Please find our weekly bulletin for Sunday, Mar 17, the 5th Sunday of Lent, attached below. This week includes a recap of this past Wednesday’s Lenten Talk as well as updates from the Women’s Centre, Young Adult Ministry, and Development + Peace. Please also see attached a Save-the-Date for a performance by Deantha Edmunds, an Inuk singer from Nunatsiavut, on April 19th at Notre Dame Basilica. Proceeds raised will go towards the Indigenous Reconciliation Fund.
Happy Friday! Please find attached this weekend’s parish bulletin for Laetare Sunday (Mar 10, 2024). We are including a huge thank-you to the ORYC for their Supper Table Fundraiser Concert this past Sunday, as well as announcements from Development and Peace, the Social Committee, etc.
Please find attached our Parish Bulletin for the 3rd Sunday of Lent – March 3rd, 2024. This week’s issue contains announcements about the Lenten Reconciliation Service, Parking in uOttawa’s Lot, and a notice from the PPC, among others.
Please find attached to this email the weekly bulletin for Sun, Feb 25, 2024. In this issue, we share an interesting tidbit of our parish bulletin’s history, as well as some requests for aid by the ROC and other ministries. A reminder that Fr Robert will be sharing the sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick this weekend at masses on Feb 24/25.
Attached here is our Parish Bulletin for Sun, Feb 18th, the 1st Sunday of Lent. In this issue, we invite you to attend a benefit concert for the Supper Table hosted by the Ottawa Regional Youth Choir! We also include announcements from the Women’s Centre and on events going on in the parish and community.
Please find the bulletin for the 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time, and the World Day of the Sick, attached below. We have announcements regarding our Ash Wednesday masses as well as information regarding Sunday mass times.
Ash Wednesday Masses will be celebrated on Wed, Feb 14 at 12pm and 7:30pm.
Please find attached the Parish Bulletin for the 5th Sunday in Ordinary time, Feb 4, 2024. This week we have a listing for a job at the supper table, as well as a survey about the recent change in mass times. Wishing everyone a lovely weekend!
Please find attached this weekend’s bulletin for the 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time. Included is an invitation to a pre-Lent potluck as well as a handful of updates from the Supper Table and Faith Formation. Additionally, please note the announcement at the back of the bulletin with regards to email difficulties we have been having of late.
Please find attached the parish bulletin for Sunday, January 21st. This week’s issue includes various announcements from the Faith Formation and Young Adult ministry as well as news regarding Development and Peace, the Refugee Outreach Committee, and our Christian Meditation ministries.
Please note: there have been some corrections and changes made to this week’s Bulletin.
Hello all,
Here is the Parish Bulletin for the 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time. This issue includes an update to the Church’s open hours as well as spiritual and social events within and beyond our Parish community.