First Sunday of Lent: Homily and Bulletin

In the Homily for the First Sunday of Lent,  Fr Jim Bleackley reflects:

Lent is a time during which all of us are called to take inventory. Lent calls all of us to take the time and energy to see our limitations and weaknesses, to list them out, and to discern in them a call to draw nearer to God. Lent calls us not to deny our limitations and weaknesses or hide from them. Rather, Lent calls us to accept our limitations and weaknesses and learn how with God’s grace to transform them for the good of others.

First Sunday of Lent Reflection link:

Liturgical Resources

As of March 2, 2022 — based on the Province’s easing of pandemic restrictions — St. Joseph’s Church is open at full capacity. As more of our parishioners are returning to in-person services, liturgical materials will be available by email, rather than on our website. We will continue to post video recordings of the reflection each week, but if you would like to receive the readings, the script, and prayers of the faithful by email, please contact Jamie Loback:

Message from Pope Francis for Lent 2022

Vocation Reflection: Temptation in life is real by By Susai Jesu, OMI Vocation Team – West

Supporting Ukraine

Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishop’s Statement on Ukraine: Russian-Invasion-of-Ukraine-CCCB-Executive-Committee-Statement-EN-1

Archbishop Damphouse’s Message: Link

Supporting Ukraine: As we watch with horror the invasion of Ukraine continue, we are praying for an end to this injustice and for the Ukrainian people who are experiencing great hardship. … We can see there is a humanitarian crisis unfolding in Ukraine and across Europe as people flee to safety in neighbouring countries. How can we contribute materially to help alleviate the suffering this invasion is causing? Perhaps this Lent, with our prayers and fasting, we can consider supporting these organizations as part of our traditional practice of almsgiving or charity. Here are three reputable agencies, two Catholic ones with established connections to Ukraine and one well-known secular agency that will use donations to assist those most in need:

Catholic Near East Welfare Association:

Development and Peace:

Red Cross:

OMI Lacombe 

Lacombe MAMI Appeal for Ukraine

Ukrainian Oblates give shelter to people in their houses:


Update on the Synodal Process of the People of God

March 6, 2022

Synodal Journey Registration Now Open

I hope you take the opportunity to watch the short video from Norah as she speaks about the Synodal Journey that St. Joseph’s is embarking on. Norah’s invitation is to all who are parishioners, friends, family members and those of you who may no longer count yourselves as active members of our parish family.  All are welcome.

The first part of this parish journey will be offered using ZOOM technology, available on your computer, tablet or phone (you will need to download the appropriate app for your device that you wish to use (ZOOM Download). If you are not able to use this technology, please call the Front Desk and leave a message for Eleanor with your full name and phone number.

The process consists of two separate sessions: the first session will focus on how we as a parish community journey together in our local church (our lived reality) and the second session will focus on how the Spirit is inviting us to grow in our journey together (our dreams). We will gather in prayer, discernment, listening and sharing.

GROUP ONE will be meeting on Tuesday March 15 at 7PM with the second session on Tuesday March 22 at 7PM.

GROUP TWO will be meeting on Wednesday March 16 at 7PM with the second session on Wednesday March 23 at 7PM.

GROUP THREE will be meeting on Friday March 18 at 2PM with the second session on Friday March 25 PM.

(N.B. More groups may be added as needed.)

REGISTRATION: To register please email and include the particular group that you wish to participate in.

Once you register you will be sent a copy of the Participant’s Guide that will accompany you on your two-session journey of prayer, discernment and sharing. It will help you to prepare what you want to share in each of the sessions.

Let us keep each other in our prayers as we come together as a parish to share our collective struggles, challenges, and joys.

Eleanor Rabnett

(Archdiocese of Ottawa-Cornwall)

Norah McMann — St. Joseph’s Parish Synodal Journey Video

 Reconciliation Discussion Series 

Last Monday, we held the launch event for our reconciliation discussion series which runs on alternate Mondays until the end of May. We were blessed to be joined by many parishioners from St Joe’s, as well as Canadian Martyrs Parish, and some Anglican friends. Reflecting on the power of “story” we discussed how our backgrounds and experiences shape who we are and how we experience the world. Despite a minor technical hiccup, we enjoyed a beautifully rich and open discussion time. As we commence on this learning journey, it was a pleasure be able to share our questions, insights and hopes for the series to come.

Next gathering will be on March 14th, by zoom at 7pm. If you would like to join us, it’s not too late to register! Please provide your details in the Link. If you have any questions or comments, feel welcome to contact the office on 613-233-4095 or at


Solidarity Calendar

This Lent, we invite you to bring Jesus’s message of love to life using our Solidarity Calendar . Each day, you can pray, learn, act, reflect, watch videos and donate to support Development and Peace’s partners in the Global South who are building a world of justice.

