Welcome Ministry
“It is an ancient Catholic tradition that all are welcome.”
At St. Joseph’s Parish we try to make this sentence come alive:
- We greet people with a smile at weekend Masses at the church doors.
- We speak to other parishioners in the pews.
- We provide advice and information at the Welcome Desk.
- We write welcome letters to new parishioners and meet them over coffee for a personal touch.
- We introduce new parishioners to other parishioners over a relaxed lunch or dinner.
Time commitment:
Varies according to activity: greeters at the Masses; Welcome Desk; writing welcome letters; making personal contact; hosting/organizing welcome meals.
good interpersonal skills;
enjoy meeting new people
No official interview, but discussion with Ministry Coordinator
Contact: frontdesk@st-josephs.ca to be connected with the Parish Pastoral Council who is in charge of this ministry.