Printable Bulletin
Invitation to St Joe’s 2022 Annual General Meeting
St Joe’s 2022 Annual General Meeting – June 15th at 7pm
St Joe’s Annual General Meeting will be in the Parish Hall. Please plan to attend. We will review last years minutes, our annual report, the financial report and appoint the auditor for the upcoming year. We will discuss possibilities for next year and appoint PPC members for 22-23. Please rsvp to Kathleen Strader by Monday, June 13th.
Donna Rietschlin
Parish Pastoral Council Chair
We’re pleased to share with you the Parish’s Annual Report, as well as other resources for the upcoming AGM. Please find all AGM resources here.
New Children’s Choir and a New Staff Member
St Joe’s is happy to announce the launch of a new children’s choir program! Starting September 2022, all children ages 6 to 15 are invited to join the choir. No experience necessary! Fun-filled rehearsals will take place weekly after the 9:30am mass, and the choir will perform during 9:30am mass one Sunday per month.
The choir will be directed by Andrea MacWilliams who completed her Bachelor of Music in Composition at the University of Ottawa in 2017. In addition to her participation in St. Joe’s Music Ministry since 2012, she has sought choral leadership opportunities with positions such as Assistant Conductor of the Ottawa Catholic School Board children’s choirs and Apprentice Conductor of the Capital Chamber Choir. She is delighted to join the staff at St. Joe’s as Associate Music Director, to launch the brand new Children’s Choir in September 2022, and to continue developing the Young Adult Music Ministry at the University Mass. Reach out to her at to ask questions or get involved.
World Refugee Day 2022 Annual Special Collection for the St Joe’s Refugee Outreach Committee (ROC) during the June 18th and 19th weekend liturgies.
Everyone has the right to seek safety- whoever they are, wherever they come from, and whenever they are forced to flee.” All are encouraged to read and reflect on the single page article at UNHCR – World Refugee Day 2022 – Messaging.
We are grateful to parishioners for last year’s collection which raised $4,470 and allowed the ROC to provide a large range of services, from dental care to translation fees, to help those in refugee situations, settle and integrate into Ottawa life.
The proceeds from this year’s collection will allow the ROC to continue to assist individuals and families in various circumstances and contribute to the costs associated with sponsorships. Presently we are working on sponsorships for a mother of senior age and her adult daughter who have lived for several years as refugees in the Middle East. The ROC has raised $12,000.00, towards the total sponsorship cost of $33,000, which will cover start-up costs and monthly living expenses for the first year of settlement. With your help we can raise the remaining $21,000 by the end of July.
Special Envelopes will be available at the liturgies and financial support is also gratefully accepted through the following link: or by contacting
Parishioners are also invited to the June 20th afternoon book launch of Ordinary People, Extraordinary Actions: Refuge through Activism at Ottawa’s St. Joe’s Parish.
Thank you, to the St Joe’s community for ongoing spiritual solidarity and financial generosity. To learn more about volunteer opportunities with the Refugee Outreach Committee, please e-mail ROC Ministry Contact Dona Bowers at
Refugee Outreach Commeitte: Official Book Launch Invitation for Ordinary People Extraordinary Actions
On World Refugee Day (June 20, 2022), come celebrate 30+ years of refugee settlement with St. Joseph’s Parish and their Refugee Outreach Committee (ROC).
Location: Outdoors on the Tabaret Lawn (555 Cumberland Street, Ottawa)
Time: 2-4pm
St. Joseph’s Refugee Outreach Committee (the ROC) is one of Ottawa’s longest-serving, volunteer-run refugee outreach groups. Since 1990, this group of dedicated volunteers has helped to welcome and support hundreds of newcomers and refugees in the city.
This event will honour the ROC’s impressive 30+ years of history, and prompt a larger conversation about how we can all get involved in welcoming refugees in pressing and meaningful ways today. It will also mark the launch of the book Ordinary People, Extraordinary Actions, which relates stories about how “ordinary people” in Ottawa, and particularly at St. Joseph’s Parish, have taken small and big steps to welcome people seeking refuge into their communities (see publishing details).
Formalities will run from approximately 2:30-3:15pm. This event will include brief remarks from:
- Jim Watson, Mayor of Ottawa
- Jacques Frémont, President of the University of Ottawa
- Louisa Taylor, Director of Refugee613
- Past and current members of the ROC
- Past newcomers with a connection to the ROC
- The authors of the book Ordinary People, Extraordinary Actions: Refuge Through Activism at Ottawa’s St. Joe’s Parish
All are invited! Come learn about Ottawa’s rich refugee history and about how to get involved.
For any questions concerning this event, please email
Young families in our parish are hoping to get to know one another. Over the past 2 years many young families have not been able to attend in person events at St Joe’s for many reasons. People are talking about moving forward together and would like to meet other families. If you are interested in meeting other young families, please contact Kathleen Strader at and leave your name and contact information with her.
Friday Evening Meditation
The Last two sessions before the summer break will be held on the 17th and 24th of June returning September 9.
If you have any question, please contact Beth Smith at
Parish Updates
Financial Stewardship
Offering for Sunday May 31, 2022: $
Library News — June 5, 2022 – Library books on MEDITATION – Nouwen, H. Out of solitude: three meditations on the Christian life (BX2182.2.N67 1974), Rahner, K. Prayers and meditations: an anthology (BX2350.2.R34213 1980) & Rohr, R. Yes? and? … daily meditations (BV4832.3.R64 2013).
Christian Meditation
Monday Christian Meditation Sessions have resumed in person at 9:30am in the Sacristy Library.
Wednesday Christian Meditation Sessions have resumed in person at 3pm in the Main Floor Meeting room. Please contact Chaplain Rick at 613-265-1652 for more information.
Friday Christian Meditation Sessions have resumed in person at 7pm in the Oblate Lounge. Please contact Beth at for more information.
Community News
Bytown 1847
Bytown 1847 Élisabeth Bruyère and the Irish Famine Refugees.
By Michael McBane
The 175 anniversary of the story of refugees, a typhus pandemic and a young community of Catholic women, who rose to the occasion when others could or would not. Élisabeth Bruyère and her companions demonstrated faith in action. Proceeds from the sale of this book will be donated to the Bruyère Foundation to support the work of Bruyere Continuing Care.
The book will be available after Mass on June 11 and 12, 2022 or from the author at
Front Office
If you have questions or require, 2021 Tax Receipts, 2022 Church Envelopes, or 2022 Missals, [please contact the Front Office at 613-233-4095 or
Mass intentions are available on Wed., Thur., and Fri. during Noon Mass for a $15.00 donation. Please notify the Front Desk, for arrangements. Thank you!
Wed. June 15th, 2022: available
Thur. June 16th, 2022: available
Fri. June 17th, 2022: available
To add a name to the prayers for Sick or those who have died: Email Kathleen in the Front Office, We pray for those who are listed during the Prayers of the Faithful.
Prayers for those who are ill:
Prayers for those who have died: Huges Jean, Cyril Winters, Dan Handfield, Dr Kwesi Baffoe,
Please contact Kathleen in the Front office ( for questions, bulletin submissions or to add a name to the prayers for the sick & deceased.