Download your Solidarity Calendar, print it, and post it in a prominent place at home.  For the young – and young at heart – why not colour it and share a photo of your decorated calendar on social media, remembering to tag @DevPeace #ShareLent2022 or email it to

From our partners in:  Madagascar – an ecological village copes with climate change

Development and Peace’s People and Planet First campaign celebrates what solidarity can achieve, even against seemingly impossible odds.

In Madagascar, Development and Peace’s partner, the Development Council of Andohatapenaka (CDA), empowers people to manage and transform their neighbourhoods.  In the capital region, which is afflicted by flooding and poor waste management, CDA has helped the residents of one vulnerable area to turn their community into a thriving ecological village. Today, each of the 50 households involved in the project has a vegetable garden, a stove and solar panels. This transformation reflects a true ecological conversion.

Watch the video at

And pick up our mini-magazine this week-end after Mass to learn more!

Especially for families

  • Our Family Bulletin is a great weekly reflection tool for families with children.
  • A special invitation to young people – Post Card for Youth
  • For youth – sign up for our annual 25-hour THINKfast (4 p.m. EST March 10 to 4 EST March 11). By participating in this fun, educational and fundraising fast, you stand in solidarity with those in the Global South who need our support.  Click here – Meeting Registration – Zoom – to register.

 Weekly Gospel Reflections

Check our Resources section each week for the reflection on the Gospel reading for the next Sunday.

Development and Peace members invite you to join them in the Solidarity Way of the Cross next Sunday, March 13, and the following two Sundays (March 20 & March 27 ), in between the two Sunday morning masses at 10:45.  They will do five stations each week.  Today after mass, you can pick up your Share Lent mini magazine at the back of the church. Mini Magazine PDF: EN_2022_minimag

Omi Lacombe – Employment Opportunity

Springhurst Residence is looking for a cook to do the breakfast shift (6:00 to 9:00 Tuesday to Friday) and the day shift (9:30 – 6:30) on Saturday and Sunday. In the past, both the breakfast and weekend shifts were filled by the same cook, however, we are willing to split it into 2 positions if required. Please email for further information.

Parish Updates

Financial Stewardship

Offering for Sunday February 20, 2022: $7,068

St Joe’s Event Calendar: March

Christian Meditation

Monday Christian Meditation Sessions have resumed in person at 9:30am in the Sacristy Library.

Wednesday Christian Meditation Sessions have resumed in person at 3pm in the Main Floor Meeting room. Please contact Chaplain Rick at 613-265-1652 for more information.

Friday Christian Meditation Sessions have resumed in person at 7pm in the Oblate Lounge. Please contact Beth at for more information.

The Canadian Christian Meditation Community 2022 National Conference is taking place the 10th & 11th June 2022 at Saint Paul University, 110 Hazel Street, Ottawa. For mor information and Registration: National Conference Registration

Community News

St Patrick’s Takeout Dinner March 13th

Enjoy a homemade Beef & Guinness Pot Pie takeout dinner with potatoes, vegetables, coleslaw, and delicious dessert Sunday March 13th. Covid19 protocols followed. Prepaid orders only $25. Call Claudette 613-822-2007 or email: Curb side pickup 5338 Bank Street 4 to 6 pm. Proceeds to church restoration fund.

Helping with Furniture (HWF) is currently low on furniture. HWF is a volunteer organization helping people leaving shelters (refugees, women who have left abusive situations, etc) to furnish their apartments. If anyone is downsizing and has large pieces of furniture, please consider donating to HWF Website:

Interfaith Circle invites you to an Interfaith Prayer Service for Healing and Peace: Wednesday, March 9, 2022, 7 pm – 8:30 pm via Zoom. Register at:

At this prayer service, we will be praying for:

  • The victims and the families of those who are involved in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict,
  • A good Recovery from the COVID-19 Pandemic, and
  • Peace in the challenges and conflicts we encounter in our daily lives.

 This prayer service is organized by the Interfaith Circle – friends from various faith traditions with the purpose of building mutually supportive and long-lasting friendships through dialogue, prayer, and service.

 Front Office

Prayers for those who are sick:  Paul Chamberlain, Loretta Doherty, David Friday, Ethel Garrett, Jane McGarry, Rev. Bill Phipps, Helena Robb

Prayers for those who have died: Donna Andrew, Pat Barr, Christine Crawford, Sister Patricia McCarney CND, Nina McCullough

Mass Intentions

March 9th, 2022: Pauline Conlon
March 10th, 2022: Pat Barr
March 11th, 2022: Vitaly Skakuh Volodymyrovych

2021 Tax Receipts have been mailed out.  If you have any questions or concerns please contact the Front Office at .

2022 Church Envelopes: If you have not yet picked up your box of 2022 church donations envelopes, you can do so by contacting the Front Office Monday to Friday, 8 am to 4 pm, to make arrangements.  (: 613-233-4095, ext. 251 or

2022 Missals are available for purchase, $5 cash, or cheque. Please contact the Front Office if you would like to purchase one: 613-233-4095 or

Please contact Kathleen in the Front office ( for questions, bulletin submissions or to add a name to the prayers for the sick & deceased.



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