Dear St. Joe’s parishioners,
Fr. Jim shares with us a video reflection on the Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ: “We are united with Christ. His flesh is made into our flesh. His blood flows in our veins. With God, we become one, and God becomes one with us. I usually enjoy celebrating Mass for a small group of people, so that I can use one loaf that signifies our own oneness with each other and our own oneness with God. And I always use an old fraction rite to remind us of this mystery. After we have prayed over these gifts and they have become holy and divine for us, we break it and we share it. The prayer goes like this:
‘Bread broken. One loaf, but many pieces. A meal for us. Bread broken. Divided that we might share. Wholeness destroyed that we might be joined together. Bread broken. A sign of Christ’s body broken for us so that we might live. May we become whom we receive….'”
Fr. Jim’s complete video reflection:
Liturgical Resources from St. Joseph’s Parish
Body and Blood of Christ – June 14, 2020 – Liturgy of the Word for use at home
READINGS FOR CHILDREN – Body and Blood of Christ
Body and Blood of Christ – 2020 – Prayers of the Faithful
Finale on Alleluia! Sing To Jesus – Coleman
Thank you to all involved with putting together this weekend’s liturgical materials: Fr. Jim, Jamie Loback, Suzanie Chua, Sunita De Souza, Liam Kennedy-MacDonald and Tom Fagan.
Parish Update:
- Please be sure to register for public Masses on 20/21 June 2020 and read about our new safety measures in this time of pandemic. Capacity for each Mass will be limited to 90 parishioners. The registration forms will become disabled once we reach capacity.
- The Supper Table and the St. Joe’s Women’s Centre reopened with modified services, including daily meals, last week. On average, the Supper Table has served 40 guests each weekday for take-away hot meals. The Women’s Centre served an average of 10 clients each day for lunch and for the grocery cupboard program, and continues to offer a safe space during the day.

- As we reopen our parish beginning June 15th, our facilities will become available for some ministry gatherings. We will, however, be operating with reduced staff this summer. This means that we will encourage ministries who would like to book space to meet during the day, and to finish their meetings before 4:00 p.m. An alternative to meeting in person is Zoom. The Parish has an upgraded Zoom account and we are happy to share this with our ministries for virtual meetings and gatherings.
- Sunday offering for June 7, 2020: $7,543. Thank you for your continued generosity! If you normally use Sunday envelopes for your offering and would like to continue giving during the lockdown, please consider using Canada Helps. You may choose the Parish fund of your choice through this form:
- Our traditional Sunday Bulletin will not be returning until September, but we will continue to provide online parish updates every week, using the format that we have adopted over the past three months. If you have ministry news to share, please write to me and I will happily include this in upcoming electronic updates! You can reach me at:
Christopher Adam
Executive Director
Thank you for the inspiring words, Fr. Jim, in your reflection on the body and blood of Christ. I loved the prayer you used for the fraction rite. May we be one body. Amen!