Fr. Richard Beaudette OMI offers the reflection for the 18th Sunday of Ordinary Time. Fr. Richard shares that the selection of readings are almost like a fairytale, in that they show the best and the worst potential for human behaviour. The bread that Jesus gives is a reminder that God will nourish us and help us to live out the call to conversion. The readings serve as a reminder that as disciples of Jesus, our call is not just to sit back and to enjoy the good gifts that God gives us. Rather, we have been called to a certain way of life; called to build the Kingdom of God in our world.
Liturgical Resources
Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time – August 1 2021 – Liturgy of the Word for use at home
READINGS FOR CHILDREN – 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2021
Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 2021 – Prayers of the Faithful
Parish Update
Free breakfast and snack boxes available
The Parish will once again receive a shipment of breakfast and snack boxes available for free to parishioners with school age children. The program is made possible by the Ottawa Network for Education and each box includes healthy breakfast and snack items. If interested, please contact the front office to pick up a box. Tel.: 613-233-4095, ext. 251 or
A Call from the Parish Finance Council
The Parish Finance Council is looking for parishioners who are interested in serving on the Council. It is a permanent advisory body to the Pastor and the St. Joseph’s Parish Pastoral Council, responsible for ensuring they are well-informed in all their decision-making with respect to financial matters.
Members serve for 2-year renewable terms and are selected from among the parishioners, based on their experience in financial management to the extent possible. Accounting credentials and experience on boards of corporate bodies or associations or management teams where financial issues are considered as part of management’s deliberations are assets.
The Council generally meets on a monthly basis with a break during the summer. Additional details about the Council and its members may be found in its Terms of Reference posted on the Parish website. If interested, please email: and your message will be forwarded to John Mark Keyes, Chair of the PFC.