Dear St. Joe’s parishioners,
Fr. Jim offers us a homily on the Second Sunday of Advent, sharing the story of an Indigenous woman and a survivor of the residential school system from northern British Columbia. Winnie, who blended her Indigenous spirituality with her faith in Christ, served as a mentor to Fr. Jim when he ministered to a northern community in the region. Winnie’s story is one of personal renewal and reconciliation: an experience of Metanoia, through which we can reflect on this Sunday’s readings. You can hear Fr. Jim’s homily as a video below, or in person at Mass this weekend.
Gospel Reading and Reflection for Children by Jenny Lemon:
Liturgical Resources
Second Sunday of Advent – December 6 2020 – Liturgy of the Word for use at home
Comfort Comfort Ye My People – Lyrics
READINGS FOR CHILDREN – Second Sunday of Advent
Second Sunday of Advent – Prayers of the Faithful
Parish Update:
Christmas Mass Registration
We are asking all who plan on attending Mass on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day to register in advance online. We have the following Masses available:
- Christmas Eve 5:00 p.m.: 100% capacity reached — Registration Closed
- Christmas Eve 7:00 p.m.: 100% capacity reached — Registration Closed
- Christmas Day 11:00 a.m.: 55% capacity reached — Registration Open
***Please register for open Masses here.***
Online registration for other Masses celebrated during the Christmas season is not required.
From Darkness to Light
In our Advent Community Learning Session “Faith and Doubt in Literature,” we explored how British poet Philip Larkin, American author Flannery O’Connor and poet/songwriter Leonard Cohen grappled with the transcendental in their literary works. Fifty people participated in this live Zoom session on December 3rd, including parishioners from St. Joseph’s, Canadian Martyrs and St. Theresa’s parishes. We recorded the session in full and are sharing the video below.
The Advent series continues with three more sessions. You can find information on these here.
Service of Nine Lessons and Carols
Join us on Sunday, December 20, 2020 at 3:45 p.m. for a Service of Nine Lessons and Carols, including an organ Prelude and Postlude. The choir will sing from the loft. We will hold a collection to support the social justice work of the St. Joe’s Supper Table. All are welcome.
Memorial Poinsettias for Christmas
Parishioners are invited to consider donating a poinsettia in memory of a loved one to help decorate our church this Christmas. The suggested donation is $20. If you purchase your own poinsettia, please bring it to our front office on weekdays or to church on weekends after December 15th. This is to ensure that the flowers are still healthy for our Christmas Masses. If you would like to offer a donation towards the purchase of a poinsettia for a loved one, you can visit the front office in person (Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. or phone in your credit card information: 613-233-4095, ext. 251). We will include the names of loved ones both on our website, as well as on cards displayed with the flowers in the church.
Tea from the Oblate Parish of Kioyno (Kenya) available for purchase after Masses this weekend
A reminder that following the Masses this weekend, Eleanor Rabnett will be in the parking lot selling tea from Kenya – which is grown on the plantation in the Oblate Parish of Kionyo. Once the tea leaves are picked they are sent to a processing plant where many of the parishioners work, including some of the Oblate Associates. The tea is harvested and packaged and then sent to us by the Kionyo Oblate Associates to help raise money not only for their parish but also to raise money for the Oblates, the Oblate Youth and the Oblate Associates especially as they work together to help as many as possible during the COVID-19 pandemic. The cost is $25 for 240 g. of loose tea. You can pay by cash, cheque or money transfer. If you have any questions please email Eleanor at or speak with her after Mass.
Sunday Offering for November 29, 2020: $7,587. Thank you for your continued generosity! If you are attending Mass this weekend and would like to make a donation, you will find a Sunday offering basket near the main entrance of the church. You can leave your donation here at either the beginning or the end of Mass. If you are not yet returning to St. Joe’s for Mass this weekend or will be away, please consider using Canada Helps. You may choose the Parish fund of your choice through this form: You can also read more about the donation of securities here.
Update on the Development & Peace Special Collection:
Parishioners from St. Joseph’s contributed $2,310 to Development & Peace through the special collection basket at Masses on November 14/15, 2020. We also know that a number of parishioners sent donations directly to D&P and some donate monthly. We are grateful for such generous support from our parishioners to the work of D&P Caritas Canada.
Upcoming Weekday Noon Masses
Dec. 9 – Julia bishop — requested by Jim and Marina Lamont and Pat O’Grady
Dec. 10 – Paulette Kavanaugh — requested by Helen Zettel
Dec. 11 – Grace Cross and the Cross Family — requested by Jim and Marina Lamont and Pat O’Grady
An Invitation from parishioner Robert Sykes:
Robert Sykes is inviting members of our parish to consider helping an Indigenous community in Mexico through the purchase of coffee from a local plantation. To read more about this initiative, please see Robert’s letter here: coffee and blanket drive.
A Message from Archbishop Marcel Damphousse
We are sharing a bilingual (French/English) message from Archbishop Marcel Damphousse as he becomes the second Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Ottawa-Cornwall: Message aux fidèles 4 déc 2020 – Message to the faithful 4 Dec 2020
Adventus Film Screening
A 35 minute film with a handful of theologians and practitioners offering their thoughts on Advent, a season of being remade in the dark. See demo: . For more information on the screening and discussion to follow (tentatively planned for Tuesday, Dec. 8, 7-8 p.m.) please contact St. Joe’s parishioner and Supper Table volunteer Chaplain Rick Gariepy:
Oblate Vocations Reflection — by Jarek Pachocki OMI – Vocation Director:
“In every way of life, whether we are single, married or religious, we are called to “prepare the way of the Lord”. Our discernment of God’s will in our life is an expression of faith as we embrace the way with trust. It takes courage to step out of our comfort zone and away from the securities of life. It takes a “trailblazer” to walk the path of the Lord, not our own.”
Read the full reflection here:
To share your ministry news in our online parish update, please contact me using the email address below.
Christopher Adam