Registration for Announced Noon Masses for January 6-8, 2021

Fr. Jim will be celebrating noon Mass during the period of the Provincial lockdown each Wednesday, Thursday and Friday in the church. The announced Masses for this week are for:

  • January 6, 2021: Rita Spencer (Requested by Nancy Keyes)
  • January 7, 2021: Eldon Miller (Requested by Dan Miller)
  • January 8, 2021: Michael Healy (Requested by Helen Zettel)

Provincial guidelines allow for religious services with no more than 10 people present, including the celebrant. We have created registration forms below for each of the weekday Masses this week. If more than one member of your household plans to attend, please make sure to register each member separately. The forms will become inaccessible once we reach 9 registrations for any of these Masses. We also invite you to register for one Mass per week only, in order to allow for more parishioners to attend a Noon Mass during this period.

Registration for January 6, 2021 Noon

Registration for January 7, 2021 Noon

Registration for January 8, 2021 Noon

Registration forms for Noon Masses in upcoming weeks of this lockdown will be published on our website as part of the weekly Parish Update, each Friday.

Thank you for your cooperation as we navigate this period of uncertainty.


Christopher Adam

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