needed

St. Joe’s Supper Table is currently looking for some ground coffee, instant coffee, tea, white sugar, flour, cookies, toilette paper, soap and granola bars. Any brand is most welcomed. Thank you for thinking of us!



One thought on “Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary time”

  1. Re: Fr. Robert’s Installation Mass

    Your summary of the events of the morning of August 15th
    is a masterpiece, Chris.! Loved it.

    Abundant blessings,

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