Third Sunday of Ordinary Time Liturgical Resources, Bulletin & Synod Update

In this weekend’s homily, Fr. Jim shares:

Jesus has come to free us from all that holds us back, and Jesus’ kingdom where all are meant to be free begins here. Whoever in Christ’s name works for the betterment of a sister or brother by helping them to see, or walk, or hear is to that degree advancing the Kingdom of God toward its ultimate fulfillment. This reminds us that the fundamental message of the Gospel is to set free the oppressed and the exploited in our own time and place. As we become more aware of the power and action of the divine spirit in our lives, may we reaffirm Christ’s mission statement in ways that allow this Scripture to be fulfilled in our hearing.

3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Homily
Liturgical Resources

3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time – January 23 2022 – Liturgy of the Word for use at home


READINGS FOR CHILDREN – 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time – 2022

3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time 2022 Prayers of the Faithful

Mission Prayer

Prayer for Christian Unity

Pope Francis – Apostolic Letter – Sunday of the Word of God

Vocation Reflection: ”Priest Prohet King” By Serena Shaw Vocation Team – Oblate Associate

Special Announcements – Synodal Process at St Joseph’s Update

Greetings and Welcome.

My name is Eleanor Rabnett and I, along with a team of parishioners will soon be inviting you to join us as we embark as a parish on the Synodal Journey of the Church; an “experience of walking together as Church.” It is a movement of “Communion, Participation and Mission.” In the coming weeks we will be setting up teams of Facilitators and animaters, scribes who will try to capture the essence of our shared journeys and team who will synthesize our experience and share it with our Archdiocese and the greater Church. In the coming days we will set up a page on our parish website that will contain links to resources that will be shared with all as well as an email address which will allow you to ask questions and register participation, etc. in this process.  I cannot say strongly enough how this is a process for all of us. Many, if not most of us are used to thinking of a synod as something which is only for the Bishops to take part in, but Pope Francis has been specific in his invitation to the whole Church, the people of God – you and I to engage in this process.

I have committed myself to sharing regular updates with all of you and will do this via our parish bulletin each week or as we progress, every couple of weeks. Until then I offer links to two videos which have been shared with us and which give us an excellent overview of the Synodal process within the Church, for the people of God.

The link for Prof. Cathy Clifford is: Prof. Cathy Clifford and the link for Fr. John Renken is: Fr. John Renken.

Professors John Renken & Cathy Clifford on Synodality – Zoom Sessions

Pope Francis has invited all of us throughout the world to share with him our experience of journeying together as Church and how that experience can be improved. To hear more about this and how you can participate, we have asked Fr. John Renken and Professor Cathy Clifford to tell us more. The dates and times of the presentations are the following: Friday, Jan. 28, at 2pm with Fr. John Renken and Feb. 2, at 7pm with Cathy Clifford. You can register for one or more of these sessions by clicking here. Find the Zoom link for the presentations here.

Parish Updates –

For Young Parishioners :

Introducing ‘Heroes for the Earth’, the Ottawa-Corrnwall Archdiocese is launching a platform by youth for youth (11 -16) to reflect, interact and act on matters related to Care for Creation. Zoom online, Tues., Jan. 25, 2022. Free. Info:

Refugee Outreach Committee:

Father Jim and Chris Adam met with the Refugee Outreach Committee Leadership Team before Christmas to sign a Contract for a Shared Refugee Sponsorship with the Anglican Archdiocese. This is a significant step in paving the way for a family of three and a family of six to join two families from the Middle East whom ROC welcomed in 2017 and 2019. In addition to completing the lengthy sponsorship applications, we have collaborated with the Catholic Center for Immigrants Volunteer program to explore roles for ROC with recently arrived government assisted refugees from Afghanistan and other countries. Parishioners are invited to check the CCI website to learn about their volunteer opportunities, many of which are provided virtually. ROC members continue virtual or in-person check-ins, advocacy and accompaniments to advance the integration of individuals and families who have Permanent Resident Status or are awaiting their confirmation.

January 28-30, 2022 – COST: $100

Living Between Worlds with Father Jim Clarke

We live in strange and exciting times. What should we do in the face of such chaos and confusion? How can we foster a personal and community resilience in the midst of a culture of contempt, the frenzy of social media, and a continual restlessness of spirit? This retreat is an opportunity to wrestle with these prodding questions that have invaded our consciousness. We will explore some skills that can assist us in this necessary work.

Fr. Jim Clarke has an extensive background in the fields of spirituality, adult education, counseling, ritual and depth psychology. He currently serves as Coordinator of Spiritual Formation for the Permanent Diaconate Office for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles and Senior Lecturer of Spiritual Theology at Loyola Marymount University.  He is also an Associate Spiritual Director at the Cardinal Manning House of Prayer for Priests.

Fr. Jim’s books and CD series serve to enhance his continuing public ministry of retreats, workshops, and conferences throughout the United States and Canada. His newest book is: Here Comes Life! A Guide to Wholeness and Happiness.

2022 Church Envelopes

If you have not yet picked up your box of 2022 church donations envelopes, you can do so in the following ways:

  • Monday to Friday, 8 am to 4 pm in the front office (please call ahead: 613-233-4095, ext. 251)
  • At weekend liturgies by calling the front office in advance from Monday to Friday between 8 am and 4 pm and requesting to collect your box at one of the Masses.

If you do not have your box this weekend and would like to make an offering at Mass, please use one of the envelopes in the pews and mark your name on it. We will add your contribution to your account.

Financial Stewardship

Recent Sunday Offerings:

Sunday, January 9th, 2021: $4,800

Sunday, January 16th , 2021: $4,140

Christian Meditation

Due to the ongoing COVID restrictions, ALL Christian Meditation sessions have been cancelled until February 4, 2022. Please check the bulletin for further updates.  Meditation sessions are available online through zoom.  If interested, please contact Beth at

Front Office News

2022 Missals are available for purchase, $5 cash, or cheque. Please contact the Front Office if you would like to purchase one: 613-233-4095 or

Prayers for those who are sick:  Paul Chamberlain, Jane McGarry

Prayers for those who have died: Christine Crawford, Dianne Dussault, Carole Ringuette

Please contact Kathleen in the Front office ( for bulletin submissions or to add a name to the prayers for the sick & deceased.


One thought on “Third Sunday of Ordinary Time Liturgical Resources, Bulletin & Synod Update”

  1. Chris, I would like to congratulate the team that decorated the church so beautifully at Christmas. An outstanding job. As well congratulations to the magnificent work of the choir. To all involved many thanks.
    Judy Wyspianski

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