One on One Experience of Healing Touch
For a few years, a group of four has offered a one-on-one experience of healing touch to anyone who is interested. This is open to parishioners and their friends who are experiencing spiritual, emotional or physical stress or pain. The purpose is to restore physical, emotional and spiritual harmony and well-being. The experience creates relaxation, clarity of thought and peace.
The 15-20-minute sessions are available in the church on scheduled Fridays during the year. There is a poster on the bulletin board indicating the Fridays that this takes place and it is always in the weekly bulletin.
Please sign up at the Welcome Table in the weeks prior to each session, or phone the contact person for that month whose phone number and e-mail are in the bulletin.
Contact: Clara Nasello CND 613-241-7085
Facilitators: Norah McMahon, Colette Chartrand, Helena Robb