
How do I make a donation to St. Joseph’s Church?


Credit Card Donations

Using the Canada Helps form below, you are able to make your credit card and PayPal donation quickly and efficiently. Canada Helps will  issue a tax receipt and provide you with regular statements. 

Envelope Donations

Regular parish members will see an annual supply of donation envelopes with their names printed on them at the back of the church, near the Welcome Desk. Parishioners may use these envelopes for their regular, weekly, or special offerings to the Parish. You may donate by cash or cheque.

Write your name and address on all donations so that we have your address. This ensures that we can send you a tax receipt at the end of the fiscal year.


Direct Debit Donations

Bi-weekly or monthly contributions will be automatically withdrawn on the 15th and/or 30th of the month (or on the next business day). You can fill out a form at the Welcome Desk with a cancelled check attached, and then deposit the form in the collection basket during mass.


How do I support the Parish through the United Way?

It’s easy! Your dollars can go a long way at the Parish to sustain many good works.

In your United Way form, enter “St. Joseph’s Church“. Use our official charitable number BN: 131771990RR0006.

For more information, contact Chris Adam, Executive Director at 613-233-4095, x 223 or

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