Reflections Ministry

Reflections Ministry

The members of St. Joe’s Reflections Ministry are lay parishioners and ordained clergy who through their Scripture Reflections share their own experience of God as they ‘break open the Word’ of God for our Sunday liturgies. The reflectors are asked to share in their experience of God as it pertains to the Scripture Readings of the day and how it is current, relevant in today’s world. They share their experience of how they live out the readings, all the while remaining true to the values and missions of the Church and our parish. They try to shed a light on all as we share in our journey as members of our St. Joe’s familial community.

Reflectors are expected to share in the readings two or three times a year for the Saturday evening and Sunday Masses throughout the year. They are active and faithful parishioners who are drawn from within our community, who are ‘called’ to share the Good News with our faith community. They are also expected to take part in forms of learning and renewal of the ministry. After preaching for three years they are actively encouraged to take time off from active ministry so as to be able to spend some time to reflect and renew their commitment to the ministry..

Reflectors are those who take an active part in the life of St. Joe’s, both in attending and being present during our liturgies and parish activities. Following an invitation to take part in this ministry they are then asked to walk with others in a period of discernment, formation and mentorship within the ministry with the Reflection Ministry Coordinator and the Director of Liturgy.

Those wishing to find out more about this ministry should contact the Director of Liturgy, Jamie Loback ( or the Reflection Ministry Coordinator, Eleanor Rabnett at or by telephone: 613-315-5317.

An inclusive community of faith