Fr. Jim’s Reflection, Liturgical Resources and a Parish Update on the 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Dear St. Joe’s parishioners,

Over the past many months, the conditions created by the pandemic and the need to change how we go about our daily lives so as to protect others and ourselves has meant stepping outside our comfort zone. Fr. Jim’s reflection this weekend explores the Gospel readings from the perspective of stepping outside the realm of what we may find comfortable and familiar. Referring to Christ speaking to his disciples, Fr. Jim notes in his reflection:

“Were they really dedicated enough to communicate the Gospel message? As we try to answer this question, we hear the following statement:  ‘Those who find their life will lose it and those who lose their life for my sake will find it.’ Words meant to push the disciples beyond their comfort zone and present security, in order to discover the fullness of life Jesus was talking about. Hopefully, as we hear these words proclaimed today, we are shaken up and pushed beyond our present boundaries so that we too may become messengers of God’s word.”

Fr. Jim shares about the first time he was pushed beyond his comfort zone as a 15 year old. He left his home in Whitehorse, Yukon, and traveled by bus to North Battleford, Saskatchewan, located more than 2,000 kilometres away. To hear more about Fr. Jim’s long journey, please see his full video reflection here:

Liturgical Resources:

13th Sunday in Ordinary Time – June 28 2020 – Liturgy of the Word for use at home


READINGS FOR CHILDREN – 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time

13th Sunday in Ordinary Time – 2020 – Prayers of the Faithful

Mission Prayer

Parish Update:

  • Mass registration for July 4-5, 2020 is now open — both parishioners and visitors are most welcome here. In this time of pandemic, we ask that you complete the registration form on our website to help us ensure that capacity at each Mass does not exceed 90 people.
  • An Update From Andrew Pump and Our RCIA Team: Before Covid-19 Bridget, Margaret and Rhiannon were looking forward to celebrating full initiation at our Easter Vigil. Since the lockdown we have continued to support their faith journey through prayer and sharing via phone, email and ZOOM. We would like to ask all our parishioners and friends to please hold Bridget, Margaret and Rhiannon in prayer as they continue to wait for the time when we can fully welcome them into the Church and our community. Keep safe! Keep well!
  • The Meditation Group meets Friday evenings at 7:00 p.m. in the church. If you would like to participate, please enter through the rectory, at 151 Laurier Avenue East, and arrive by 6:45 p.m. All are welcome.
  • Eucharistic Adoration resumes on Friday, July 3, 2020 after noon Mass in the church. Adoration is held on the first Friday of each month after noon Mass.
  • Thank you to Holy Cross Parish for their donation of $1,000 to the St. Joe’s Supper Table. Fr. Lukose, the Pastor at Holy Cross Parish, writes: “We appreciate and thank you for your hard work in this time of epidemic. We wish and pray that you may be supported by many friends.”
  • Thank you to the Sisters of the Holy Cross: Parishioners Sharon Gravelle and Bob Part connected us with the Sisters of the Holy Cross who have donated many liturgical and religious items from their home chapel to our parish. Thank you!
  • Sunday Offering for June 21, 2020: $7,731. Thank you for your continued generosity! If you are attending Mass this weekend and would like to make a donation, you will find a Sunday offering basket near the main entrance of the church. You can leave your donation here at either the beginning or the end of Mass.  If you are not yet returning to St. Joe’s for Mass this weekend or will be away, please consider using Canada Helps. You may choose the Parish fund of your choice through this form:
  • Noon Mass on Friday, June 26th was for the intention of Joy and Henry Heft who celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary. Congratulations!
  • Announced Masses for the upcoming week:
    • July 1, 2020: Church closed for Canada Day
    • July 2, 2020: Ryan Horton (requested by Christopher Adam)
    • July 3, 2020: Jim & Kay Duggan (requested by Mary Duggan)

Please continue to share your ministry news with us and we will be happy to include these items in our upcoming online parish updates. All the best for a safe and happy Canada Day!


Christopher Adam

2 thoughts on “Fr. Jim’s Reflection, Liturgical Resources and a Parish Update on the 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time”

  1. I was moved to tears by the wonderful story Fr. Jim tells of stopping to help the boys stranded at the side of the highway. So inspiring!! And it sounds like he knew everyone on the Alaska highway!!! Thank you so much for these words.

  2. I liked that story a lot too and I shared it with others. One of the positives of this situation is having homilies and reflections on video and being able to share them with others and listen to them again ourselves. Sometimes you hear something different when you listen again. Thank you to all those who have made this possible.

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