Fifth Sunday of Lent: Reflection and Bulletin

In the reflection for the Fifth Sunday of Lent, Joan O’Connell reflects:

I’ve been thinking a lot about solidarity lately.  And it’s not just because today is Solidarity Sunday, the day set aside every year by the Canadian bishops for the Canada-wide collection for Development and Peace – Caritas Canada.  It’s also because of what’s been going on around the world.  There are so many calls for and invitations to be in solidarity with members of our human family right now.  It feels like we are being drawn towards a kind of vortex of solidarity.

Full text Reflection for Solidarity Sunday 2022 – text

Youtube link: Solidarity Sunday 2022 – St. Joseph’s Parish, Ottawa – YouTube

Liturgical Resources

Vocation Reflection: What we must leave behind  Serena Shaw
Vocation Team – Oblate Associate,


Pope Francis apologizes to Indigenous peoples

Pope Francis on Friday made a historic apology to Indigenous Peoples for the deplorable abuses they suffered in Canada’s Catholic-run residential schools and said he hoped to visit Canada in late July to deliver the apology in person to survivors of the church’s misguided missionary zeal. “For the deplorable conduct of those members of the Catholic Church, I ask forgiveness of the Lord,” Francis said. “And I want to tell you from my heart, that I am greatly pained. And I unite myself with the Canadian bishops in apologizing.” To read the full report, please see:

Update on the Reconciliation Discussion Series

Our Reconciliation Discussion Series met once again this past week, as we continued to build our awareness of the Residential Schools legacy. We were also privileged to hear from two of our attendees, who shared powerfully about the ways in which reconciliation has touched their lives. We continue with our reflection on Lederach’s The Moral Imagination and look for creative ways to build relationships going forward. Our thoughts and prayers are with the members of the Indigenous delegation to Rome as they witnessed Pope Francis’ historic apology today, April 1st.  As we commence preparations for his upcoming visit to Canada, we entrust our Indigenous brothers and sisters, and ourselves, to the to the loving care of Our Lady of Guadalupe.

Our discussion series will meet again, via zoom, on Monday the 11th of April.

Update on the Synodal Process of the People of God 

Apr 3, 2022

Calling all LGBTQ+ members to come and join us in our Synodal Journey Process at St. Joe’s.


We wish to announce that we have set up Synodal Journey Sessions for members of the LGBTQ+ family. We have set these separate groups to try to ensure confidentiality and safety for the members who come to it.

We hope that you will feel welcome and bring along your partners or spouses and join us in our sharing groups. Depending on the number we will try to accommodate as many as possible even if it means setting up a 2nd set of dates.

The sessions will be by Zoom and have 2 distinct parts to them: The first part will focus on your personal experience of living a life of faith in the church which may or may not be positive and life-giving or negative and wounding. The second part will focus on how we might “walk together”, united in the Spirit and how we can be more loving, accepting, welcoming and communal. These sessions are for all whether you attend a church or not.

LGBTQ+ GROUP 1 will be meeting by Zoom on Wednesday April 6 at 7PM with the second session on Friday April 8 at 7PM.
GROUP 2 (if required) will be meeting by Zoom on Wednesday April 20 at 7PM with the second session on Friday April 22 at 7PM.

REGISTRATION: To register please email or email me directly at and include the particular group that you wish to participate in. We ask that you register no later than Tuesday April 5th by noon in order to secure a place in the first group.

Once you register you will be sent a copy of the Participant’s Guide that will accompany you on your two-session journey of prayer, discernment and sharing. It will help you to prepare what you want to share in each of the sessions.
I look forward to seeing you all there.
Eleanor Rabnett





This Lent, give from the heart

This Solidarity Sunday, Development and Peace’s People and Planet First campaign invites you to give from the heart and thanks you warmly for your generosity.  Your donation transforms the lives of some of our most vulnerable sisters and brothers across the world.

In Cambodia, for instance, your solidarity helped our partner, DPA, establish a community fishery in Srey Packly’s village.  She said, “Thank you very much to DPA and to the donors for supporting my family and fellow villagers to have fresh and healthy fish to eat and to improve our livelihoods.”

Such is the difference you can make by giving to Development and Peace on Solidarity Sunday.  Thank you for helping us build a world of justice.

Wondering how to give to Development and Peace?

There are lots of ways:

  • On Solidarity Sunday, April 2-3, by using the envelopes in the pews or from your parish envelope box.
  • Via the Development and Peace website – Give now | Development and Peace (
  • Using the drop-down menu on the St. Joe’s Canada Helps page – Saint Joseph Parish | Charity Profile | Donate Online | Canadahelps. Click on the “Apply your donation to a fund set up by this charity” and choose “Development and Peace”.
  • Send a cheque to Development and Peace at 1425 René-Lévesque Blvd. West, 3rd Floor,
    Montreal QC H3G 1T7 Please make sure to include your return address.
  • Become a Share Year-Round donor or increase your monthly donation during Lent and Double your impact. A fund endowed by some generous individuals and religious communities will match new monthly pledges (and increases to existing monthly donations) dollar for dollar! (until the $160,000 fund runs out.)

