Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Bulletin

Please find our latest bulletin for Sunday, July 31, 2022 here: July 31, 2022

Welcoming Fr. Robert:

Our new Pastor, Fr. Robert Laroche OMI, joins us this weekend at all the Masses. While Fr. Jim will preside and we will offer a blessing for him as his ministry here comes to an end, we will also be hearing from Fr. Robert for the first time as a homilist. We look forward to his homily at the Saturday 5:00 p.m. and the Sunday 9:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. Masses. We extend a warm welcome to Fr. Robert as he begins his pastoral ministry at St. Joe’s. Please also note that Archbishop Marcel Damphousse will celebrate an Installation Mass for Fr. Robert on Sunday, August 14th, 2022 at 11:30 a.m. At this time, the Parish will host a reception after the liturgy to which all are welcome.

Fr. Jim’s Farewell BBQ:

St. Joe’s Parish held a farewell barbecue for Father Jim Bleackley last night, thanking him for his service to the community as pastor over the past three years. He will be moving out west, to live in an Oblate community in BC. During these three challenging years, Jim was the first pastor at St. Joe’s to give regular video-recorded homilies and to find creative ways to serve the community during the various cycles of lockdowns and in a maze of restrictions. Last night’s party was spearheaded by parishioner Terry Byrne with lots of help from Kathleen Allan, Colleen Kerr, Dianne and Tom Taylor, Marion Kizas and many others! Join us at all the weekend the Masses as we offer Fr. Jim a blessing and give him the many cards that you have signed!

Supper Table Needed Items:

St. Joe’s Supper Table is currently looking for some grounded coffee (not instant) and granulated white sugar for our daily clientele at the window. Any brand is most welcomed. Thank you for thinking of us!

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