On the Fourth Sunday of Easter, Fr. Jim offers a video reflection for our community: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P0N74vUZS2s
“The fourth Sunday of the Easter season always presents a gospel selection on the theme as Jesus as a good shepherd who deeply cares for all those who hear his voice and followed him. In today’s gospel, we find Jesus in the temple area during the winter feast of Chanukah, commemorating the dedication of the temple, the feast that celebrates God’s presence among his people.”
Printable Bulletin
ROC BOOK PUBLICATION: Ordinary People, Extraordinary Actions
Ordinary People, Extraordinary Actions
Since the summer of 2019, St. Joe’s Refugee Outreach Committee (ROC) has been collaborating with a team at the University of Ottawa to document its history. On May 22, 2022 the book Ordinary People, Extraordinary Actions: Refuge Through Activism At Ottawa’s St. Joe’s Parish, written by Stéfanie Morris, Karina Juma, Meredith Terretta, Patti Tamara Lenard, will be published by University of Ottawa Press.
Ordinary People, Extraordinary Actions tells the story of how the ROC has actively supported and advocated for numerous refuge-seekers and immigrants in Ottawa over the last thirty years. The ROC has provided support to a range of refuge-seekers, including for privately-sponsored refugees, refugees resettled by the government, and those who arrive as asylum seekers. In 2005, they also played an important role in Canada’s sanctuary movement, by providing protection and resources for basic needs and medical and legal assistance to a woman who was set to be deported to her country of persecution.
Faith groups like the ROC are the bedrock of Canada’s settlement sector and have faced challenges over the years including volunteer retention and burnout, donor fatigue, and institutional limitations. Yet the ROC is going strong today. Ordinary People, Extraordinary Actions explores their motivations, successes, and challenges, to examine how they accomplished what they have and maintained momentum.
The authors hope that the extraordinary but every-day activism recounted herein can serve as an inspiration for people and communities – young and old, secular and faith related – across Canada and beyond as they get involved in settlement.
The book will be available for free digitally and is available for pre-order directly from the press:
Refugee Outreach Committee (ROC) Furniture NEEDED
The Refugee Outreach Committee is seeking gently used living room, dining room and kitchen furniture and items for a woman moving into a 2 bedroom apartment this week. Please call 613-220-1811 or e-mail jhnwr99@yahoo.ca for more information.
New grant funding for the St. Joe’s Supper Table & Women’s Centre
The St. Joe’s Supper Table and the St. Joe’s Women Centre Ministries are two key social outreach programmes of our Parish. The rapidly rising cost of food and supplies, and an increase in demand for our community meal services, mean that grants and private donations play a major role in ensuring the sustainability of these programmes. We can announce with gratitude that each programme is the recipient of new grant funding. The Good Food Access Fund of the Community Food Centres (CFCC) is providing the Supper Table with $40,000 in grant funding to assist with food and staffing costs. Additionally, the Supper Table has also been awarded a $5,000 grant through the TD Environmental Leaders Program to assist with our St. Joe’s Community Garden expenses this year.
On April 26, 2022, the Ottawa Community Foundation awarded the St. Joe’s Women’s Centre $10,000 in funding towards the St. Joe’s Shared Workplace Empowers and Teaches Program. This Women’s Centre initiative
creates employment and on-the-job training opportunities for the Centre’s clients. We are grateful for the grant funding that both Parish outreach programmes receive from external partners, and we continue to seek new opportunities as they arise.
Update on the Reconciliation Discussion Series
Blanket Exercise: As part of our Reconciliation Discussion Series, St Joe’s Parish is pleased to welcome Kateri Native Ministry to host a Blanket Exercise on May 9th, at 7pm. This event will take place in person at St Joe’s Parish Hall. This will be a great opportunity to come together and deepen our understanding of Canada’s history of colonization and displacement. All are welcome! If you are not already registered with the series, please provide your details at the link below by 4pm on Monday, May 9th to confirm your attendance.
For any questions or comments, please contact reconciliation@st-josephs.ca or 613 233 4095 ext: 235.
URGENT – Support the Kateri Native Ministry
Donna Naughton, the executive director of Kateri Native Ministries, will meet with Archbishop Damphousse on May 10th to ask for an extended lease on the land they lease from the Diocese so a Healing Lodge can be built. See the following link, Kateri Ministry Letter, for a copy of the letter from Kateri Native Ministry to the Archbishop. Printed copies are available at the back of the church.
To show support, send an email to Christian Veselovsky at admin@katerinativeministry.ca . Please include your first and last name, and home parish.
Thank you!
