In the reflection for the 13th Sunday in Ordinary, John Rietschlin invites all of us to continue seeking God’s call in our lives.
“I want to begin my reflection today with John the Baptist, Jesus’ cousin. Though not in this Sunday’s Gospel, we just celebrated the feast day marking John’s birth on Friday. We all know the story of the birth of this remarkable man. How Elizabeth, John’s mother, became miraculously pregnant well into her older years. How Zachary, John’s father lost his ability to speak when he refused to believe that this could happen and then recovered his speech when he gave his son the name announced to him by an Angel. We know too how Jesus’ public ministry began as he received baptism by John in the Jordan and how those present heard God’s voice announcing Jesus as God’s son.
Today’s Gospel passage takes place nearly three years later. After his baptism in the Jordan, Jesus returned to his home region of Galilee where he began to teach, heal, and minister to all who were open to receive the message given to him by his Father. In addition to the large crowds who followed him from a distance, he gathered a small group of disciples who became very close even as they struggled to understand who Jesus truly was. While uncertain of his identity, one thing they did come to know about Jesus was that he seemed to need very little sleep; he frequently spent the night in prayer—listening and speaking to the Father. And those many prayerful hours energized him, focused his mission. Despite the regular and frequent challenges from the religious authorities, Jesus continued to speak of God as his Father, to heal the sick, to forgive sins, to welcome those rejected by “proper” Jewish society—whether Roman officials, lepers, or Samaritans—if they were open to receive him.
And now, after three years of ministry, Jesus senses that the time has drawn near “for him to be taken up.” It is time for him to go to Jerusalem—the very centre of Jewish religious authority and the regional centre of power of the Roman empire. There he will again offer the message of love and service that he has shared for the past three years. He will invite those inhabiting the sanctuaries and palaces of religious and secular power to become one with him–to share in his unity with God the Father. It is the same invitation that he has been offering to all who will listen to him ever since his Baptism. He knows, almost with certainty that they will reject him—that the prophecy that the Messiah will die because the world cannot accept this message will be fulfilled in him. But he is ready to go Even eager. He is in such complete union with God that there is not the slightest question—he is ready and willing to be taken up.
Our Sunday scripture texts show us several other examples of people responding to God’s call in their lives. The passage from Luke provides three. First, the inhabitants of the Samaritan village on Jesus’ route, when invited to welcome Jesus, are offended by the fact that he is travelling to Jerusalem and they reject him. Then, a man comes up and says, “I will follow you wherever you go.” Perhaps sensing that this fellow’s enthusiasm might have carried him away, Jesus invites him to consider the implications of following someone whose only security is in God’s love and not in material things like a house or a job. Then, when two others respond to Jesus’ invitation by proposing to first meet family obligations, Jesus challenges them not to procrastinate.
The story of Elijah and Elisha in the Book of Kings provides another dramatic account. Elisha is working hard, serving his father and mother plowing the fields. It seems that suddenly out of nowhere, Elijah appears and signals Elisha to follow him. Elisha must have recognized Elijah and what this call signified so he ran after the prophet to say that he needed to say goodbye to his parents. Perhaps he wanted to make sure that his dozen oxen were looked after as well. When Elijah makes it clear that the call cannot wait, Elisha takes drastic action—slaughtering the oxen and feeding his friends and neighbours with the meat. Then, having let go of his material obligations, Elisha becomes Elijah’s servant—a dramatic and unambiguous response to God’s call.
As I considered these accounts of how Jesus, Elisha and others responded to God’s call in their lives I was led to ponder the same matter in our current day. In last week’s reflection, Mark McCormick gave us a few examples of such responses. Beginning with his own first tentative response as a young man, then considering the response of Elizabeth Bruyere to the plight of starving Irish immigrants to Ottawa in 1847, and finally noting the ongoing 40-year work of our St. Joseph’s Refugee Outreach Committee, Mark showed us how some have responded as they tried to listen to God’s voice.
