Dear St. Joe’s parishioners,
Happy Feast of St. Joseph the Worker! On May 1st, we express gratitude to all who have volunteered and worked in the many ministries and outreach programmes of St. Joseph’s Parish. Thank you as well to all who are involved in frontline work in Ottawa as the world grapples with the Covid-19 pandemic. For the past five years, we’ve always come together in early May to celebrate our volunteers at barbecues and receptions. While the pandemic doesn’t make this possible at the moment, please know that we are grateful for the passion and dedication of our parishioners and everyone at St. Joe’s.
This week, we are offering you a video reflection from Fr. Jim Bleackley OMI on the Fourth Sunday of Easter. We’re also providing you the Liturgy of the Word, readings and music from St. Joe’s. Thank you to Fr. Jim, Tom Fagan and Jamie Loback for this week’s liturgical and pastoral material.
Fr. Jim’s Video Reflection on the Good Shepherd — Fr. Jim explores what it means to be a good shepherd in our world, and how we all have an opportunity to embrace this role:
Liturgical Resources:
- Fourth Sunday of Easter – May 3, 2020 – Liturgy of the Word for use at home
- READINGS FOR CHILDREN – Fourth Sunday of Easter
- Fourth Sunday of Easter – 2020 – Prayers of the Faithful
Music from St. Joe’s:
Parish Update:
- Thank you to the Second Harvest Food Rescue for their gift of $12,500 to the St. Joe’s Supper Table! The purpose of this gift is to support the Supper Table’s food programming as part of an emergency relief initiative. These funds will assist the Supper Table in covering its operational costs during these critical months.
- This week, the St. Joe’s Supper Table assisted in providing pop-up food bank services to 35 families in the Strathcona Heights/Wiggins residential area of Sandy Hill. The Supper Table also served 45 families from our rectory and by delivery. Ryan Mitchell has been delivering food each week to families in the neighbourhood. Thanks to Patsy Stevens, Marsha Wilson and Judy Wyspianski for helping out! Though they may be a little hard to recognize with masks on, the photo below was taken at Wiggins on April 30th and features (from left to right) Ryan Mitchell, Patsy Stevens and Marsha Wilson — all from St. Joe’s.
- Sunday offering for April 26, 2020: $5,914. Thank you for your continued generosity! If you normally use Sunday envelopes for your offering and would like to continue giving during the lockdown, please consider using Canada Helps. You may choose the Parish fund of your choice through this form:
- Andrew Pump continues his outreach to parishioners. If you would like a call or if you know of someone who is isolated and would appreciate a friendly chat with a member of the St. Joe’s team or help with groceries, please email:
- A Message from the Vocation Director of OMI Lacombe Canada:
- “Dear Oblates, Oblate Associates and friends:
This weekend marks World Day of Prayer for Vocations (May 3, 2020). The Vocation Taskforce in the recommendations to the Provincial Council reminded us that vocation ministry is a responsibly of us all: “the chief overarching principle for creating a vocation culture, is naming the responsibility of every Oblate member and the wider Oblate family of Associates, to foster and create a culture of vocation in each one’s respective ministries, families and communities.” I’d like to share with you some resources that can be used as we pray together for vocations to the religious life and the priesthood. Please watch the Video Message prepared for Vocation Sunday 2020. Share it on your social media platforms with a hashtag #OblateVocations. For your personal reflection and inspiration, please read Pope Francis’ message. I also would like to invite you to join in prayer for Oblate Vocations during the Novena Prayer. It will be streamed LIVE every day from May 21 till 29 at 11:00am EDT on and After live stream it will be also available on the OMI Lacombe Facebook Page. During the Novena Prayer we will also introduce the Vocation Team of our province. Let’s encourage and pray for vocations! Have a wonderful weekend!
Stay safe and healthy,
Jarek Pachocki, OMI
Vocation Director”
- “Dear Oblates, Oblate Associates and friends:
Thank you for continuing to stay in touch with St. Joe’s during this lockdown. We invite you again to share prayer requests with our community using the comments form below. Your prayer request will appear on this page within 24 hours.
Christopher Adam
Parish Executive Director
Am so very grateful for all that is offered here today, especially Jim Bleackley’s beautiful reflection on today’s scripture readings and in particular the Gospel and THe Good Shepherd. He has shared new light on this and I found myself hitting the pause button to make some notes that I can return to later to reflect on. A living Reflection. Thank you so much Jim!