Category Archives: Bulletins

Bulletin: 3rd Sunday of Ordinary Time

Good Morning,

Please see our weekly bulletin. Tax receipts will be available at this coming weekend’s services. Click below to hear the 2025 Jubilee Hymn, which was introduced last weekend.

In an effort to understand our different demographics of parishioners, we are collecting basic information about those who attend St. Joe’s regularly. Click below to fill in our survey. All the information you provide will be kept confidential. Thank you for your participation, it helps us to plan activities and best understand those we serve!

Parishioner Information Survey

Bulletin – January 25-26 DIGITAL

Special Christmas Bulletin – 2024

Dear Friends of St. Joseph’s Parish;

A very Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you all! During this incredibly busy period of the year, Christmas is a time to reflect, enjoy, and make time for those who mean the most for us in our lives. We would like to extend our thanks for the role you play in our Parish not just now, but during the entire year in the spirit of community and togetherness.

Please see attached our Christmas Bulletin, a special edition to commemorate our vibrant community of generosity. Through this publication, we share with you so many ways in which our community gives back and demonstrates how much of a truly caring Parish we are: by working together, we make a difference in the lives of those who need it most.

From myself and the entire staff at St. Joe’s, we would like to wish you a very Merry Christmas and extend blessings to a happy and healthy 2025 ahead. See you then!

Christmas 2024 Bulletin DIGITAL

Parish Bulletin for the 4th Sunday in Advent

Good Afternoon,

Please see attached our bulletin for this upcoming weekend! There will be another bulletin published early next week for the Christmas and New Year’s period.

Reminder: this weekend our Service of Lessons and Carols, in support of St. Joe’s Supper Table. Please join us at 3pm on Sunday, admission by freewill donation.

Bulletin – December 22 DIGITAL


Parish Bulletin for the Third Sunday of Advent

Good afternoon,

Please see attached our bulletin for this upcoming weekend! To purchase your poinsettia, please get in touch with us either by phone (below) or use the poinsettia link in the bulletin. You can also now purchase Mass Intentions online, see the bulletin for details.

Reminder: this weekend is Hospitality Sunday! Join us after Mass for cookies, coffee, and to connect with fellow parishioners. We look forward to seeing you!

Bulletin – December 15 DIGITAL