Second Sunday of Easter Homily and Bulletin

Homily for the Saturday 5:00 p.m. Mass on the Second Sunday of Easter

Fr. Jim is offering the homily at Saturday 5:00 p.m. Mass only this weekend. In it, he shares: “Jesus’ resurrection isn’t something that happened just once to someone else, giving credibility to his teachings and lifestyle. If we are imitators of Jesus, it affects the very core of our own lives.” To view the video, click here:


Printable Bulletin: 2nd Sunday of Easter Bulletin


Welcoming Kateri Native Ministry to 10:30 a.m. Mass on Sunday, April 24th

This Sunday there will be a single Mass celebrated at 10:30 a.m., and we are looking forward to welcoming Kateri Native Ministry. Kateri will provide the music and lectors for our celebration; the homily will be offered by Fr. Peter Bisson, SJ. Following Mass, we invite you to join us for refreshments in the entrance area of the church.  In addition to our regular Sunday collection, which can be placed in the collection desk near the entrance, we will take up a special collection for Kateri Native Ministry. You will find special offering envelopes in the church. While we will continue to celebrate our regular Saturday evening Mass at 5:00 p.m., with a homily by Fr. Jim, please note that Sunday’s 10:30 a.m. Kateri Mass replaces both the 9:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. liturgies this weekend.

Update on the Reconciliation Discussion Series

Our Reconciliation Discussion Series meets for the fifth time on April 25th, at 7pm (via zoom). We are pleased to welcome Fr Daryold Winkler as our guest speaker, who will share with us his experience as a member of the Ojibway First Nation and catholic priest.  All are welcome. If you have not previously registered for the series, please do so via the link below by 5pm on April 25th.

For any questions or comments, please contact or 613 233 4095 ext.: 235.


Update on the Synodal Process of the People of God

Apr 24, 2022

Thank You

This past week we began the next stage of St. Joe’s Parish Synodal Journey as we began to map out everything that you have shared with us in the past month and a half. We are not yet done, but what a beautiful picture your sharings are painting.  You have shared your struggles, your sorrows, your gifts and your joys and your dreams. And we are so grateful.

Over the next two weeks we will continue to capture everything and roll it up into a readable summary to submit to the Archdiocese and then a bit later to Rome.

And that is not the end of it.  We will return in the fall and set up a way of sharing with all of you, what we captured and begin to work on possible ways to move forward with some of your suggestions and dreams.

So please keep all of in your prayers and know that you are in ours.

your Synodal Journey Team

Eleanor Rabnett


Centre Oblat’s and St. Joseph’s Joe Gunn is one of the panelists. To Register:  

Earth Day 2022

Earth Day was this Friday, April 22.  There are still a few opportunities to mark this annual day of reflection about the Earth, our common home:

  • Give it up for the Earth! – Citizens for Public Justice invites you to join them in calling on Environment and Climate Change Minister, Steven Guilbeault, to follow-through on Canada’s existing climate action commitments and legislate a just transition that centres Indigenous rights; promotes fairness and inclusion; and creates good, secure, green jobs. Sign the letter here
  • Show your love! – Go outside and into Creation with a friend or family member. Take a picture of yourselves together. Post your picture to social media using the tags: #EarthDay2022 and #ForTheLoveofCreation. For the Love of Creation will gather the photos into an album and share the message that “the path to climate justice starts with the places we love & sharing them with others.” (You can also use this as the caption for your photo!) Don’t forget to tag St. Joe’s at @stjosephlaurier
  • Pray – Although not an Earth Day prayer per se, the following prayer from the Development and Peace 2015 campaign Create a climate of change is very appropriate –

Psalm of Humanity for Creation

O Divine Love, O Infinite Beauty, Creator God,
how breathtaking is Your creation.

From the grains of sand beneath our feet
to the vast starry night sky,
as we contemplate Your infinite revelation,
how can our hearts not be transformed?

Humanity’s pillage and over-consumption is hurting
Your exquisite creation.
Hasten our steps along the journey to healing;
“take us to the heart of what it is to be human.”

Turn our eyes to those already open to Your voice,
already inspired by Your Gracious Spirit to
walk with the poor and live more simply.

We praise You and thank You for Your forgiving Mercy;
for strengthening our spirits to do Your will.

May the love for our common home grow
so that Your creation will flourish,
so that as one human family,
we have renewed hope with the dawn of each new day.