Solidarity Way of the Cross – Thank You

Many thanks to all those parishioners who took part in the Solidarity Way of the Cross with us the last three Sundays.  Your presence and participation made our journey of solidarity with Jesus and the people of the Global South rich and meaningful.  Many thanks to Fr. Jim for setting things up for us so perfectly in the library.  Spreading out the journey over three Sundays seemed popular and we will likely use that format again next year.  Thanks to Patricia Malikail for suggesting it.

Read Archbishop Marcel Damphousse’s Letter in support of Development and Peace – Archbishop Marcel Damphousse’s letter

Solidarity Calendar

Continue your Lenten journey by following along each day with our Solidarity calendar – Solidarity Calendar – Development and Peace (  Don’t forget to colour it!

Weekly Gospel Reflections

Check the Development and Peace Resources section each week for the reflection on the Gospel reading for each Sunday.  They are written by Development and Peace staff from across Canada.

Handel’s Messiah: The Easter Story

On Sunday, April 10, 2022 (3:00pm) the Ottawa Regional Youth Choir will perform the second and third parts of Handel’s Messiah with a chamber orchestra here at St. Joe’s. The second part tells the story of Christ’s passion and resurrection, ending with the famous Hallelujah chorus. The third part tells of Paul spreading the word of the resurrection of the dead, and the glorification of Christ in heaven.

Admission by donation:

Supporting Ukraine

T-Shirts in support of the Canadian Red Cross Ukrainian Humanitarian Crisis Appeal

Parishioner Michelle Hess, in collaboration with the Canadian Red Cross, has designed a unique t-shirt as a fundraiser to support the people of Ukraine in this time of war. T-shirts featuring Michelle’s art are available for $25.00 in benefit of the Canadian Red Cross Ukrainian Humanitarian Crisis Appeal. If interested, please contact the Parish Front Office: 613-233-4095, ext. 251. Thank you.

T-shirt design


Catholic Near East Welfare Association:

Development and Peace:

Red Cross:

Lacombe MAMI:

Parish Updates

Easter Lily Donations

Give an Easter Lily in honour of, or in memory of, a loved one. Parishioners are invited to bring Lilies to help decorate the church for Easter. Donate in in memory of someone who has died. The list of names of those being honoured or remembered will be published in our Easter bulletin on the weekend of April 16 & 17. Please drop off flowers (or monetary donations) at the Front Office: 613-233-4095, ext. 251. .  Be sure to include: “In honour of …” or “In memory of…” with flowers. Thank you!

Funeral Announcement

The family of St. Joe’s parishioner Kwesi Baffoe would like the parish to remember their father who passed away on March 24th. Before his body is returned to Ghana for interment, the family will celebrate his life and faith with a funeral service at Pinecrest Funeral Home, 2500 Baseline Road, Ottawa, Ontario on Saturday, April 9th. Visitation from 10 am to 11am with a Funeral Service beginning at 11 am. Fr. Jim will preside at the Liturgy of the Word for Kwesi.

Financial Stewardship

Offering for Sunday March 28, 2022: $6,020.

Thank you to Upper Rooms Home Furnishing

The St. Joe’s Women’s Centre gratefully acknowledges a $2,500 contribution from Upper Room Home Furnishings to its programming.

Thank you to the Raymond James Canada Foundation

The St. Joe’s Women’s Centre gratefully acknowledges a donation of $4,600 from the Raymond James Canada Foundation. Thank you!

Event Calendar: April 2022 Calendar

Lenten Reconciliation Services: April 4th at 12pm or 7:30pm

Triduum Schedule:

Holy Thursday: Mass of the Lord’s Supper
April 14, 2022 — 7:30pm

Good Friday: Celebration of the Passion of the Lord
April 15, 2022 — 3:00pm

Easter Vigil: Resurrection of the Lord
April 16, 2022 — 8:00pm

Easter Sunday: Resurrection of the Lord
April 17, 2022 — 9:30am & 11:30am

Community News

Christian Meditation

Monday Christian Meditation Sessions have resumed in person at 9:30am in the Sacristy Library.

Wednesday Christian Meditation Sessions have resumed in person at 3pm in the Main Floor Meeting room. Please contact Chaplain Rick at 613-265-1652 for more information.

Friday Christian Meditation Sessions have resumed in person at 7pm in the Oblate Lounge. Please contact Beth at for more information.

The Canadian Christian Meditation Community 2022 National Conference is taking place the 10th & 11th June 2022 at Saint Paul University, 110 Hazel Street, Ottawa. For mor information and Registration: National Conference Registration

Front Office

If you have questions or require, 2021 Tax Receipts, 2022 Church Envelopes, or 2022 Missals, [please contact the Front Office at 613-233-4095 or

Prayers for those who are sick: Bēatē Bernhardt, Marie Budden, Loretta Doherty, David Friday, Ethel Garrett, Jane McGarry, Henri Van Zandvoort

Prayers for those who have died: Donna Andrew, Kwesi Baffoe, Pat Barr, Paul Chamberlain, Christine Crawford, Gail Ford, Sister Patricia McCarney CND, Nina McCullough

Mass Intentions

April 6th, 2022:
April 7th, 2022:
April 8th, 2022:

Please contact Kathleen in the Front office ( for questions, bulletin submissions or to add a name to the prayers for the sick & deceased.



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