Fr. Jim’s Reflection, Liturgical Resources, a Parish Update & Online Registrations

Dear St. Joe’s parishioners

Fr. Jim offers us the reflection for the 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time. As we explore the readings, Fr. Jim looks at God’s presence in times of suffering; particularly the power of that divine presence when reason seems to suggest God’s absence. You can view the video reflection below:

Terry Byrne Takes Us Unto the Vault of St. Joseph’s Parish — Part 4 of our Parish History Video Series

Liturgical Resources

Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time – February 7 2021 – Liturgy of the Word for use at home


READINGS FOR CHILDREN – 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time

5th Sunday in Ordinary Time – 2021 – Prayers of the Faithful

Mission Prayer

Parish Update

Live Liturgy of the Word via Zoom on Sunday, February 7th at 10: 30 a.m.

All are welcome to attend our live Zoom Liturgy of the Word service on Sunday, February 7th at 10:30 a.m. Please register on Zoom here to receive the link.

Announced Weekday Masses

The maximum capacity at all weekday Masses during the period of the stay-at-home order is 10, including Fr. Jim. Please register online for the Mass you would like to attend. Registration is automatically closed once capacity is reached. (Weekend Masses remain suspended until further notice.)

  • Wed., February 10: Paula Morency  (Requested by Nancy Keyes) — Register here
  • Thurs., February 11: Patrica O’Brian (Requested by Julie McLauglin) — Register here
  • Fri., February 12: Audrey Collins (Requested by Mary Ruddy — Register here

Prayers for the Grey Sisters of the Immaculate Conception

Sister Teresa Kelly and Sister Teresa Todd, both Grey Sisters of the Immaculate Conception, died on February 2nd. Their funerals were held on February 4th at 10:30 in Pembroke, at Our Lady of Lourdes Church. We offer our prayers.

Fostering Hope and Meaning During the Pandemic: Skills for Getting Through

For the information on the second and third part of this series with Dr. Phil Ritchie, please click here.

Fratelli Tutti Discussion Series

Our series on the most recent encyclical continues. To register for the third session, click here.

Lectio Divina over Zoom each Sunday at 1:30 p.m.

Lectio Divina is a reflective exercise centered around the reading of scripture. We will be meeting virtually over Zoom to reflect on the Sunday’s Gospel and share with each other our insights and what the scriptures are calling us to look at in our lives and where they are leading us. Please join us by using the following link:

Church Offering for January 31, 2021: $5,765. Thank you for your generosity, including during this period of lockdown. We are grateful for your support, especially as most of our expenses continue. If you would like to continue giving in this period, you can mail in your offering envelopes/cheques to the parish front office, donate through Canada Helps or call us at 613-233-4095, ext. 251 to donate through credit card.

Pastoral Visiting Ministry

Although we cannot visit with you in person, our pastoral care volunteers are wondering if they could call you to see how you are doing. If you or a loved one would like a phone call – to check-in, chat and see how you are doing – please reach out. You can contact Andrew at ext. 235 or, who will then forward your information to our ministry. Our prayers are with you all at this time.

Vocation Reflection: “God Continues to Call”
By Richard Beaudette – Vocation Team – East
“Just as Jesus reached out to those least touched by the society and institutional religion of their day he continues to call disciples to follow his example and be instruments of God’s compassion, tenderness and care.”  Read the reflection here (published on Friday February 5):

NEXT Oblate Vocations Café will take place on Monday, February 15, 2021 – 5:00pm Eastern Time. Fr. Jarek will chat with Br. Joshua Nash, OMI from Australian Province. He is a scholastic in St Mary’s Seminary, Camberwell. In the spirit of creating and cultivating the culture of vocation, we talk about vocations from many different perspectives. It’s not a webinar or an online lecture… Vocations Café is a conversation! We invite people from different walks of life: religious brothers and sisters, priests, married couples or persons embracing single life. Each Vocation’s Café session is LIVE streamed on the OMI Lacombe Canada Facebook Page ( ) and it provides an opportunity to ask questions and fully engage in the conversation.


Thank you for continuing to follow our weekly Parish updates and resources, and for participating in our virtual gatherings. As we know more about the Province’s plans for beyond February 11th, when the current stay-at-home order is scheduled to end, and its impact on our Parish, we will be in touch.



Christopher Adam

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