Sunday Bulletin for February 12, 2017 + Parish Newsletter

Sunday bulletin for February 12, 2017

Parish Newsletter – Feb. 12, 2017


Over the past four months, the Parish Pastoral Council has been reflecting on the feedback that you gave in September regarding some of the needs and wants you see in the parish. A social group has been formed to help us come together as a parish community in a social setting to continue to grow as a community. At the last meeting, of the PPC, the idea of resurrecting the parish newsletter (previously called SPIRIT) was raised, and we are launching a sample newsletter (attached) to get a reading on the possibility of publishing on an ongoing basis. If the response is positive, and people tell us there is a need for such a publication, then we will be seeking assistance in keeping it published. Please take the time to read through the input questions on the back page and give us your feedback. You can leave a paper copy of your response at the Welcome Desk or email it. Either way, we need your feedback to make a decision about the future.

Thank you again for your feedback in September, and know that your ideas and suggestions continue to be part of our reflection and discussions at Parish Pastoral Council Meetings.

Thank you!

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