Raphael Amato offers the reflection for the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity, sharing:
“I believe that we need to respond to Jesus’ call in humility; to let go the notion of holding the “truth” but rather discover the truth as we enter into relationship with each other. That in fact, both need conversion; those announcing the gospel and those who receive the gospel. We move away from seeing our faith as the need to dominate and move to embrace the true power of love; we are able to be honest and see the tensions and contradictions that arise we review how we lived out our call to this mission.”
You are invited to view Raphael’s full reflection below, to read the text here ( Raphael-Amato-Reflection-May30 ) or to hear it during our Sunday Liturgy of the Word service.
All are invited to attend our Sunday Liturgy of the Word via Zoom on May 30, 2021 at 10:30 a.m. Please register here. Beginning this weekend, families and teachers who participated in the Children’s Liturgy of the Word will be joining us for the 10:30 a.m. service. All are welcome to attend!
Liturgical Resources
- Most Holy Trinity – May 30 2021 – Liturgy of the Word for use at home
- READINGS FOR CHILDREN – Most Holy Trinity – 2021
- Most Holy Trinity – 2021 – Prayers of the Faithful
- Mission Prayer
Parish Update
Registration for Weekday Masses
Weekday Masses are celebrated every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at noon. We are adding a Tuesday noon Mass to accommodate more people. The maximum capacity according to current provincial restrictions is 10 people, including the presider. Online Registration is required. Please access the registration page here.
Upcoming Annual General Meeting
Our Parish AGM is scheduled for Sunday, June 13, 2021 at 1:30 p.m. via Zoom. Please mark your calendars. The written annual report, along with the Zoom link, will be circulated next weekend.
A Call for Eucharistic Ministers
Eucharistic Ministers for the 9:30 am Mass are needed. If you are planning to return to in-person weekend liturgies after this current lockdown ends and would be interested in training as a Eucharistic Minister for the 9:30 am Mass, please contact Angela McCanny: angela.mccanny6@gmail.com
News from the Care for Creation Office
For a number of years, the Archdiocese has had a Care for Creation office signifying the importance of Laudato Si’. As we focus on being a missionary Church and unpack what this means to our parishes, we will also look at Laudato Si’ and see how it fits. The Archdiocese has been fortunate to have Dr. John Dorner coordinating the Caring for Creation office’s efforts. Through John’s networking and support, we know of various encouraging initiatives in parishes such as Laudato Si’ Action Groups. Some serve to increase awareness and understanding. Others focus on concrete action. Unfortunately, his work has been interrupted by medical concerns. Please keep John in your prayers. Mireille Church has agreed to fill in during his absence. For those who do not yet know Mireille, she has a deep love for the Church, her family and for nature and will be reaching out soon to parish communities.
New Paths for the Church and Integral Ecology: How Will the North American Church Respond to the Synod on the Amazon?
The Centre Oblate invites you to attend a presentation following up on the Synod for the Amazon on June 15, 2021at 8:30 p.m. EST (6:30 pm. Sask time). Please see the poster below for details. (You can click on the poster to enlarge the text.)
Sunday Offerings for May 23, 2021: $5,002.
Thank you for your generosity. We are grateful for your support during the pandemic, especially as our expenses continue. If you would like to continue giving in this period, you can mail in your offering envelopes/cheques to the parish front office, donate through Canada Helps or call us at 613-233-4095, ext. 251 to donate through credit card.
Vocation Reflection: “Sent Out on Mission”
By Richard Beaudette OMI – Vocation Team
“Jesus then sends the disciples out to make disciples, to teach what he had taught them. The mission is handed on to the group of disciples – the church. It is a shared mission, and each individual could count on the care and support of the others in fulfilling the mission. Again, community is the key to living out the mission entrusted to the disciples.”
Read the reflection here (published on Friday May 28).
Lectio Divina over Zoom each Sunday at 1:30 p.m.
Lectio Divina is a reflective exercise centered around the reading of scripture. We will be meeting virtually over Zoom to reflect on the Sunday’s Gospel and share with each other our insights and what the scriptures are calling us to look at in our lives and where they are leading us. Please join us by using the following link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/2906781332?pwd=VWUvMUtXVlFzUjlSME9velZHRWcrZz09
Friday evening meditation continues
During this latest lockdown join us each Friday evening at 7PM on Zoom. Use this link.