Young Adult Ministry

St. Joseph’s has specific programming for young adults (all those in their late teens (post HS), twenties, and thirties), including university and graduate students.

We welcome those who are new to Ottawa, whether you have recently moved or are attending university.  Feel free to join us, and make St. Joseph’s your “faith home away from home.”

Interested in getting involved? Curious about what is going on at the parish for Young Adults? Feel free to reach out to our Young Adult Ministry & Faith Formation Coordinator Paul Dansereau at: or 613-233-4095 x 235





          University Students and Young Adults are welcome to attend the Sunday Evening 7:00 PM Mass. Join us for  a brief gathering after each mass for a snack and fellowship . University Mass stops for a few weeks over the Christmas break so be sure to stay tuned for updates.





Paul Dansereau
Coordinator of Faith Formation and Young Adult Ministry
St. Joseph’s Catholic Church
151 Laurier Ave. E.
Ottawa ON K1N6N8
613-233-4095 x 235



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