Fr. Jim’s Reflection, Zoom Liturgy of the Word and a Parish Update for Pentecost

Fr. Jim offers the reflection for Pentecost and shares: “There is only one way to believe in the resurrection of Jesus. And that is to believe in the spirit  being alive in our midst today.  Like the first disciples, gathering together in faith and prayer, we experience the presence of the risen Christ.”

All are invited to join our live Liturgy of the Word for Pentecost, held on Zoom this Sunday, May 23, 2021 at 10:30 a.m. Please register here.

Music from St. Joseph’s Parish for Pentecost

Veni Sancte Spiritus (Come Holy Spirit) – Jacques Berthier and the Taizé Community. Featuring members of St. Joseph’s Parish Music Ministry. Produced by Orange Crow Productions. Special thanks to the production team: Eileen Kennedy-MacDonald, Liam Kennedy-MacDonald, Aiden Downie-Cheetham.

Liturgical Resources

Parish Update

Additional Weekday Mass offered every Tuesday

In an effort to give more people the chance to attend in-person weekday Mass, beginning June 1st and continuing through the month of June, a new Mass will be offered every Tuesday at noon, in addition to our regular weekday Mass schedule of Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Registration is required for all noon Masses and maximum capacity remains 10, including the presider. Please register here.

A Message from the St. Joe’s Women’s Centre

It has been a while since we have posted a message, however as you are aware the Centre closed due to a case of COVID-19 and re-opened on April 26th. During the week, Ottawa Public Health coordinated a site visit and were pleased with the staff’s full compliance with the various public health measures. The women are pleased to be back in a safe environment, and to have access to programing and facilities, including access to telephone and computers, a light breakfast, lunch, groceries, showers, laundry, crafts and meeting with staff as needed. It is imperative that our services remain open and even today we are vigilant that all who walk through door are safe and adhere to the guidelines, set out by Ottawa Public Health.

Keep an eye out for the next issue of Sandy Hill Image as the Women’s Centre will be featured in the local paper. The staff picture was in our beautiful garden, which is maintain by the St. Joseph’s Parish Gardening Committee, including Henri, Patricia and Brad. Thanks to them for the wonderful job maintaining our gardens!

Staff of the St. Joe’s Women’s Centre.


A Call for Eucharistic Ministers

Eucharistic Ministers for the 9:30 am Mass are needed. If you are planning to return to in-person weekend liturgies after this current lockdown ends and would be interested in training as a Eucharistic Minister for the 9:30 am Mass, please contact Angela McCanny:

Sunday Offerings for May 16, 2021: $4,976. 

Thank you for your generosity. We are grateful for your support during the pandemic, especially as our expenses continue. If you would like to continue giving in this period, you can mail in your offering envelopes/cheques to the parish front office, donate through Canada Helps or call us at 613-233-4095, ext. 251 to donate through credit card.

Virtual Children’s Liturgy of the Word over Zoom:

Each Sunday at 9:30AM we are hosting a Liturgy of the Word for families and children virtually over Zoom. If you would like to join us be sure to send an email to Andrew ( and he will send you the Zoom information. Although a Children’s Liturgy with accompanying children’s readings, it is also a great chance to connect for everyone in our community that hasn’t been able to come back to Church yet. So don’t be shy: All Are Welcome.  

Lectio Divina over Zoom each Sunday at 1:30 p.m.

Lectio Divina is a reflective exercise centered around the reading of scripture. We will be meeting virtually over Zoom to reflect on the Sunday’s Gospel and share with each other our insights and what the scriptures are calling us to look at in our lives and where they are leading us. Please join us by using the following link:

Friday evening meditation continues

During this latest lockdown join us each Friday evening at 7PM on Zoom. Use this  link.

Vocation Reflection: “He Was Among Them”                                                  By Serena Shaw – Vocation Team – Oblate Associate

“This was something that was very dear to St. Eugene de Mazenod, the founder of the Oblates of Mary Immaculate. He was driven by the belief that we are all God’s children, regardless of which community we belong to. And in order to reach out to other communities, he found it necessary to learn their language. This is a gift that he had, that remains important to Oblates today. I encourage you to research St. Eugene to learn more about him.” Read the reflection here (published on Friday May 21):.

Enacting Vatican II

FutureChurch Pentecost Series: Enacting the Second Vatican Council: History, Documents, and Implications for the Church Today! Four-week series held on Wednesday evenings Begins Wednesday, May 26, 2021 thru June 16, 2021 at 7:00pm ET Sr. Maureen Sullivan, OP heads up this four part series on the Second Vatican Council – a decisive moment in the history of the Catholic Church.

News from OMRA

OMRA has been a part of the St Joe’s community since being welcomed by the Refugee Outreach Committee in December 2017.  We began selling grocery cards at St Joes in Jan 2018.  Over 80 parishioners have supported OMRA at St Joe’s.  Thirty-five households have committed to purchasing grocery cards every month. Others prefer to purchase cards from time to time. We are grateful for your support! All monies raised selling cards goes to rental subsidies for refugee families.  OMRA is a not-for-profit currently seeking charitable status. We have no employees. We are all volunteers.

Currently OMRA provides monthly rental subsidies to 25 refugee families in Ottawa.

Your support makes this possible. You can do this in several ways.

  1. Become part of the monthly OMRA grocery card program. Purchase grocery cards for Loblaws/Independent ($50 or $100)Metro/Food Basics ($50 or $100)Farm Boy ($50) or Shoppers Drug Mart ($50). You have the full amount of the card to make your purchases. The stores give OMRA 5% of the card value which we use to provide monthly rental subsidies to refugee families in Ottawa. Order your cards through Donna Rietschlin at or 613-720-0438.  Pay by cheque or etransfer to
  2. Make a tax-deductible donation by e-transfer through the Ottawa Mennonite Church – donate@ottawamennonite.cato help OMRA increase the number of rent subsidies we can provide.  Note that the donation is for OMRA rental subsidies when you do the etransfer.

Thank you so much for all the support you give OMRA to enable us to offer rental subsidies to refugees in Ottawa.  Please keep all refugees around the world in your prayers. According to the data at the United Nations High Commission on Refugees 1% of the world’s population have fled their homes.

Contact Donna Rietschlin at or 613-720-0438 for more information about OMRA or to order cards. Cards ordered by May 31st should be ready for pickup or delivery by June 12th or 13th.

Check out OMRA’s website:

An Appeal from Development & Peace

In India, a terrible new wave of the COVID-19 pandemic is infecting over 300,000 people and killing more than 3,500 every day. To help Caritas India cope with this emergency, Development and Peace has committed an initial sum of $50,000.

Given that much of the Indian subcontinent is vulnerable to this crisis, much more help will be needed.

Caritas India’s executive director, Fr. Paul Moonjely, has appealed to “the community of [the] faithful, institutions and people of goodwill to contribute generously.” Let’s respond with open hearts!

Learn more here –

Donate to Development and Peace’s COVID-19 Emergency Fund at  –

Parish Office closed on Monday, May 24th

On behalf of the Parish Team, we wish all of you a happy and safe Victoria Day long weekend!

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