As we move through Advent, Mark McCormick offers the reflection for the 2nd Sunday. He observes, ”Have you noticed that people started decorating early for Christmas this year? Seems like we have all been longing for a reason to celebrate. So why not get an early start, especially after the frightening reality we have all lived these 22 months since COVID took hold. ”
(Full-text version of reflection available here: 2nd Sunday of Advent)
Liturgical Resources
Second Sunday of Advent – December 5 2021 – Liturgy of the Word for use at home
READINGS FOR CHILDREN – Second Sunday of Advent 2021
Second Sunday of Advent 2021 – Prayers of the Faithful
Vocation Reflection: “Prepare the Way for the Lord”
By Vijay Deivanayagam, OMI – Vocation Team – Central
“Advent is a time of hope, and of openness to change – a change not only in our outfits or approach but a true renewal of hearts and minds. In the words of Cardinal Newman: “To be human is to change. To be perfect is to have changed often.” The Advent season reminds us that we must be always ready to receive the Lord when he comes. We must prepare a straight path for the Lord, removing all obstacles which stand in the Lord’s way preventing him from coming. Let the season of Advent be a time when we look forward with great expectation to the coming of the Lord, trusting that He will do great wonders in our life. Let us prepare ourselves morally and spiritually to receive him.”
Read the reflection here (published on Wednesday December 1):
Parish Update
A St. Joe’s Fundraiser for Kateri Native Ministry
In support of Kateri Native Ministry’s work in Reconciliation and healing, St. Joseph’s Parish has launched a special fundraising campaign that will run through Advent. We invite parishioners and friends in the broader community to contribute to this special collection – all proceeds will be given to Kateri Native Ministry at the end of our parish campaign. Additionally, St. Joseph’s Parish will match parishioner contributions to Kateri by up to a total of $10,000. You will be able to track the progress of this fundraising campaign on our parish website each week.
Total raised to date: $4,940. For more information, please click here.
Indigenous Peoples and the Church: Walking Together Toward Healing and Reconciliation
Each week, beginning on Sunday, 21 November 2021, the Solemnity of Christ the King, the CCCB will release a video recording of a Bishop in Canada reflecting on the Gospel Reading for each Sunday of Advent. This year’s reflections were developed in view of the Indigenous Delegation which will be travelling to Rome to meet with Pope Francis from December 17 to 20, 2021. Each reflection is based one of the five essential stages of reconciliation: examen, confession, repentance, reparation (making amends), and reconciliation. Likewise, it is hoped these reflections will assist the faithful, Indigenous and non-Indigenous alike, in preparing for Pope Francis’ eventual apostolic journey to Canada.
In Memory of Jill Lamont
$380 was raised for St Joe’s Supper Table in memory of Jill Lamont, who was a long-time volunteer at St Joe’s Supper Table and the Parish.
Thank you from Development and Peace!
Many thanks to everyone who signed the Development and Peace Parliamentary petition over the last two weekends. We obtained 122 signatures which will enable us to ask three local area Members of Parliament to present and speak about the petition in the House of Commons. The petition calls on the federal government to implement a mandatory due diligence law that would require Canadian companies to respect human and environmental rights in their overseas operations. You can show your support by also signing a separate on-line petition. Signatures on the on-line petition are not included in the Parliamentary petition (which requires actual signatures) but are helpful to Development and Peace as an indicator of broad support for this initiative. It is also a wonderful way for parishioners who have not yet returned to in-person mass to show their support. If you signed the Parliamentary petition, please consider signing the on-line one as well as they have different purposes. You can sign it here – Act – Development and Peace (
Thank you for putting People and Planet First.
Refugee Outreach Committee supports Amnesty International Write for Rights
December 10th is International Human Rights Day. Around this day each year, through the Write for Rights event, Amnesty International supporters all over the world send letters, emails, and petitions in support of people at risk of human rights abuses. Ten cases where global activism can make a difference are highlighted on their website with instructions on how to respond through letter writing, petitions and social media.
To learn about this year’s cases, how to respond, or to donate, please visit
For more information contact Deborah Dorner at 613 612 3626 or
Advent and Christmas Mass Schedule & Registration
Advent reconciliation services 2021
Monday, December 13, 2021 – Advent Reconciliation Services – 12:00pm & 7:00pm
Christmas schedule 2021
Sunday, December 19, 2021 –Service of Lessons and Carols– 7:00pm
Friday, December 24, 2021 –Nativity of the Lord: Mass during the Night –5:00pm, 7:00pm, 9:00pm
Saturday, December 25, 2021 – Nativity of the Lord: Mass during the Day –11:00am
Sunday, December 26, 2021 – Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph -11:00am
Friday, December 31, 2021 – Mary, the Holy Mother of God –5:00pm
Saturday, January 1, 2022 — Mary, the Holy Mother of God — 11:00am
Sunday, January 2, 2022 – Epiphany of the Lord –11:00am
Christmas Mass Registration
Currently, the capacity limit is set a 200. Please register everyone of your family attending this Mass in advance. All are welcome. If you have any questions, please contact the Front Office: 613 233 4095 ext 251 or
Christmas Eve Mass 5pm registration form
Christmas Eve Mass 7pm registration form
Christmas Eve Mass 9pm registration form
Christmas Day Mass 11am registration form
Christmas Poinsettia Donations
Parishioners are invited to donate a poinsettia in memory of a loved one to help decorate our church this Christmas. The suggested donation is $20, or you may purchase your own. If you purchase a poinsettia, please bring it to our Front Office on weekdays or to church on weekends after December 15th, to ensure that the flowers remain healthy during Christmas season. If you prefer to offer a donation towards the purchase of a poinsettia, please visit the Front Office in person (Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. or call in your credit card information: 613-233-4095, ext. 251). We will include the names of loved ones both on our website, as well as on cards displayed with the flowers in the church.
Seeking a ride to church from Kanata
We are looking for a ride to Church for a parishioner who lives in Kanata – close to Campeau Drive and Kanata Avenue. This is for the 11:30 Sunday Mass. Currently the parishioner is having to pay for a taxi to get to St. Joe’s on Sunday mornings. Once at church there is a friend who can drive her home, so it is just a one-way drive. Ideally it would be great to get a few names and numbers. If you can help please call Eleanor Rabnett at 613-315-5317 or email her at and she will connect you with the parishioner. Thank you so much!
Front Office News
2021-2022 Missals are available for purchase, 5$ cash or cheque. Please contact the Front office if you would like to purchase one: 613-233-4095 or
2021-2022 Donation Envelops will soon arrive. However, if you no longer use envelops but have in the past, please inform David Trepanier in the Front Office: 613-233-4095 or
Other News
St. Basil’s is pleased to announce the next in our Conversations for Our Times webinar series with Mark Carney on Sunday December 12th. Click or copy the link below: Passcode is 683005.
Mass Intentions
December 8, 2021: Rosalinda Ramos Raymundo
December 9, 2021: Xue Que & Xiu-yu Le
December 10, 2021: Horan Family (Rose, Betty, and Patrick)
Prayers for those who are sick: Judith Budden, Marie Budden, Francis Anne Smeaton
Prayers for those who have died: Jennifer Arche, Gregory Arche, Elena Ellison, Louis Elison, Eliza Ellison
Please contact Kathleen in the Front office ( to add a name to the prayers for the sick & deceased.