Funeral Ministry
Funeral ministers are privileged to help the families of deceased loved ones as they come to us with overwhelming pain. We enter the lives of families at one of the most difficult and sorrowful times of their lives when the ache of loss is so profound. We strive to be attentive to the pain in their hearts as we walk them through the funeral preparations. Our goal is to ensure that grieving families are welcome, accepted and comfortable as we help them prepare the funerals of their loved ones. We strive to bring compassion, comfort, and support and ensure that funerals are meaningful, positive, healing experiences for families. Since the funeral ministry began in 2010, the team has provided assistance for over 100 funerals.
We guide the family in the selection of the readings, the prayers of the faithful and their choice of music and logistics of a funeral. We are present to support, guide, and assist the family at the funeral with all that a funeral entails. We are often called upon to assist the family for the wake in the church and the committal.
The Funeral Ministry holds funeral preparation workshops and can assist people wishing to pre-plan their own funeral or that of a loved one.
If you would like to join this most serious yet rewarding of ministries there are two ways to get involved:
Funeral Minister – Each funeral that we prepare is given one Funeral Minister who meets with the family and plans the liturgy; this Funeral Minister is the “Lead” for that funeral. This member is responsible for the funeral, but is surrounded by support from church staff and other funeral ministers. Training and shadowing will be provided and we have easy to use planning sheets which help when meeting with families. For this position you should have a good knowledge of liturgy, including certain readings and songs that are used in funerals.
Helper – Like every Mass, funerals need Eucharistic Ministers, Greeters, Celebrants Assistants, someone to work the overhead and people to help set-up and take down. We maintain a list of parishioners who are willing to help and each time we schedule a funeral we simply send out an email to see if anyone is available that day. If you would like to be a part of the Funeral Ministry in this way reach out and we can put your name on the list. Let us know what you like to do and what you have received formation in (Eucharistic Ministry, Celebrant’s Assistant, etc).
Contact: St. Joseph’s Parish Office 613-233-4095, ex. 251