Eucharistic Ministers
When we minister in sharing the Eucharist with our community, we are nourishing and nurturing – helping people to become one body by sharing the gift of Jesus’ body and blood.
Parishioners from all walks of life and experience are invited to take part in this ministry, recognizing that it is both a privilege and a gift to be called to serve at the Table of the Lord. Eucharistic Ministers are commissioned by the parish to distribute the Body and Blood of Christ during the Liturgy in a spirit of loving service.
“I feel called, blessed and compelled to serve my parish and to grow in my faith in the grace of God. I feel very proud to be able to serve as a Eucharistic Minister in our parish.”
Time commitment:
Frequency of serving varies during the year from once a month to every Sunday (the need is greater during the summer months). Eucharistic Ministers are asked to arrive 10 minutes before the beginning of Mass and check in with the Eucharistic Minister Coordinator.
During the Mass, Eucharistic Ministers come to the front of the church after the Amen and form a semi-circle around the altar (you will receive training about when to come up, where to stand, etc.). They are also encouraged to help clean up after Mass.
- Have been confirmed in the Catholic faith
- Willing to learn how to serve the Eucharist and follow procedures
- Available to serve a minimum of once a month
- Feel comfortable being in close contact with people
Note: All Eucharistic Ministers are required to sign the Pastoral Code of Conduct.
Formation is provided. Eucharistic Ministers are required to attend an annual Formation and Renewal Session.
Contact: Please contact the Front Desk for contact info of the Current Coordinator.