Christmas 2021 Reflection & Bulletin

Fr. Jim Bleackley offers the reflection for Christmas. In it, he shares:

“For the author of the Gospel of Luke the real miracle of Christmas is that shepherds are at home with God. Shepherds were near the very bottom of the social order of the day. They were considered worse than prostitutes and tax collectors. That even this group could be one with God is for Luke the real miracle of Christmas and is the highlight of his account about the birth of Jesus. It is worth noting that it is only when these despised shepherds hear the message that the heavens suddenly become full of angels, singing joyous praise of God…In seeing these outcasts at home with God, we come to realize that not even our sinfulness need be an obstacle in God’s plan to be Emmanuel, to be at home with us. Tonight, we are invited to experience this mystery by allowing Christ to enter our flesh, our weakness, our poverty, and our sin; to allow this sacred gift to redeem us and make us a people who are zealous for good deeds because his presence, truth and love is the light that over comes the darkness of our world.”

View the full video reflection below.

Liturgical Resources

Nativity of the Lord – December 25 2021 – Liturgy of the Word for use at home


Nativity of the Lord 2021 – Prayers of the Faithful

Message from Pope Francis – Christmas 2021

[Mission Prayer]

Parish Update

Thank you to the Liturgical Environment Ministry

The volunteers of the Liturgical Environment Ministry, facilitated by Wayne Moyle, spent this past Monday getting our church ready for Christmas. Thank you for sharing your gifts with us and for your continued dedication!

Video Recording of the Service of Lessons and Carols to benefit the St. Joe’s Supper Table

A St. Joe’s Fundraiser for Kateri Native Ministry

Total raised to date: $8,650. Thank you for your generosity in contributing to Kateri Native Ministry. At the beginning of January, the Parish will forward these donations to Kateri and will match the total contribution. Any donations that arrive through the  Christmas period will be added to the total. A final total will be published in January.

   St. Joe’s Women’s Centre:

Christmas greetings from the staff, women and families. Even though we are working in a different environment we are grateful to be open for our guest who refer to the Centre as their Home Away from Home. The staff have implemented innovative programs highlighting the Women’s creativity, and their artwork displayed within the Centre. We are very appreciative of your support and belief in the work that happens at the Centre each day.

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year from the Women’s Centre Staff.

St Joe’s Supper Table Christmas Update

There have been many changes to operations of St Joe’s Supper Table over the past year to accommodate COVID requirements. All meals are now takeout, on Mondays we serve an All Day breakfast until 1pm; and daily between Tuesday to Friday,  we give out three hot meals between 9am to 5pm. We continue to give out coffee daily between the hours of 8am until 2pm.  During the winter months we serve an average of 120 meals daily which rises to 200 meals on average during the summer months. 200 families are registered with our food bank, these families are mostly New Canadians, ODSP recipients and university students. Over this Christmas season, we have given out 130 turkeys and 40 hams. Your holiday donations make a difference:  45$ provides bananas for 100 people per 1 week; $100 provides coffee for 100 people per 1 week; and $300 provides for hot meals per 2 days.

This is the Supper Table Staff wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Christmas Poinsettia Donations 


Link: Christmas & New Year’s Schedule

Sunday, December 26, 2021 – Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph -11:00am

Friday, December 31, 2021 – Mary, the Holy Mother of God –5:00pm

Saturday, January 1, 2022 — Mary, the Holy Mother of God — 11:00am

Sunday, January 2, 2022 – Epiphany of the Lord –11:00am


Front Office News

Holliday Office Closure – the Front Office will be closed at 12pm December 24th, 2021, and reopen 8am January 4th, 2022.

2021-2022 Missals are available for purchase, $5 cash, or cheque. Please contact the Front Office if you would like to purchase one: 613-233-4095 or

2021-2022 Donation Envelops will soon arrive. However, if you no longer use envelops but have in the past, please contact David Trepanier in the Front Office: 613-233-4095 or

Financial Stewardship

Sunday offerings for December 19th, 2021: $7,809. 

Thank you for your generosity!

Mass Intentions

Prayers for those who are sick: Francis Anne Smeaton, Jane McGarry

Prayers for those who have died: David Hicks, Daniel Robin, Dr. Stefan Lukan

The Parish Office is closed from December 25th through January 3rd.

Please contact Kathleen in the Front office ( for bulletin submissions or to add a name to the prayers for the sick & deceased.

One thought on “Christmas 2021 Reflection & Bulletin”

  1. I appreciate Father Jim’s reverence at the altar. His celebration of mass is not routine. Each mass is a new experience as if he was celebrating mass for the first time.
    His homilies leave me with new insights and food for thought.
    Kudos to Jamie for the well planned liturgies, for the gift of music and singing. Having the choir back is uplifting and brings new life to the community.
    Much as I love our 11:30 choir, having Jamie’s children’s choir sing at Christmas Eve mass last night was delightfully refreshing. Too, I enjoyed hearing the traditional French carols played on the organ. Even if we were advised not to sing, I sang those anyway.

    I am blessed being part of St. Joe’s community.

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