Dear St. Joe’s parishioners,
This weekend we celebrate the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity with a reflection from Fr. Jim Bleackley OMI, video readings by parishioners Eleanor Rabnett and Sunita De Souza, the Psalm and Gospel acclamation by Liam Kennedy-MacDonald, organ music from Tom Fagan and resources compiled by Jamie Loback. Thank you to everyone who helped with this weekend’s mail-out! Speaking about the horrific police brutality that led to the death of George Floyd in the United States and the Black Lives Matter protests, Fr. Jim shares in his reflection: “This is a movement that has allowed people of colour to tell their stories of dealing with racism in a predominantly white society…words and actions done in the dark coming into the light, challenging people of privilege to examine their minds and hearts about the systemic racism that exists in our society. Hopefully, this personal and collective examination of conscience will help us find inclusive ways to build a just society where everyone’s rights and dignity will be promoted and protected.”
Readings, Psalm and Gospel Acclamation:
Liturgical Resources from St. Joe’s
- Most Holy Trinity – June 7, 2020 – Liturgy of the Word for use at home
- Most Holy Trinity – 2020 – Prayers of the Faithful
- Mission Prayer
Music from St. Joe’s
Parish Update:
- The Ottawa Children’s Choir raised $1,349 for the St. Joe’s Supper Table at their online concert on May 31st. Thank you to the OCC for supporting our parish social justice programming!
- Thank you, St. Joe’s! A couple of weeks ago you were invited to sign a letter to the Prime Minister urging the Government of Canada to take swift and concrete steps to address the climate emergency especially during this time of the COVID-19 pandemic. This action was part of a campaign called “Catholics United for Climate Change” sponsored by the Joint Ecological Ministry. The letter was signed by 73 organizations and communities and 551 individuals, including many of you here at St. Joe’s. Thank you for supporting this important campaign. You can see the final letter as well as the list of signatories here.
- Parishioner and artist Donna Legault dropped off 13 homemade masks today for St. Joe’s staff. They all come individually wrapped and even have a homemade booklet with instructions. Donna has made nearly 200 masks so far and has been donating these to charities working on the frontline. Thank you, Donna! Check out her Instagram page: @legaultdonna.
- A Message from the St. Joe’s Supper Table: The St. Joe’s Supper Table served more than 80 take-away meals this week, including bbq chicken, Shepherd’s pie and freshly prepared sandwiches with snacks. This is a pilot project to assist in learning how to resume a hot meal service in the Supper Table, while adhering to the best practices of physical distancing. In this initial phase, Ryan prepared the hot meals and served it outside, in front of the rectory, in take-away containers. The sidewalk was marked with ground paint to assist guests to proceed in the line-up and to stand 2 metres apart. One volunteer and two staff members assisted Ryan this week in serving the meals. In planning for the resumption of the community meal service, the requirement to physically distance (especially given the relatively small area of the Supper Table) and the health and safety of guests, volunteers and staff will be a key priority. Ryan was featured in a video update and there will be more details on the planned re-launch of this parish ministry. The Supper Table continues to offer the food bank service weekly, by appointment, at the 151 Laurier Avenue East location. Since May, Ryan and volunteer Patsy Stevens collaborated with a small number of volunteers and community partners to resume the satellite food bank service, by appointment, at Wiggins/Strathcona Heights. With the economic impact of the pandemic, there is a heightened need for food bank services with many residents of our neighbourhood accessing a food bank for the first time. The volunteer gardeners, while physically distancing, have been busy preparing the St. Joe’s Supper Table community vegetable garden for the summer. The garden fresh produce is used in the community meal service. Thanks so much to the gardeners for their passion and for bringing this life and care to the parish home! To conclude with more good news, the Supper Table Ministry is proud to report the strongest balance in 2019 over all the years of operation, and new funds have been secured through successful grant applications in 2020. Blessings and well wishes from St. Joe’s Supper Table!
- Parishioner Joe Gunn published an article in The Hill Times on May 25, 2020 entitled “What would an ethical recovery look like?” In this article, Joe writes: “Will North American religious leadership emerge to guide us with solid ethical principles on which to base the emerging “new-normal” Canadian society? Pope Francis is one leader who is unafraid to call on our better instincts, even while surrounded by suffering in the European country hardest hit by the COVID-19 pandemic…” To read the full piece, please visit this link.
- Sunday offering for May 31, 2020: $5,155. Thank you for your continued generosity! If you normally use Sunday envelopes for your offering and would like to continue giving during the lockdown, please consider using Canada Helps. You may choose the Parish fund of your choice through this form:
- Do you feel isolated or do you know of someone in our parish who could use a phone call from pastoral staff or help with groceries? Please contact Andrew Pump (
We’re excited to share news from our parishioners with our parish community. If you would like to share something with other St. Joe’s parishioners in a parish update, please email me at the address below.
Christopher Adam
Executive Director
Seeing some of the familiar faces from the St. Joe’s community is so reassuring! How lovely to hear Liam’s profoundly comforting voice, and to hear Jamie Loback’s accompaniment. Father Jim’s reflection was so inspiring. Thank you. I so needed to connect here. A compass in the chaos. Blessings to all,
Love, KateMac.
I share Kate’s sentiments, I’ve particularly missed seeing Father Jim. Thanks to each of you who brought another Sunday to us, the videos, the bulletin, the music. Be well, have a safe week.