In the Homily for Palm Sunday, Fr Jim Bleackley reflects:
It is Luke’s version of the crucifixion and death that gives us Jesus’ remarkable expression of forgiveness as he hangs on the cross: “Father, forgive them; they know not what they do.” For all of us who are challenged by this radical modeling of love of enemies, it is helpful to note that Jesus’ statement is a prayer. Whatever may have been Jesus’ interior readiness to forgive, the fact that it is expressed as a prayer of petition gives a helpful option to followers of Jesus who find forgiveness of unrepentant adversaries next to impossible. What may not come spontaneously from the human heart can be requested in prayer.
Palm Sunday Bulletin PDF: Palm Sunday Bulletin
Liturgical Resources
Vocation Reflection: The silence of death
By Jarek Pachocki, OMI, OMI Lacombe Canada – Vocation Director
Easter Lily Donations
Give an Easter Lily in honour of, or in memory of, a loved one. Parishioners are invited to bring Lilies to help decorate the church for Easter. Donate in in memory of someone who has died. The list of names of those being honoured or remembered will be published in our Easter bulletin on the weekend of April 16 & 17. Please drop off flowers (or monetary donations) at the Front Office. Be sure to include: “In honour of …” or “In memory of…” with flowers. Thank you!
Handel’s Messiah: The Easter Story
On Sunday, April 10, 2022 (3:00pm) the Ottawa Regional Youth Choir will perform the second and third parts of Handel’s Messiah with a chamber orchestra here at St. Joe’s. The second part tells the story of Christ’s passion and resurrection, ending with the famous Hallelujah chorus. The third part tells of Paul spreading the word of the resurrection of the dead, and the glorification of Christ in heaven.
Admission by donation:
Update on the Synodal Process of the People of God
The first half of St. Joe’s Synodal Journey Process is ending and after Easter we will move into the 2nd half which is to gather together the essence that you have shared.
My heart is full as I look back on the past month and a half during which we came together in small groups using Zoom to experience a process of praying, discerning, sharing and listening to our experiences of living our faith at St. Joe’s and as part of the larger Church.
In that time, we planned and met with 20 groups in all for a total of more than 50 parishioners and a volunteer force of 12+ (who met with multiple groups and sessions).
After Easter we will come together, to try to capture the essence of all that has been shared with us and prepare to send that to Archdiocese as well as to the Synod office in Rome.
And then we will rest…
In the fall we will start to gather with the parish so that we can share the gifts that were shared with us, and hopefully look at how we might move forward as a parish to try and realise the dreams that were captured. We ask you to keep us in your prayers are our work continues.
For those of you who were not able to join us via zoom, we invite you to share your thoughts and your experiences of life and God at St. Joe’s Parish by going to the Diocesan website to use their online form using the following link:
Your participation in this process has been a gift of life and joy and we thank you for sharing that with all of us.
Let me take this opportunity to wish all of you a grace-filled Triduum and a very Happy Easter.
Eleanor Rabnett
Kateri Native Ministry Mass at St. Joe’s
On the weekend of Apr 23/24 we will have the 5pm Saturday Mass and only one Sunday Mass at 10:30am. The Kateri Native Ministry of Ottawa will be leading our 10:30am Sunday Mass on Apr 24th. After Mass there will be beverages and refreshments available. All are welcome.
Update on the Reconciliation Discussion Series
This Monday, April 11th, our Reconciliation Discussion Series will gather once again, by zoom. We are delighted to welcome Fr Peter Bisson as our guest speaker. Fr Peter will share some stories and insights regarding his personal and community experiences of Indigenous Reconciliation. It will be a wonderful opportunity for us to reflect on our own experiences, as well as our hopes for future possibilities.
For those who have not been part of the series, you are welcome to register at the following link by 5pm Monday, April 11th.
Refugee Outreach Committee UPDATE
Margie Cain, who many of you will know through the Supper Table, Food Bank and the ROC, is returning to PEI at the end of the month.
Margie has been an outstanding volunteer within the St Joes community. She has been on the ROC leadership team for the last 4 years and her departure leaves a big hole. We will miss her compassion, energy and laugher. We send Ron and Margie on their way with our thanks and love.
Supporting Ukraine
T-Shirts in support of the Canadian Red Cross Ukrainian Humanitarian Crisis Appeal
Parishioner Michelle Hess, in collaboration with the Canadian Red Cross, has designed a unique t-shirt as a fundraiser to support the people of Ukraine in this time of war. T-shirts featuring Michelle’s art are available for $25.00 in benefit of the Canadian Red Cross Ukrainian Humanitarian Crisis Appeal. If interested, please contact the Parish Front Office: 613-233-4095, ext. 251. Please include your size (S, M, L, XL). The front office will be taking orders until Easter weekend.
Thank you!
Catholic Near East Welfare Association:
Development and Peace:
Red Cross:
Lacombe MAMI:
Thank you for giving from the heart to Share Lent 2022!
