Eleanor Rabnett’s Reflection & a Parish Update for the First Sunday of Advent

As we enter Advent, Eleanor Rabnett offers our Sunday reflection. In it, she shares: “It can be very easy to think of Advent as being nothing more than a short time of preparation for Christmas itself, but – is that all it is – a prelude to Christmas? Advent is the emergence, the surfacing of something new. Advent accentuates the beginning of our liturgical year that re-announces the birth of Jesus, and in that light then it is no longer just a countdown.”

(Full-text version of reflection available here: 1st Sunday in Advent.)

Liturgical Resources

First Sunday of Advent – November 27 28 2021 – Weekend Mass Script


First Sunday of Advent 2021 – Prayers of the Faithful

Mission Prayer

Parish Update

Liturgical Environment Committee Update

LEC at work

The Liturgical environment ministry at St. Joe’s is charged with providing a pleasing and accurate visual representation of the Liturgical season.  It attempts to complement the Liturgical themes and biblical messages.  This year, as we begin the Advent season, you will see the Traditional Advent color, Violet (first, second and fourth Sundays).  The Third Sunday is traditionally known as Rejoice (Gaudate) Sunday and is represented by the color Pink.

This year, we have added a touch of Orange. 

This latest innovation is anything but traditional.  We are including Orange to signify our solidarity with the Indigenous Peoples of Canada in our quest for justice and reconciliation, especially in light of the Residential Schools and the Colonialism that has perpetuated throughout the years since European migration to Canada.  We hope that you will keep these intentions in your hearts and your prayers through the Advent season and into this new Liturgical year.

Thank you to the Liturgical Environment Committee

The volunteers of the Liturgical Environment Committee came in this week to prepare our sacred space for Advent. Thank you for your dedication to this important ministry!

Advent 2021
Advent 2021

Thank you to St. Elias Antiochian Orthodox Cathedral

The St. Elias community raised $2,278 to support the work of the St. Joe’s Supper Table. We are grateful for this generous donation!

Cardinal Czerny’s visit and presentation in Ottawa

On November 23rd, a few of us from St. Joe’s had the opportunity to attend a presentation by Cardinal Michael Czerny SJ organized and hosted by St. Basil’s Parish on the Synod on Synodality. Cardinal Czerny shared that this is meant to be a Spirit-guided process. Our starting point as we reflect on the church — both past experiences, including painful ones, and possible future directions — should be one of mercy, and being merciful as we listen and engage with each other. At the most fundamental level, Cardinal Czerny shared, Synodality calls the church to encounter and to listen. We can’t plan out the other steps down the line or offer rapid solutions — all we have is listening and the opportunity to encounter.

In his talk, Cardinal Czerny encouraged us to turn the word “church” into a verb. “How do we conjugate the verb ‘church,'” he asked. By understanding church in this way, we are able to see beyond the notion of parish as only territorial occupation. It may also allow us to invite others to the conversations that we will have on Synodality — including neighbours and friends in the broader community. “As Catholics, how wide can we stretch our arms to be inclusive,” Cardinal Czerny asked, as he helped provide a framework for discussions that we too will be having as a community here at St. Joe’s.

We will be moving this process forward in our parish early in the new year.

A St. Joe’s Fundraiser for Kateri Native Ministry 

In support of Kateri Native Ministry’s work in Reconciliation and healing, St. Joseph’s Parish has launched a special fundraising campaign that will run through Advent. We invite parishioners and friends in the broader community to contribute to this special collection – all proceeds will be given to Kateri Native Ministry at the end of our parish campaign.  Additionally, St. Joseph’s Parish will match parishioner contributions to Kateri by up to a total of $10,000. You will be able to track the progress of this fundraising campaign on our parish website each week.

Total raised to date: $3,000. For more information, please click here.

Indigenous Peoples and the Church: Walking Together Toward Healing and Reconciliation

Each week, beginning on Sunday, 21 November 2021, the Solemnity of Christ the King, the CCCB will release a video recording of a Bishop in Canada reflecting on the Gospel Reading for each Sunday of Advent. This year’s reflections were developed in view of the Indigenous Delegation which will be travelling to Rome to meet with Pope Francis from December 17 to 20, 2021. Each reflection is based one of the five essential stages of reconciliation: examine, confession, repentance, reparation (making amends), and reconciliation. Likewise, it is hoped these reflections will assist the faithful, Indigenous and non-Indigenous alike, in preparing for Pope Francis’ eventual apostolic journey to Canada.

Let’s listen to the voices of our brothers and sisters fighting for their right to a healthy environment

World leaders gathered for the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) in Glasgow, Scotland earlier this month. Although these powerful decision-makers debated the future of the planet, they were far removed from the realities of its most vulnerable people. We can help to amplify the voices of those who are defending their rights and the environment against economic ravage.

Medarda Hernandez, whose community in Honduras has been repeatedly harmed by large industrial projects, including supposed “green” projects, says, “if other extractivist projects start in our community, we are not going to let them pass. I ask the international community to come to our aid, because we are really suffering from this situation.”

So that people like Medarda do not go unheard, let’s make Canadian companies operating abroad responsible for protecting human and environmental rights. Join Development and Peace’s People and Planet First campaign and sign the petition after mass this week-end asking for mandatory due diligence legislation. See the wording of the petition here.

Advent Reflections for 2021

Each day of Advent beginning December 1, and going through December 24, you can hear a new Advent Reflection written by Fr. Ron Rolheiser, OMI. Produced with music and professional voices, these 2 to 4-minute reflections will enhance your Advent experience and help you remember what the Advent and Christmas Seasons are truly about.

The 2021/2022 Sunday Missal now available for purchase

The 2021/2022 Sunday Missals have arrived and are available for purchase this weekend at Mass for $5 (cash or cheque). To buy your copy, please contact the front office (613-233-4095, ext. 251) or purchase one on Sunday after Mass.

Seeking a ride to church from Kanata

We are looking for a ride to Church for a parishioner who lives in Kanata – close to Campeau Drive and Kanata Avenue. This is for the 11:30 Sunday Mass. Currently the parishioner is having to pay for a taxi to get to St. Joe’s on Sunday mornings. Once at church there is a friend who can drive her home, so it is just a one-way drive. Ideally it would be great to get a few names and numbers. If you can help please call Eleanor Rabnett at 613-315-5317 or email her at rabnete@gmail.com and she will connect you with the parishioner. Thank you so much!

Vocation Reflection: “Stand Up And Raise Your Heads”
By Jarek Pachocki, OMI – Vocation Director

“The essence of vocation is the answer to God’s calling, embracing God’s mission at this place and our particular time. Whatever our vocation is, we are all called to “stand up and raise our heads” for healthy relationships, social justice, human rights and the integrity of creation, for proclaiming the Gospel and witnessing it through our actions. May this advent be a time for “standing up and raising our heads”! The number of chocolates we eat from the Advent calendar won’t make the world a better place; but our awakened heart will!”
Read the reflection here (published on Wednesday November 24): https://omilacombe.ca/become-an-oblate/

Sunday offerings for November 21, 2021: $5,525

Thank you for your generosity!

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