Dear all,
Below is this week’s bulletin for Corpus Christi, Jun 2nd, 2024. Included is an important update about the Advanced Care Planning workshop as well as a handful of announcements about upcoming events.
Have a replenishing weekend!
Dear all,
Below is this week’s bulletin for Corpus Christi, Jun 2nd, 2024. Included is an important update about the Advanced Care Planning workshop as well as a handful of announcements about upcoming events.
Have a replenishing weekend!
Dear parishioners and friends,
Please find attached this Sunday’s bulletin for The Most Holy Trinity. Included are announcements from the PPC, Finance Committee, and a feature on Pastoral Care written by Renee Liss-Siraco! Please note the Mass Cancellation on Jun 6.
This week’s bulletin links are not clickable in the electronic version due to technical difficulties this week. All contact info is available through our website, .
Have a great weekend!
Dear parishioners and friends,
Please find attached below this Sunday’s bulletin (May 19, 2024)! We have many notes about upcoming events in our parish and in the community. Have a great long weekend! Please note that the front office will be closed on Monday, May 20, for observance of Victoria Day.
Dear all,
Please see attached the bulletin for the sixth Sunday of Easter. Enjoy the pleasant sunny weather!
Dear all,
Please see attached the bulletin for the fifth Sunday of Easter. There are many ministry and community announcements.
Dear all,
Please see the attached bulletin for the 4th Sunday of Easter. There are a plethora of community announcements this round.
Dear all,
Please see attached the bulletin for the third Sunday of Easter. We have notes about the archbishop’s Saturday mass, a film showing at the parish, and a reflection from John Mark Keyes.
Dear all,
Please see attached the bulletin for the second Sunday of Easter. We have updates for the food bank, a film showing at the parish, and a letter from Father Robert regarding the wonderful Thursday through Sunday Easter services.
Dear all,
Please find attached this week’s Easter bulletin for Mar 31, 2024! Fr Robert conveys an Easter message for this year, and we include messages from the Supper Table and Faith Formation ministries, among others.
Take care and have a Happy Easter.