Joan O’Connell’s Reflection and a Parish Update on the 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Dear St. Joe’s parishioners,

This weekend’s reflection is offered by parishioner Joan O’Connell, who explores how, in our busy world, we can find a way to hear, and be receptive to God’s voice. Reflecting on Paul’s words, who calls us not to conform to this age but “be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may discern what is the will of God,” Joan shares:

“This reminds me of a description I read of modern-day prophets like Martin Luther King, Dorothy Day, Nelson Mandela and Ghandi.  They were described as living their lives on the edge of the inside – they were just enough on the inside of the dominant culture or social system to know it with all its strengths and faults, but not at the centre where they would be too invested with much to lose.  They hadn’t conformed themselves to the world but rather had been transformed so that they in turn could help transform others and, in many cases, speak truth to worldly powers.”

Joan’s reflection is available as a video below, in written format as a pdf (Joan O’Connell – Reflection – Text – 22nd Sunday in Ord. Time ), and in person at our weekend Masses.

Liturgical Resources

Parish Update

  • Noon Mass on Friday, September 4th, 2020 is for the repose of the soul of Jack McLaughlin, requested by Kathleen and Jim.
  • Eucharistic Adoration will take place in the church following Noon Mass on Friday, September 4th, 2020.
  • Nominations for Parish Pastoral Council are open: PPC is looking to fill one Member-at-Large position from within our Parish community and nominations are invited. Membership on Council is open to all Catholics in good standing registered as members of the Parish. As a member of PPC and in the spirit of collaborative leadership, the Council shares in the pastoral mission and activities of St. Joseph’s Parish. Members assist in sustaining and developing St. Joseph’s Parish as an Oblate Mission in the heart of Ottawa, consistent with the Oblate charism of welcoming and solidarity with the poor and the marginalized. Members of PPC attend monthly meetings and may be invited to serve on working groups as the need arises and according to their gifts and experience. A term on PPC lasts for two years. Please complete this form to express your interest in serving on PPC and submit it electronically by September 15, 2020. 
  • The St. Joe’s Women’s Centre would like to send out a heartfelt thank you to Sandi at Merivale Staples for a generous donation of school supplies to the program’s valued participants. On behalf of all the recipients, thank you!
  • The St. Joe’s Supper Table website has been redesigned by volunteer Ryan Wagner — take a look to see new photos and a more modern format. Many thanks to Ryan, our web designer.
  • Would your parish ministry like to meet virtually? If so, the Parish has a subscription to Zoom, which we have been using successfully for Parish Pastoral Council, Finance Committee, faith formation and with other parish groups. Ministry facilitators are welcome to use our Zoom account to connect virtually with volunteers. Please contact Chris ( or Andrew ( for access to the Parish account.
  • Sunday Offering for August 23, 2020: $5,015. Thank you for your continued generosity! If you are attending Mass this weekend and would like to make a donation, you will find a Sunday offering basket near the main entrance of the church. You can leave your donation here at either the beginning or the end of Mass. If you are not yet returning to St. Joe’s for Mass this weekend or will be away, please consider using Canada Helps. You may choose the Parish fund of your choice through this form:
  • Eucharistic Visits: We are providing Eucharistic Visiting for anyone or any household in Sandy Hill. If you would like someone to visit you at home and bring you the Eucharist, please reach out to our Faith Formation Coordinator Andrew Pump, at:, or call 613-233-4095, Ext. 235.
  • Christian Meditation continues in our church every Monday at 9:30 a.m. and on Friday at 7:00 p.m. Please enter through the 151 Laurier Ave. East entrance.
  • Fr. Susai Jesu OMI provides the Oblate Vocation Reflection for this Sunday. Fr. Susai shares: “One of the reasons why we normally don’t like to be confronted by the cross is that true love is sacrificial. Married couples promise to love each other, religious promise to love the Lord and His Church and so also as Christians we are called to love each other. But, when we are tempted to drift away from the true love, the cross reminds us that true love is defined not by how we feel but by what we give…Everyone in the world has a cross. Our crosses can take the form of emotional, spiritual, physical and mental suffering. As we go through this terrible pandemic, many are the crosses we carry every day. The real issue is what do we do with these different crosses?” To read the full text of Fr. Susai’s reflection in pdf format, please click here: Fr-Susai-Jesu-Vocation-Reflection-Aug30
  • Pope Francis’ Prayer Intention for September 2020 is the Respect for the Planet’s Resources. We pray that the planet’s resources will not be plundered, but shared in a just and respectful manner.
  • Celebrating the 5th Anniversary of Laudato Si’ – Parish Participation in the Season of Creation: The Season of Creation begins on the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation (Sept. 1) and ends on St. Francis Day (Oct. 4). We set aside time to deepen our relationship with our Creator, with each other and all of creation. Resources (prayer, liturgy, events & actions) at Info: John Dorner (

As students, teachers and families in our Parish prepare to begin a new school year with many questions and profound challenges, we pray that whether learning or teaching from home or in person at school, this year is filled with new ways to grow, share and connect with each other.



Christopher Adam

3 thoughts on “Joan O’Connell’s Reflection and a Parish Update on the 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time”

  1. That was a very contemplative reflection, Joan. Thanks for helping us with some real concrete examples of learning to listen and respond to God’s voice, even in the mundane tasks of life.

  2. Thank you Joan for this wonderful reflection. This morning was feeling dry, unable to pray as I wanted. Perhaps God allowed this so that I would be truly open to hearing and taking in a deep way what you have shared with us. Beautiful – a very real gift. Blessings.

  3. Chris, thank you for this helpful update. I really appreciate all that you and the entire parish team are doing to hold our community together in this difficult time.

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