Eleanor Rabnett’s Reflection, Liturgical Resources & a Parish Update on the 2nd Sunday of Lent

Dear St. Joe’s community,

In-person public Masses have resumed in our parish, but recognizing that many in our community are not able to return at this time, we continue to offer a weekly selection of original online resources and videos. This weekend, Eleanor Rabnett offers us a reflection. Eleanor shares:

“One of the things that I have noticed for about a year now is that with the wearing of masks, it is hard to recognize some – there are some who I do recognize, but there are others with only their eyes that I am not fully familiar with. But more and more I get used to seeing them in a new light, with only their eyes to invite and share their hearts. Last weekend as Eucharistic Minister, I recognized you from your eyes as you approached me. What a joy that was for me to see through new eyes those I have loved all along and now to experience recognition of your hearts speaking through your eyes.”

You can watch Eleanor’s reflection below, read the full text here (Second Sunday in Lent February 27 28 2021 ) or hear it in person at Mass this weekend.

St. Joseph’s Parish History with Terry Byrne (Part 7)

Terry Byrne takes us through the “tunnels” of St. Joseph’s Church

RCIA and the Lenten Journey 2: Interview with Jessica

Each week of Lent at St. Joseph’s, we will feature an interview with one of our RCIA candidates alongside highlighting what the RCIA is and its importance to our experience of the Church and the Church’s liturgical seasons. This week we talk with Jessica. BE SURE TO JOIN US THIS SUNDAY AT OUR 11:30 MASS FOR THE RITE OF CALLING CANDIDATES TO LENTEN RENEWAL FOR BRIDGET, COLETTE AND JESSICA.

Liturgical Resources

Second Sunday of Lent – February 28 2021 – Liturgy of the Word for use at home


READINGS FOR CHILDREN – Second Sunday of Lent

Second Sunday of Lent – 2021 – Prayers of the Faithful

Message from Pope Francis for Lent 2021

A Prayer to the Creator – Pope Francis – Share Lent 2021 – Development and Peace

Mission Prayer

Parish Update:

Remembering Justin Clark (1962 – 2021)

St. Joseph’s parishioner Justin Clark died this week. Please see the lovely article published in the Ottawa Citizen on his life and legacy. We give thanks for Justin’s life, his presence in our community and we offer our prayers for him and for all who he touched.

St. Joe’s during Lent 2021

Thank you to all members of the St. Joe’s Liturgical Environment Committee for preparing the church for Lent. We are sharing some photos below.

Breakfast & Snack Boxes Available

Through the Parish’s partnership with the Ottawa Network for Education, we have breakfast and snack boxes available for families with school age children in our community. A new shipment arrives Monday, March 1st. If you would like a box for your children, please contact the front office: frontdesk@st-josephs.ca  or 613-233-4095, ext. 251.

Virtual Children’s Liturgy of the Word over Zoom:

Each Sunday at 9:30AM we are hosting a Liturgy of the Word for families and children virtually over Zoom. If you would like to join us be sure to send an email to Andrew (apump@st-josephs.ca) and he will send you the Zoom information. Although a Children’s Liturgy with accompanying children’s readings, it is also a great chance to connect for everyone in our community that hasn’t been able to come back to Church yet. So don’t be shy: All Are Welcome.  

Lectio Divina over Zoom each Sunday at 1:30 p.m.

Lectio Divina is a reflective exercise centered around the reading of scripture. We will be meeting virtually over Zoom to reflect on the Sunday’s Gospel and share with each other our insights and what the scriptures are calling us to look at in our lives and where they are leading us. Please join us by using the following link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/2906781332?pwd=VWUvMUtXVlFzUjlSME9velZHRWcrZz09

OMRA Update

OMRA has accepted the 14 new refugee families since March 2020!

Currently OMRA provides monthly rental subsidies to 27 refugee families in Ottawa.

Your support makes this possible. You can do this in several ways.

  1. Become part of the monthly OMRA grocery card program. Purchase grocery cards for Loblaws/Independent, Metro/Food Basics, Farm Boy or Shoppers Drug Mart. You have the full amount of the card to make your purchases.  The stores give OMRA 5% of the card value which we use to provide monthly rental subsidies to refugee families in Ottawa.
  2. Make a tax-deductible donation by e-transfer through the Ottawa Mennonite Church – donate@ottawamennonite.ca to help OMRA increase the number of rent subsidies we can provide.  Note that the donation is for OMRA rental subsidies when you do the etransfer.

Thank you so much for all the support you give OMRA to enable us to offer rental subsidies to refugees in Ottawa.  Please keep all refugees around the world in your prayers. According to the data at the United Nations High Commission on Refugees 1% of the world’s population have fled their homes.

Contact donnarietschlin@hotmail.com for more information about OMRA.


Upcoming Virtual Events
• Humanitarian Intervention: Realities from the Field – This Saturday, February 27, 11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. ET. Join Development and Peace (D&P) staff and Abdullah Fuad, of Development and Peace’s partner, Caritas Bangladesh, where he is head of their program for emergency response for Rohinga refugees in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. They will be discussing the Rohinga refugee crisis and the way Caritas Bangladesh has been working to alleviate the consequences for affected communities, as well as D&P’s unique philosophy regarding humanitarian responses. Sign up here to register.

• Changing Structures and Encouraging Community Development through Partnerships – Tuesday, March 2, 7:00-8:00 p.m. ET. Join Emily Lukasik, D&P animator for Central Ontario; Mary Durran, D&P international programs officer; and Jose Mario Lopez, from the territorial defense team of D&P’s partner, Fundación Eric – Radio Progreso in Honduras. Learn how this people-led partnership is having a positive long-term impact on community development and advocacy in Honduras which is one of the poorest and most dangerous countries for human rights defenders in Latin America. Register here.

• Upcoming events to watch out for:
o Of special interest to youth and young adults: National THINKfast – a 25-hour interactive fasting and learning experience. March 11 and 12.
o National Solidarity Sunday Mass (5th Sunday of Lent) – March 21.
o Good Friday Way of the Cross.
More information and registration links to come.

Church Offering for February 21, 2021: $8,029Thank you for your generosity. We are grateful for your support during the pandemic, especially as our expenses continue. If you would like to continue giving in this period, you can mail in your offering envelopes/cheques to the parish front office, donate through Canada Helps or call us at 613-233-4095, ext. 251 to donate through credit card. If you are attending Mass in person, you can find the offering basket at the main entrance.

Pastoral Visiting Ministry

Although we cannot visit with you in person, our pastoral care volunteers are wondering if they could call you to see how you are doing. If you or a loved one would like a phone call – to check-in, chat and see how you are doing – please reach out. You can contact Andrew at ext. 235 or apump@st-josephs.ca, who will then forward your information to our ministry. Our prayers are with you all at this time.

Vocation Reflection: “Meaning of the Tabor Experience”
By Susai Jesu OMI – Vocation Team (West)

“At Mount Tabor, Jesus felt himself comforted and affirmed by His heavenly Father’s presence and support. By this, he knew that the Father was pleased with him and would give him strength to face the challenges ahead. He knew that with God on his side, he could face anything.” Read the reflection here (published on Friday February 26): https://omilacombe.ca/become-an-oblate/

To submit ministry news for inclusion in an upcoming weekly update, please contact me using the email address below.



Christopher Adam
email: cadam@st-josephs.ca

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