Fr. Jim offers the homily for Palm Sunday. In his reflection, Fr. Jim shares:
“We enter these liturgies with a heart touched by the suffering caused by the pandemic. People grieving the loss of loved ones, jobs, their freedom of movement and the ability to gather together in meaningful ways that enrich our sense of belonging. Also, we have seen and heard how the pandemic has caused many people to see the other as a stranger and a threat — resulting in cruel words and violent actions, which have weakened our sense of unity and harmony in our world. The news is full of stories of how people of colour have been spat at, while walking down the street, of racist comments directed towards people of Asian descent, reports of the many injustices inflicted on Indigenous peoples, and pronouncements that rob the LGBTQ2S+ community of their dignity and rights — both in the Church and the broader community…We enter into the Passion of Christ, who once more invites us to bless our community and world with God’s justice, truth and love.”
We invite you to view the complete video homily below or to hear it in-person at Mass this weekend.
St. Joseph’s Parish History with Terry Byrne and Louise Lalonde (Part 11)
In our current episode of the St. Joseph’s Parish History Series, Terry Byrne and Louise Lalonde explore the history of the St. Joe’s Refugee Outreach Committee.
Liturgical Resources
Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord – March 28 2021 – Liturgy of the Word for use at home
READINGS FOR CHILDREN – Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion
Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion – 2021 – Prayers of the Faithful
Organ Music Performed by Tom Fagan
Parish Update
Registration for the Easter Triduum services
During the pandemic, the maximum capacity in the main body of our church is 90 people. Please pre-register for the Easter Triduum services that you would like to attend here. Once we reach capacity, the registration links will become inaccessible. Registration is not required for Palm Sunday.
Please note that in light of Holy Week, weekday Noon Mass will only be celebrated Wednesday, March 31st. Noon Mass will not be held Holy Thursday and Good Friday.
Holy Thursday Collection for the St. Joe’s Supper Table
What an exciting start to the year it’s been! With the beautiful weather continuing to brighten the mood around the Supper Table we have expanded our program into offering breakfast, lunch and dinner! All meals are offered as a to-go style service during the pandemic. We serve hot breakfasts and lunches to those dropping by during the day, as well as our continue our partnership with Café Deluxe, which offers dinners. In total, our brand new kitchen pumps out roughly 450 meals per week.
The Holy Thursday (April 1, 2021) collection will benefit the St. Joe’s Supper Table. Please use the Holy Thursday envelope in your box if you would like to donate to the work of the Supper Table or use one of the envelopes you will find in the pews. –Ryan Mitchell

Memorial Easter Lilies
We will be decorating the church for Easter with lilies. If you would like to donate a lily in memory of a loved one , please bring it to the Parish front office by Thursday, April 1st at noon. Thank you!
Sunday Offerings:
- March 14, 2021: $5,545
- March 21, 2021: $7,920
Thank you for your generosity. We are grateful for your support during the pandemic, especially as our expenses continue. If you would like to continue giving in this period, you can mail in your offering envelopes/cheques to the parish front office, donate through Canada Helps or call us at 613-233-4095, ext. 251 to donate through credit card. If you are attending Mass in person, you will find the offering basket at the main entrance.
Development and Peace – Share Love, Share Lent: Holy Week
Did you know that Development and Peace has organized a Lenten campaign every year since 1968? Keeping with this tradition, this year’s campaign, Share Love, Share Lent, invites you to a final week of communal reflection, global solidarity and prayer.
• Don’t miss our special Solidarity Way of the Cross! –
Good Friday, 12:00 p.m. (Note the time change) – This year, the Development and Peace Way of the Cross invites us to reflect on the need to share love and to develop greater social fraternity in light of Jesus’s passion, death and resurrection. Register here: Meeting Registration – Zoom
• Reflection from a Partner – On Solidarity Sunday (last Sunday), Sister Mariángel Marco Teja, a nun from Spain who served in Ecuador and now lives in Alberta, offered her thoughts on the theme of advocacy and how it relates to our faith. Read her reflection here – Weekly reflection for March 21, Solidarity Sunday (fifth Sunday of Lent): Advocacy, a need of justice | Development and Peace (
• Reminder- For the Love of Creation webinar – Saturday, March 27 at 1:30 – Join in the conversation about the four policy pillars underlying the For the Love of Creation movement. Register here: Webinar Registration – Zoom
• If you missed last Weekend’s national Solidarity Sunday Mass from Pembroke, you can watch it here: Live Fifth Sunday Mass.
• Not too late to donate to this year’s campaign – At the St. Joe’s Canada Help’s page; or at Share Love | Development and Peace ( Or you can call the D&P office at 1-888-234-8533; or send a cheque to the D&P office – 1425 René-Lévesque Boul., West, 32rd Floor, Montreal, QC H3G 1T7. You can also use your Share Lent envelope and put it in the basket at Mass. New monthly donors will have their donations doubled for one year.
Vocation Reflection: “The Cross in the Heart of DeMazenodian Spirituality”
By Jarek Pachocki, OMI – Vocation Director
Due to the COVID19 restrictions, the celebration of Holy Week and Easter will be different (again) this year. We all feel pandemic fatigue – many grieve the loss of loved ones, jobs or financial security. We all deeply seek some hope and consolation. As we look up to the Cross, we can see the power of God brining sense out of confusion, hope out of despair and life out suffering and death. The Cross is at the heart of DeMazenodian spirituality.
Read the complete vocation reflection here (published on Friday March 26):
Pastoral Visiting Ministry
Although we cannot visit with you in person, our pastoral care volunteers are wondering if they could call you to see how you are doing. If you or a loved one would like a phone call – to check-in, chat and see how you are doing – please reach out. You can contact Andrew at ext. 235 or, who will then forward your information to our ministry. Our prayers are with you all at this time.