Liturgical Resources and a Parish Update on the 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time & Mass Registration

Dear St. Joe’s parishioners,

This weekend’s reflection is offered to us by parishioner John Rietschlin. In addition to offering these thoughts in person at our weekend Masses, we are sharing the video and written version on our site. In his reflection, John shares: “This weekend in Ontario begins the third phase of relaxing the restrictions that are needed to keep us healthy until a vaccine for COVID19 is available. It has been a long four months since this pandemic reached us and many more months are likely to follow. During this time, we have learned a lot about the faults and the strengths of our society and of ourselves as individuals, families, and communities. The parable of the weeds in the wheat has never been more relevant. This week let us remain grateful for God’s continued mercy as we stumble forward…”

Liturgical Resources

Mass Registration:

We continue to ask parishioners to register for weekend Masses. To register for next weekend (July 25/26, 2020), please select your Mass from the links below:

You can still register to attend Mass *this weekend* — July 18/19, 2020. Please see the registration links here.

Parish Update:

  • We offer our prayers for Christine Davies, who has died. The family’s choice is to have a Liturgy outside Mass, which will be celebrated in our church on July 23, 2020 at 2:00 p.m. with family and close friends in attendance.
  • St. Joe’s Christian Meditation on Video: Chaplain Rick Gariepy has produced a Christian Meditation video for the St. Joe’s community. Please view it here.
  • Our Parish Meditation Groups meet in the church every Monday at 9:30 a.m. and Friday at 7:00 p.m. Please enter through the 151 Laurier Avenue entrance. For Friday evening meditation, please arrive by 6:45 p.m.
  • Thank you to the Canyon Foundation Fund! In cooperation with the Community Foundation of Ottawa, the Canyon Foundation Fund has provided the St. Joe’s Supper Table with a $30,000 grant to use for food, supplies and salaries. We are grateful for this generous support of our program.
  • Thank you to the Virginia and Raymond Lafond Fund! In cooperation with the Community Foundation of Ottawa, the Virginia and Raymond Lafond Fund has made a donation of $357 to the St. Joe’s Supper Table. We are grateful for this generous gift to our program.
  • Sunday Offering for July 14, 2020: $4,771. Thank you for your continued generosity! If you are attending Mass this weekend and would like to make a donation, you will find a Sunday offering basket near the main entrance of the church. You can leave your donation here at either the beginning or the end of Mass. If you are not yet returning to St. Joe’s for Mass this weekend or will be away, please consider using Canada Helps. You may choose the Parish fund of your choice through this form:
  • The O-Frango Food truck is open for lunch! Many of our parishioners know that O-Frango, a family-run private business, is a loyal renter of St. Joseph’s Parish. They operate a food truck in our parking lot and serve tasty chicken-based dishes. Since the start of the pandemic, the Parish has lost almost all of its rental revenue, but we were encouraged to see that O-Frango is back up and running as of this week. They are open weekdays and also on Saturday for lunch, beginning at 12 noon. Their monthly rent supports our Parish and we’re keen to see them succeed. If you’re around St. Joe’s at lunch time or in the early afternoon, please do check them out. They have a small patio too, or you can have a meal to go!
  • A Vocations Reflection from Fr. Jarek Pachocki OMI: The Vocation Director of OMI Lacombe Canada is sharing with our parish his reflection on the concept of weeding the wheat. Each week, the Oblate Vocations Team will share a reflection developed from the perspective of vocations. Please see this weekend’s vocation reflection here: Vocations Reflection – Jarek Pachocki -1
  • Canadian churches and faith-based organizations have united under the banner ”For the Love of Creation” and called upon the Government of Canada to: Commit to reducing Canadian GHC emissions; Honour the rights of Indigenous peoples; Commit equal support for climate change and Respond to the pandemic in the Global South. For more information, please click here. 

Whether you are in town or away at the cottage on weekends, we wish you safe and restful summer days.



Christopher Adam

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