Fr. Jim’s homily & liturgical resources for the Baptism of the Lord

Fr. Jim has prepared a video homily for the Baptsim of the of the Lord and we are also sharing with you resources for this Sunday.

”This epiphany which was so vital for Jesus’ life and mission is the gift every baptized person received as they affirm God’s presence, word and love abiding within their hearts. An affirmation and identity we only recognize when we allow the Holy Spirit to lead and guide us to what is right and good.

Too often when people talk about the reasons for baptism, they often focus so much on the need for a fallen people to make themselves worthy by washing away original sin that they fail to recognize the affirmation and identity God gives when people receive this sacrament.

Often when I was preparing parents to share the Sacrament of Baptism with their young children, I would begin by asking the following questions. Why are you here? What gift do you want to share with your children? What are you asking of the Church?”

Liturgical Resources

Baptism of the Lord – January 9 2022 – Liturgy of the Word for use at home


Readings for Children – Baptism of the Lord 2022

Baptism of the Lord 2022 – Prayers of the Faithful

Mission Prayer

 Vocation Reflection: “Curiosity Has Its Own Reason For Existing”
By Jarek Pachocki OMI – Vocation Director

“Have you ever had a movement in your heart when you felt like God was calling you to do something or changed the way you were doing things? And if you ever took the steps to embrace it and make it real, amazing things happened in life. We can see this movement in the beginning of the Gospel reading this weekend, “As the people were filled with expectation, and all were questioning in their hearts…” (Luke 3:15) That was the first step in their life towards a life-changing encounter with Christ. It started with a prompting of the heart, expectations and questioning, moved by curiosity… After all, “Curiosity has its own reason for existing”.”

Kateri Ministry Special Collection

Our Kateri Ministry Special Collection wrapped up over the Christmas period. The total contribution to Kateri from St. Joseph’s Parish is $17,000 – which includes the Parish’s decision to match parishioner contributions. Some parishioners wrote cheques directly to Kateri and dropped them off with us. While these donations are included in the above total, we are forwarding these cheques to Kateri along with the Parish cheque. Thank you for joining others in the St. Joe’s community in financially supporting programming that helps bring about healing and reconciliation.

For more information about the Kateri Ministry:

2022 Church Envelopes

If you have not yet picked up your box of 2022 church donations envelopes, you can do so in the following ways:

  • Monday to Friday, 8 am to 4 pm in the front office (please call ahead: 613-233-4095, ext. 251)
  • At weekend liturgies by calling the front office in advance from Monday to Friday between 8 am and 4 pm and requesting to collect your box at one of the Masses.

If you do not have your box this weekend and would like to make an offering at Mass, please use one of the envelopes in the pews and mark your name on it. We will add your contribution to your account.

Financial Stewardship

Recent Sunday Offerings:

Christmas and New Year’s: $13,102

Sunday, January 2, 2021: $4,050

Terry Byrne’s St. Joseph’s Parish Memories: Joseph & Simone Maingot

Speaking with Terry Byrne, parishioners Joseph & Simone Maingot share memories of St. Joseph’s Parish in Ottawa. Joseph has been a member of our parish since the 1930’s

Christian Meditation

Due to the ongoing COVID restrictions, ALL Christian Meditation sessions have been cancelled until January 17, 2022. Please check the bulletin for further updates.

Front Office News

2022 Missals are available for purchase, $5 cash, or cheque. Please contact the Front Office if you would like to purchase one: 613-233-4095 or

Prayers for those who are sick: John Budden, Paul Chamberlain, Jane McGarry

Prayers for those who have died: Christine Crawford, Cyril Winter, Eliza Budden

Please contact Kathleen in the Front office ( for bulletin submissions or to add a name to the prayers for the sick & deceased.

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