Category Archives: Communications

re. 2024 Tax Receipt Extension

Government of Canada 2024 Donation Extension

The Government of Canada announced an extension of donation receipts issued by charities due to the Canada Post mail strike in November and December. The extension for contributions able to be claimed in 2024 taxes is until February 28, 2025, meaning contributions received by the end of February can receive a 2024 tax receipt. This is meant to lessen the effect of the strike on mail-in charitable donations.

Since St. Joseph’s Parish and its ministries that accept donations (mainly the Supper Table, Women’s Centre, and Refugee Outreach Committee) were relatively unaffected during the strike, we will not be issuing 2024 receipts by default on donations received during January and February 2025. We will do so, however, under two circumstances:

  • Donations come by cheque and are dated in 2024; and
  • Parishioners and Donors explicitly ask for their donations, or a specific donation, received during January and February to have a receipt dated in 2024 for their contribution(s) during this time.

Thank you for your contributions and your understanding!

Parish Bulletin for the 4th Sunday in Advent

Good Afternoon,

Please see attached our bulletin for this upcoming weekend! There will be another bulletin published early next week for the Christmas and New Year’s period.

Reminder: this weekend our Service of Lessons and Carols, in support of St. Joe’s Supper Table. Please join us at 3pm on Sunday, admission by freewill donation.

Bulletin – December 22 DIGITAL


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Dear friends,

It is this time of the year again where we are celebrating something special. Whether you are surrounded by loved ones or simply by yourself, always remember that you are never alone. Indeed, Christmas is the day where God gave us a forever friend. No matter who you are and what you do, Jesus is here for you. It is okay if you believe those words are “cliché” but in reality, the fruits of the Holy Spirit will always remain relevant today.

This year, we wish you to rediscover this exceptional and extraordinary relationship that belongs to you but we hope that you will come and share it with us at St. Joe’s.

Much joy to you all!

St. Joseph’s Parish management

Happy Easter!!!

In the name of St. Joseph’s Parish, we would like to wish you all a happy Easter.

This is time to appreciate the sacrifice of Christ, the Lord of Lords. May you feel the hope of new beginnings, love and happiness during this joyful holiday. Easter brings us God’s favour and blessings to remind us that His love endures forever.

God bless you all.