Refugee Outreach Committee
The Refugee Outreach Committee (ROC) welcomes newcomers who are fleeing hardship and persecution and assists them in their transition to an unfamiliar country and culture. We extend friendship and support through settlement and hosting plans and actions; sponsorship and co-sponsorship; advocacy for refugee rights and raising awareness of refugee issues; collaborations with partners; and ad hoc responses to situations.
The committee generally consists of 10-12 members who participate regularly and actively to assume various roles and responsibilities.
In 2018, we established a Settlement Support Team to respond to the unique settlement needs of refugee claimants by providing hands on direct support under the guidance of the Leadership team i.e. helping with English as a Second Language, familiarizing with public transportation, navigating the school system, accompaniment to and help with accessing Government Services, moving and setting up a household, etc.
Involvement in the ROC requires openness, generosity, enthusiasm, respect for confidentiality, and an ability to be flexible when situations are unpredictable and challenging. Long-term committee members are ready to share their experience and to be part of a team effort.
“I believe in God’s immense compassion, and my involvement in the work of the ROC is a way to acknowledge that. It is also a response to Jesus’ call to welcome the stranger, and a belief in our common humanity.”
Interview: Yes (to ensure a good fit between ROC goals and those of potential members).
Police Check: Yes (along with the Archdiocese Pastoral Code of Conduct)
Dona Bowers
Join the mission:
Pray for refugees in our own city and in the world.
Read about the changing policies and procedures taking place that effect people who find themselves as refugee’s.
Take time to read Pope Francis’s letter for Wolrd day of migrants and Refugees
For information on Canadian Sponsorship Programs
Home – Refugee Sponsorship Training Program (RSTP)
Hello ,
I work with a woman from Afghanistan and she is trying to sponsor her family. They have made it to Pakistan but their visas are soon to expire and will need to return to Afghanistan. Apparently Pakistan is not giving any UNHCR refugee cards. I have learned about your woek while attending mass at St. Joseph’s. Are you able to facilitate sponsorship? There are two families ( a family of two and a family of three).
Please do not hesitate to call me.
Kind regards,
Hi Andie, Please contact the Refugee outreach committee: . They would have an idea of where to go for sponsorship, if they cannot be sponsors.