In his letter to the Galatians, Paul makes it clear that listening to God’s call to love is what it means to truly live. It is the desire to live in love, strengthened and refined in prayer—listening to God—that can unite all of us; Elijah, Elisha, John the Baptist, Elizabeth Bruyere, all of us here at St. Joe’s and so many others, as members of the Body of Christ. But in writing to the Galatians, Paul is also clear that the members of the church need one another to nourish, sustain and challenge each other as they try to follow the Spirit’s lead.
I know from many years of experience how true this is for me. By myself, it is easy to become confused, depressed and even frightened by the conflicting voices and signs that surround me. Where is God’s voice in all of this?
It is in the context of loving relationships that I begin to hear that voice more clearly. It is through people who draw my attention to the beauty of creation, and through those who create and share beautiful art, music, food and so much more that I am drawn into the beauty of the Creator. All of this helps to calm my mind and my spirit—allowing me to hear God’s gentle voice. And this in turn helps me to share myself and my gifts with those who God has brought into my life—to play my own small part in the great community of the Body of Christ.
On this 13th Sunday of Ordinary time, I invite all of us to continue seeking God’s call in our lives—perhaps not all night as Jesus did, but maybe for a few additional minutes each day. Then let us seek opportunities to support one another in hearing God’s voice. And finally, let us pray that we—both as individuals and as a community—may have the wisdom and the courage to act.”
John Rietschlin
June 26, 2022
Printable Bulletin
St Joe’s Supper Table Update
Volunteers are slowly returning to the kitchen, with some familiar and new faces. It is a joy to welcome them back, and to connect with new members of the community as well!
In recent weeks, we have completed a major cleanout of our storage and working spaces, and our food storage locations look sparkling clean! We will be making some minor adjustments to the dates and times of our two food bank services, but the feedback has been very positive!
Current operations
We are now serving two meals per weekday, offering a hot breakfast and supper service. This equals approximately 40 breakfasts and 50 suppers per day. We have noticed the demand increasing as the days grow warmer, and we continue to evaluate our service to ensure that we are meeting the community needs as best we can.
It is a testament to the generosity and patience of the parish and the Supper Table Community that this service has managed to thrive and flourish, despite trying circumstances. It continues to provide much needed meals and company to those in our community.
ROC: Extraordinary Action at St. Joe’s
Monday, June 20th was a very exciting day for St. Joseph’s Parish – it was the launch of a new book published by the University of Ottawa Press entitled Ordinary People, Extraordinary Actions: Refuge Through Activism at Ottawa’s St. Joe’s Parish. Standing and sitting on the sunny lawn of Tabaret Hall, with representatives of the University and partner NGOs, we celebrated the prophetic work of so many parishioners who have helped welcome newcomers to Canada for over 30 years. We’re grateful for your dedication, works of justice and mercy, St. Joe’s Refugee Outreach Committee! The University of Ottawa is donating the proceeds of the book to St. Joe’s.
St Joe’s Women’s Centre 2022 School Supply Drive
We are asking for donations of individual school supplies and/or school bags filled with supplies for students in either elementary or high school. We are requesting that the school supplies be dropped off no later than Friday August 12th, 2022.
For drop-offs at the Women’s Centre, our hours are from Monday to Friday, 9:30 am to 3:30 pm. You also have the option of leaving the school supplies at the front desk of the Parish Office.
School Supplies Needed:
- School Bags (Elementary & High School)
- Lunch Bags
- Pencil Cases
- Pencils
- Pens
- Pencil Crayons
- Erasers
- Rulers
- Glue Sticks
- Scissors
- Loose-Leaf Paper
- Notebooks
- 3-Ring Binders
- Highlighters
- Scientific Calculators
- Compass/Protractors
- French/English Dictionaries
- * Staples Gift Cards
Did you know?:
St. Joe’s Women’s Centre has a wonderful partnership with Staples! Each dollar donated (monetary or gift card) is approximately doubled!!
For more information please contact:
Jane Tenthorey, Program Coordinator,
St. Joe’s Women’s Centre.
613-231-6722 or
Thank you very much for all your support!
New Children’s Choir and a New Staff Member
St Joe’s is happy to announce the launch of a new children’s choir program! Starting September 2022, all children ages 6 to 15 are invited to join the choir. No experience necessary! Fun-filled rehearsals will take place weekly after the 9:30am mass, and the choir will sing during 9:30am mass one Sunday per month.