Praise to You, O Divine Love, O Infinite Beauty, Creator God.

English Conversation Circles Volunteer Update

The English Conversation Group enables participants to have a one on one conversation with a volunteer who speaks English fluently. The Group’s goal is to enable English language skills to be improved in a supportive , friendly and enjoyable way. We hold Zoom and in person sessions each Wednesday from 7pm to 8:30 pm. We welcome any parishioners who would like to be a volunteer or a participant. For further info contact

Galilee Centre – Open House

Sunday, May 1 9:00 AM-1:00 PM, 398 John Street North, Arnprior
9 am – Eucharist
10 am – Garden Clean Up and Open House
12 pm – BBQ Lunch $5

Tours of the historic building and grounds, learn about Galilee’s programs, hosting options, library, and Friends of Galilee volunteer program. Visit for more information.

Parish Updates

St Joe’s History Video series
Memories of St. Joe’s with the Hon. Douglas Roche, O.C.

The Hon. Douglas Roche, O.C., a former Member of Parliament, senator, and a prolific author, shares his memories of St. Joseph’s Parish in Ottawa:

Rod Bourgeois Funeral

The funeral for Rod Bourgeois, a parishioner since 1980, will be held on Saturday May 7 at 2 PM. Although Rod passed on last year, the funeral service was delayed due to Covid. A proud Acadian, Rod was known for his dry wit, patience and generosity. For many years he volunteered at the Supper Table with Jean and faithfully collected offerings at the 11:30 Mass. The family requests that those attending please wear a mask. Thank you.

Financial Stewardship

Offering for Sunday April 17, 2022: $8,020

Library News
April 24, 2022 – Library titles about the HOLY SPIRIT include – Haase, A. Enkindled: Holy Spirit, holy gifts (BT121.2.H242 2001), Pacwa, M. Holy Spirit: a Bible study guide for Catholics (BT121.3.P23 2006) & Vost, K. Seven gifts of the Holy Spirit (BT767.3.V67 2016).

Supporting Ukraine

Catholic Near East Welfare Association:

Development and Peace:

Red Cross:

Lacombe MAMI:

Community News

A survey on poverty

We are inviting you to participate in the Localizing Canada’s Commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals survey to share your perspectives and knowledge of poverty in your community. What does ending poverty mean to you? What would that feel and look like in your community? The survey results will contribute to a greater understanding of public knowledge of the Sustainable Development Goals and poverty and will also be used to inform the Localizing Canada’s Commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals project’s approach to engaging communities in a series of community conversations.  By participating in the survey, you have the chance of winning 1 of 3 $50 Gift Cards.  To take the survey, visit this link:

Thank you: HANNAH BARRIE (Family Services Toronto)

Christian Meditation

Monday Christian Meditation Sessions have resumed in person at 9:30am in the Sacristy Library.

Wednesday Christian Meditation Sessions have resumed in person at 3pm in the Main Floor Meeting room. Please contact Chaplain Rick at 613-265-1652 for more information.

Friday Christian Meditation Sessions have resumed in person at 7pm in the Oblate Lounge. Please contact Beth at for more information.

The Canadian Christian Meditation Community 2022 National Conference is taking place the 10th & 11th June 2022 at Saint Paul University, 110 Hazel Street, Ottawa. For mor information and Registration: National Conference Registration

Front Office

If you have questions or require, 2021 Tax Receipts, 2022 Church Envelopes, or 2022 Missals, [please contact the Front Office at 613-233-4095 or

Prayers for those who are sick: Henri VanZandvoort,   Bēatē Bernhardt, Marie Budden, Loretta Doherty, David Friday, Ethel Garrett, Catherine McDaid, Don O’Shaughnessy

Prayers for those who have died: Louis Gascon, Dan Leeman, Lucille Muldoon, Donna Andrew, Kwesi Baffoe, Pat Barr, Paul Chamberlain, Christine Crawford, Gail Ford, Sister Patricia McCarney CND, Nina McCullough

Mass Intentions
Wed. April 27th, 2022: Janet Jeffs & Sylvian Champagne
Thur. April 28th, 2022: Louis Gascon
Fri. April 29th, 2022: Paul Chamberlain


Please contact Kathleen in the Front office ( for questions, bulletin submissions or to add a name to the prayers for the sick & deceased.


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