John Mark Keyes’ Reflection, Zoom Liturgy of the Word and a Parish Update for the Sixth Sunday of Easter

The reflection for this Sunday is offered by John Mark Keyes, available as a video recording and also at our Zoom Liturgy of the Word service on Sunday, May 9th, 2021 at 10:30 a.m. (Please register here.) In his reflection, John Mark explores the different ways that we have come to understand the concept of both love and friendship. What does it mean to see God as a friend, rather than as a stern, distant figure? What does it mean to see God as love?

Liturgical Resources

Parish Update

Sponsor-A-Hive (SaH) native bee houses for the Supper Table

The St. Joe’s Supper Table is excited to share that we will receive two Sponsor-A-Hive (SaH) bee houses from The Bee Conservancy (TBC) in the United States. Designed exclusively by TBC with sustainability, bee health, and user-friendliness in mind, our new bee house is constructed with Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certified, sustainably-sourced pine. The house is manufactured by Brooklyn Woods, an organization that trains unemployed and low-income New Yorkers for careers in woodworking. This will be a great addition to the St. Joe’s garden.

Register for in-person weekday Masses

In addition to our Zoom Liturgy of the Word on Sundays at 10:30 a.m., during the period of the Provincial stay-at-home order, Mass is offered on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday for a total of 10 people only at each celebration. If you would like to attend these in-person weekday liturgies, please register here. Space is very limited.

Looking for a gently used iPad

Spiritual Chaplain Roshene Lawson is looking for a donation of a gently used iPad to provide to a patient who needs to attend online counselling sessions. If you are able to help, please contact:

Vocation Reflection: “How to Survive (or Thrive Through) Midlife Crisis”
By: Jarek Pachocki, OMI – Vocation Director
“When you reach a certain age in life you might experience a crashing transition of identity, purpose and self-confidence, often referred to as a midlife crisis. (…) The experience of Covid19 pandemic might intensify this painful experience even more. So how does one survive a midlife crisis? You can dye your hair, buy a motorcycle or a boat, travel the world… or you can take more fiscally affordable approach and actually thrive though the experience.”
Read the full reflection here (published on Friday, May 7):

Laudato Si’ Week 2021

Celebrating the end of the Special Laudato Si’ 5th Anniversary Year, Pope Francis invites the world’s 1.3 billion Catholics to joyfully participate in Laudato Si’ Week 2021, to be held from May 16-25 under the banner of: “For we know that things can change”.  See for the press release speaking about Pope Francis’s invitation.  See to sign up for a whole slate of free activities, webinars, etc.  We DO know that things can change.

Sunday Offerings for May 2, 2021: $5,375. 

Thank you for your generosity. We are grateful for your support during the pandemic, especially as our expenses continue. If you would like to continue giving in this period, you can mail in your offering envelopes/cheques to the parish front office, donate through Canada Helps or call us at 613-233-4095, ext. 251 to donate through credit card.

Virtual Children’s Liturgy of the Word over Zoom:

Each Sunday at 9:30AM we are hosting a Liturgy of the Word for families and children virtually over Zoom. If you would like to join us be sure to send an email to Andrew ( and he will send you the Zoom information. Although a Children’s Liturgy with accompanying children’s readings, it is also a great chance to connect for everyone in our community that hasn’t been able to come back to Church yet. So don’t be shy: All Are Welcome.  

Lectio Divina over Zoom each Sunday at 1:30 p.m.

Lectio Divina is a reflective exercise centered around the reading of scripture. We will be meeting virtually over Zoom to reflect on the Sunday’s Gospel and share with each other our insights and what the scriptures are calling us to look at in our lives and where they are leading us. Please join us by using the following link:

Friday evening meditation continues

During this latest lockdown join us each Friday evening at 7PM on Zoom. Use this  link.

Continuing his catechesis on Christian prayer during the weekly General Audience, Pope Francis explains the importance of meditation, highlighting that it is a means of prayer that helps us encounter Jesus and find ourselves…. Read all:

One thought on “John Mark Keyes’ Reflection, Zoom Liturgy of the Word and a Parish Update for the Sixth Sunday of Easter”

  1. Hello Chris,
    As a former St. Joe’s parishioner, now living in Nova Scotia, I would love to connect virtually with any online liturgical offerings. We have gone back into lock-down in Nova Scotia, and are looking for all the spiritual nourishment we can find. St. Joe’s never disappoints! 🙂

    I hope you and yours are staying safe!


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