Development and Peace – Caritas Canada thanks you for supporting the People and Planet First campaign with your Share Lent donation. Thanks to your generosity, you are helping to support our sisters and brothers in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East.
If you have not had a chance to donate, there is still time to place your Share Lent envelope in the offering desk or to donate online at
And a big thank you for participating at home or in person in our Share Lent activities in the parish and for continuing to pray for all those who are working to build a world of peace and justice.
D&P Ontario Youth Retreat
Are you a young adult (18-35 years old) interested in social justice, faith in action, Our Common Home, and taking local and global action for ecological justice? If so, this retreat hosted by Development and Peace is for you! We will be gathering at the Anishinaabe Spiritual Centre in Espanola – a beautiful lakeside retreat that will help us centre ourselves in creation. Join us for the weekend of May 6th to 8th! A small group of young adults will gather for the weekend. Our goals for the weekend include building a network of young adults within Ontario, developing leadership skills, and revitalizing the youth movement after a few tough years!. Over the weekend, we will have time for individual and group prayer and reflection, time in nature (on the trails and on the lake!), group games and projects related to faith in action, workshops on local and global justice, and much more!
Here is the link to the application form for the retreat!
Happy Easter to you and your family from St. Joe’s Supper Table! We hope everyone is doing well. As the warm weather slowly begins to arrive, we have begun to see more faces at the window. On average, we have been serving around 80-100 meals over our breakfast and dinner service. St. Joe’s Supper Table is need of ground coffee, snack items, baking supplies, sugar and oil. If you are unsure as to what to donate, but would like to partake in donating, money is always an acceptable and appreciated donation.
St Joseph’s Women Centre Update
In March, we increased the number of women in at a time from 10 to 15. The staff and women continue to wear a mask until Ottawa Public guidelines change.
On March 8th, we celebrated International Women’s Day with our partners the Well- La Source in the Parish Hall. 75 women joined us from 10am to 2pm. The staff served a box lunch, and the women had a chance to win a raffle prize.
The staff have implemented a new program: haircuts once a week, the stylist is in from 10am until 2pm. She is very busy and enjoying getting to know the women. The staff met to look at summer outings including a day at Waupoos Family Farm, bowling, bingo, and art in the park.
St. Joe’s Women’s Centre Steering Committee update. The committee and I are working on the Strategic Plan which includes Program Evaluation, Outcome Measure, Staff performance Process, Staff Development and Terms of Reference.
Thank you for all our support and prayers
Where there is a sense of
belonging and self- respect, there is hope
Canadian Christian Meditation Community 2022 National Conference
The Canadian Christian Meditation Community 2022 National Conference with Dom Laurence Freeman, OSB, is taking place the 10th & 11th June 2022 at Saint Paul University, 110 Hazel Street, Ottawa. For more information and Registration: National Conference Registration.
Parish Updates
Financial Stewardship
Offering for Sunday April 3, 2022: $6,397
Triduum Schedule:
Holy Thursday: Mass of the Lord’s Supper
April 14, 2022 — 7:30pm
Good Friday: Celebration of the Passion of the Lord
April 15, 2022 — 3:00pm
Easter Vigil: Resurrection of the Lord
April 16, 2022 — 8:00pm
Easter Sunday: Resurrection of the Lord
April 17, 2022 — 9:30am & 11:30am
Library News
April 7, 2022 – Recent titles added to the Library include – Kirvan, J. Raw Faith (BL625.2.K57) 2000, Perrault, L. Theology of the body for every body (BX1795.B63 P47) 2012, Martin, J. Jesus, a pilgrim age (BT301.3.M35 2014).
Christian Meditation
Monday Christian Meditation Sessions have resumed in person at 9:30am in the Sacristy Library.
Wednesday Christian Meditation Sessions have resumed in person at 3pm in the Main Floor Meeting room. Please contact Chaplain Rick at 613-265-1652 for more information.
Friday Christian Meditation Sessions have resumed in person at 7pm in the Oblate Lounge. Please contact Beth at for more information.
Front Office
If you have questions or require, 2021 Tax Receipts, 2022 Church Envelopes, or 2022 Missals, [please contact the Front Office at 613-233-4095 or
Prayers for those who are sick: Bēatē Bernhardt, Marie Budden, Loretta Doherty, David Friday, Ethel Garrett, Catherine McDaid, Don O’Shaughnessy
Prayers for those who have died: Donna Andrew, Kwesi Baffoe, Pat Barr, Paul Chamberlain, Christine Crawford, Gail Ford, Sister Patricia McCarney CND, Nina McCullough
Mass Intentions
April 13th, 2022:
April 14th, 2022: No Mass
April 15th, 2022: No Mass
Please contact Kathleen in the Front office ( for questions, bulletin submissions or to add a name to the prayers for the sick & deceased.