The choir will be directed by Andrea MacWilliams who completed her Bachelor of Music in Composition at the University of Ottawa in 2017. In addition to her participation in St. Joe’s Music Ministry since 2012, she has sought choral leadership opportunities with positions such as Assistant Conductor of the Ottawa Catholic School Board children’s choirs and Apprentice Conductor of the Capital Chamber Choir. She is delighted to join the staff at St. Joe’s as Associate Music Director, to launch the brand new Children’s Choir in September 2022, and to continue developing the Young Adult Music Ministry at the University Mass. Reach out to her at to ask questions or get involved.
Young families in our parish are hoping to get to know one another. Over the past 2 years many young families have not been able to attend in person events at St Joe’s for many reasons. People are talking about moving forward together and would like to meet other families. If you are interested in meeting other young families, please contact Kathleen Strader at and leave your name and contact information with her.
Parish Updates
Financial Stewardship
Offering for Sunday May 31, 2022: $4665
Library News
June 26, 2022 – Library books about the TRINITY include – Bourgeault, C. Holy Trinity and the love of three: discovering the radical truth at the heart of Christianity (BT111.3.B68 2013), Rohr, R. Divine dance: the Trinity and your transformation (BT109.R58 2016), Stirling A. ed., Trinity: an essential for faith in our times (BT111.2.T75 2002) & Moltmann, J. History and the triune God (BT111.2.M5813 1992).
Christian Meditation
Monday Christian Meditation Sessions have resumed in person at 9:30am in the Sacristy Library.
Wednesday Christian Meditation Sessions have resumed in person at 3pm in the Main Floor Meeting room. Please contact Chaplain Rick at 613-265-1652 for more information.
Friday Night Christion Meditation will return to the Oblate Lounge September 9, 2022. If you have any questions, please contact Beth Smith at
Community News
St Vincent de Paul: Catch the Ace Lottery is Back!
The Ottawa Central Council (OCC) of the Society of St- Vincent de Paul is pleased to announce the return of the Catch the Ace lottery. The first draw will take place on July 12 and every Tuesday after that until the Ace of Spades is drawn again. Tickets are $10 each, purchase online only, and they are good for the draw on the Tuesday after the purchase. This lottery supports the Anchor Housing project with which the Ottawa Central Council hopes to provide safe, secure, permanent housing for 4-6 Indigenous families. For details and to start playing, go to
Volunteers Needed — English Conversation Circle
The English Conversation Group enables participants to have a one on one conversation with a volunteer who speaks English fluently. The Group’s goal is to enable English language skills to be improved in a supportive , friendly and enjoyable way. We hold Zoom and in person sessions each Wednesday from 7pm to 8:30 pm. We welcome any parishioners who would like to be a volunteer or a participant.
For further info contact
Pastoral Volunteers wanted: Garry J. Armstrong Home, 200 Island Lodge Rd
The pandemic is slowing down, and our residents are looking forward to returning to some sense of normalcy. We are looking for Pastoral Volunteers that would be interested in visiting our Roman Catholic residents and enrich their spirituality.
Join our volunteer team here at Garry J. Armstrong Home and help make a difference in the lives of the residents! Orientation/training opportunities will be provided. Please contact Julien Roberge at 613 580 2424 ext. 22950 or for more information.
Front Office
If you have questions or require, 2021 Tax Receipts, 2022 Church Envelopes, or 2022 Missals, [please contact the Front Office at 613-233-4095 or
Mass intentions are available on Wed., Thur., and Fri. during Noon Mass for a $15.00 donation. Please notify the Front Desk, for arrangements. Thank you!
Mass Intentions:
Wed. June 29th, 2022: No Mass
Thur. June 30th, 2022: Cyril Winters & Huges Jean
Fri. July 1st, 2022: No Mass
Prayers for those who are ill: Colleen O’Meara
Prayers for those who have died: Maureen Pinsonneault, Huges Jean, Cyril Winters, Dan Handfield,
To add a name to the prayers for Sick or those who have died: Email Kathleen in the Front Office, We pray for those who are listed during the Prayers of the Faithful.