Development and Peace
Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace (Caritas Canada)
Being involved with this social justice, international development and environmental organization of the Canadian Catholic Church gives people an opportunity to put their faith into action and do what Jesus asks of us all in the Bible. By doing parish education and helping to raise funds for Development and Peace partners, members can help support struggling sisters and brothers in the Global South. With our participation in education and action campaigns here in Canada, we help to raise the awareness about the reality of social injustice in the Global South, our complicity and how we can be agents of change.
Time Commitment:
Fall: Education and action campaign;
Lent: Preparations for annual Share Lent activities and collection
- Openness to learn, especially about Southern partners/countries experiencing poverty;
- Interest in global issues plus Canada’s and the Canadian Catholic Church’s knowledge, involvement and influence;
- Willingness and a faithful and cooperative spirit;
- Willingness to participate in activities and presentations
- Openness to consider and prepare a Development and Peace themed Sabbath reflection at mass
Learn as you go with a faithful and fun-loving team at all different levels of knowledge and experience in development and peace issues.
Contact: Larry Martin