Good Afternoon,
Please see attached our upcoming weekend bulletin. There are important updates about the Government of Canada’s extension on tax receipting, as well as grants we have received lately.
Good Afternoon,
Please see attached our upcoming weekend bulletin. There are important updates about the Government of Canada’s extension on tax receipting, as well as grants we have received lately.
Good Afternoon,
Please see attached our bulletin for this upcoming weekend! There will be another bulletin published early next week for the Christmas and New Year’s period.
Reminder: this weekend our Service of Lessons and Carols, in support of St. Joe’s Supper Table. Please join us at 3pm on Sunday, admission by freewill donation.
Good Afternoon,
Please see attached our bulletin for this upcoming weekend, in our NEW format! To purchase your poinsettia, please get in touch with us either by phone or use the poinsettia link below. You can also now purchase Mass Intentions online, see the bulletin for details.
Good Afternoon,
Please see attached our bulletin for this upcoming weekend, in our NEW format!
Also see our Christmas and Advent Mass schedules. There are flyers in the back of the church so you may take one home.
Good Afternoon,
Please see attached St. Joe’s Supper Table’s Fall Newsletter. We are pleased to share it with you!
Please see this week’s bulletin, as well as our Advent and Christmas schedule.
Good Afternoon,
Please see attached our bulletin for this upcoming weekend. Join us in congratulating staff achievements, and view a plethora of upcoming community events.
Dear all,
This coming Sunday marks the 32nd Sunday of Ordinary Time, and also leads into Remembrance Day. In our bulletin, you will find suggestions for Remembrance Day activities, a reflection of the meaning of Remembrance Day, Young Adult Activities, and our first excitement for Advent and the Christmas season.
As always, take a look at our calendar to find activities taking place in our active parish. Have a pleasant weekend, and enjoy what is likely the last of this beautiful weather!
Please see below for our Parish bulletin for this coming Sunday.
Thank you all for a beautiful Supper Table Fall Harvest Fundraiser! This event was instrumental in combatting food insecurity in our neighborhood.