Health & Wellness

Health & Wellness…Connecting Mind, Body, and Spirit

Current Resource List: 
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In spring 2019 and in response to a survey in Fall 2018, a St. Joe’s Health & Wellness Working Group was formed.
To gauge community interest, this Working Group, in turn, hired Michelle Miller to coordinate some Health & Wellness programming during May and June 2019.  This initiative was very well received by the community.

The following programs were realized:

  1. “Being Mortal” Book Club: 5 Monday evenings. 7-9pm on May 27-June 24
    *Also hosted virtual books club sessions for those who could not attend on a given evening.
  2. Healthy Aging Brunch: Sun, June 9, after 11:30am Mass
  3. Healthy Aging Workshop for Women’s Centre guests:  Mon June 18 at 10:30am
  4. End of Life Workshop: Sat June 22 from 9-3pm
    Session 1:  Advanced Care Planning
    Session 2:  Understanding Palliative Care Approach
  5. Evening for Caregivers: Wed June 26 from 7-8:30pm
  6. Palliative Care Workshop for Women’s Centre staff: Thur June 27 from 3-4:15pm

An inclusive community of faith