Update on the Synodal Process of the People of God
Thank You
Although our report to the Archdiocese was to be done by Friday, May 6th we asked for an extension and will submit our summary to the Archdiocese on Thursday May 12th. It has proven to be an enlightening process for those of us working on this stage of listening, capturing, and noting the essence of all that was shared with us in March and April. We are almost at the end of this first piece of our synodal journey, which will be picked up again in the fall so that we can report back to you what the gift of your sharing looks like. Then we can begin to move forward together in working to realise our dreams and celebrate with each other.
This was not the work of one person but rather a team made up of many and I am taking this opportunity to name those who have given many hours of listening and trying to capture what was shared, those who facilitated the sessions, not just once but several times. Then they also spent time going over everything that was shared and grouping it so that could be summarized and shared with the Archdiocese and the Synod in 2023.
I want to acknowledge with much love and gratitude the parishioners who stepped up and made this process possible. They are: Clair Cheesman, Kathy Crowe, Greg Forstell, Walter Hughes, Andrea MacWilliams, Patricia Malikail, Michael McBane, Norah McMahon, Joan O’Connell, Donna Rietschlin, John Rietschlin, Joy Umoafia, and Bob Zettel. I do not want to forget Kathleen Strader, who is on staff, but who went far beyond her job to remind me about posting these weekly messages, checking, and correcting my typos and making sure that we had all that we needed. Please remember each of these people in your prayers.
I will share some reminders in the coming months just so that you do not forget us and be ready to come together in the fall for the next stage of our journey together. Have a wonderful summer.
Eleanor Rabnett
Parish Updates
Memories of St. Joe’s: Dan Riley
Financial Stewardship
Offering for Sunday May 1, 2022:$5,431
Library News
May 8, 2022— Library titles about Jesus – Ascough, R. Miracles of Jesus (BT366.3.A73) 2003, Batten, A. Teachings of Jesus (BS2415.B37) 2005, McLaughlin. A. Parables of Jesus (BT375.4.M24) 2004
Christian Meditation
Monday Christian Meditation Sessions have resumed in person at 9:30am in the Sacristy Library.
Wednesday Christian Meditation Sessions have resumed in person at 3pm in the Main Floor Meeting room. Please contact Chaplain Rick at 613-265-1652 for more information.
Friday Christian Meditation Sessions have resumed in person at 7pm in the Oblate Lounge. Please contact Beth at bborris59@gmail.com for more information.
English Conversation Circles
We hold Zoom and in person sessions each Wednesday from 7pm to 8:30 pm. We welcome any parishioners who would like to be a volunteer or a participant. For further info contact Michaelrichard2008@hotmail.com
Community News
Society of St-Vincent de Paul: Catch The Ace Fundraiser
The Ottawa Central Council (OCC) of the Society of St- Vincent de Paul has formed a partnership with the Multifaith Housing Initiative (MHI) to build a housing complex, called the Anchor, to be located at 7 Rossland Avenue in Nepean. Through various fundraising activities, the OCC aims to raise sufficient funds to cover the down payments of 4-6 apartments for Indigenous families in need to give them a chance at a better life. This will help alleviate the housing crisis that they experience. This project is aligned with the Diocese’s response to the Truth and Reconciliation initiative. Please consider supporting this important initiative by buying tickets which cost $10 each via the SSVP website https://ssvpottawa.ca/. There are prizes in the weekly draws and a grand prize which will accumulate until the Ace of Spades is drawn. Each ticket is good for the next week’s draw. Donation envelopes will be available for those who prefer to make a donation.
Canadian Christian Meditation Community 2022 National Conference
The Canadian Christian Meditation Community 2022 National Conference with Dom Laurence Freeman, OSB, is taking place the 10th & 11th June 2022 at Saint Paul University, 110 Hazel Street, Ottawa. For more information and Registration: National Conference Registration.
Front Office
If you have questions or require, 2021 Tax Receipts, 2022 Church Envelopes, or 2022 Missals, [please contact the Front Office at 613-233-4095 or frontdesk@st-josephs.ca.
Prayers for the sick: Henri VanZandvoort, Don O’Shaughnessy
Prayers for those who have died: Jake Kutarna, Louis Gascon, Dan Leeman, Lucille Muldoon, Donna Andrew, Kwesi Baffoe, Paul Chamberlain
Mass Intentions
Wed. May 11th, 2022: Micheline Dillon
Thur. May 12th, 2022: Georgette Willett
Fri. May 13th, 2022: Available
Please contact Kathleen in the Front office (kstrader@st-josephs.ca) for questions, bulletin submissions or to add a name to the prayers for the sick & deceased.