Book of Remembrance 2020

The names below have been added to the Book of Remembrance at St. Joseph’s Parish in 2020. During the month of November, we will honour all those whose names are found in the Book of Remembrance. May the souls of the faithfully departed rest in peace and enjoy the fullness of the resurrection. 


Barbara Abraham
Peter Adam
Don Adams
Doreen Adams
Barbara Abraham
Peter Adam
Don Adams
Doreen Adams
Joyce Albert
Bea Alexandrovich
Monty Alford
Françoise Allard
Jean-Louis Allard
Allison Family
Fr Andrew Anderson
Brother Louis Andreas, OMI
Odilia Augusto Pereira
Brain Ballard, OMI
Joseph Began
Jean André Florent Beauregard
Verna Anna Beauregard
Alejandro Bermúdez
Sr. Betty Berrigan
Casey Bialek
Rita Bialek
Mary Bingham
Bill Bleackley
Val Bleackley
Susan Bloos
Peter Boccasi
Brady Family
John Brieux OMI
Garry Bryne
Harold Burns
Otto Burns Burns
Liane Choquette
Minnie Clemenhagen
Danielle Cossitee
Gloria Coutiño
Janet Courture
Corrinne Cyr
Fernand Cyr
Lawrence Cyr


Claire Darling
Guadalupe Dávila
Fr Dave Daws
Helen DeBrule
Helen Delaney
Irene Delaney
Pat Desmarais
Peter Desmarais
John Dourley OMI
Duggan Family
Cathleen Dunnigan
Edward Dunnigan
Patricia Dunnigan
Peter Dunnigan
Paul Feeley OMI
John Ferby
Kevin Figley
Paul Flaherty
Frank Fowler
Mary Fox
Bill Franz
Shirley Freeborn Taylor
Barbara French
Ernest French
Ethel French
Phylis Gates McKay
Aileen Granger
Angelina Gutierrez


Khadija Haffajee
Margaret Hearty
José Luis Hernádez
Vicenta Herrera
Gordon Hilchie
Bill Holl
Rose Holl
Liz Holmes
Suzanne Joubert
Mary A Joy
Joan Fulthorp Jubb
Carl Kelly OMI
Kerr Family
Kizas Family
John Kroetch
Marc Laforge
Lionel Lalonde
Daniel Lamont
Patricia Langley, SC
Joanne Laplante
Leo Laurin Laurin
René Laurin
Ghislaine leBlanc
Bishop Thomas Lobsinger, OMI
Beth Ann Lowe


Hugh James MacDonald OMI
Lucy MacInnis
Jack MacLennan OMI
Lawrence MacLennan OMI
MacMillan Family
Maingot Family
Cecilia Malikail
Joseph Malikail
Doris Martin
George Martin
Graham Martin
Ivan McCormack OMI
David McLaren
Janice McLaren
Brother Yvon Mercier, OMI
Agnes Middlested
Adolfo Evaristo Milla Morales
Annie Miller
Alvin Miller
Carl Miller
Dolores B. Miller
Gladys Miller
James Miller
Joseph Miller
Marjorie Miller
Moore Miller
Andrew Mooney
Rita Mooney
Alfonso Filiberto Moran Reyna
Armando Esteban Moran Reyna
Flora Albina Moran Reyna
Ines Susana Moran Reyna
Nelly Carlota Moran Reyna de Milla
Pedro Buenaventura Moran Reyna
Alice Moore
Leslie Mullally
Margaret Murdoch
Sarolta Nagy
Sean Naipaul
Inés Navarro
Irv O’Connell
Mary O’Connell
Muriel O’Connell
Nell O’Connell
Roger O’Connell
Sel O’Connell
Bishop Hub O’Connor
O’Donnell Family
O’Meara Family
Margaret Oszlanszky
Jorge Paniagua
Gloria Luz Paniagua
Hermisendo Paniagua
André Perron
Malcolm Perry
Sister Miriam Phelan, SNJM
Susan Pye


Joe Redmond, OMI
Laura Anne Reilly
Amanda Rietschlin Squires
Joan Rice, FDLP
Royds Family
Christopher Rush
Mary Ruth
John Ryan
Mary Ryan, FDLP
Nelly Ryan
Don Saul
Ann Smallian
Robert Smallian
Delina Solis
Fernando Solis
Pantaleón Solis
Brother Hoby Spruot, OMI
Ray Standen
Swift Family
Swine Family
Peter Sutton OMI
Rita Tayler
Dorothy Teske
Martha Toledo
Emily Tripp
Elizabeth Udell
Michael Valiquette
Eva Wahba
Bill Walker, OMI
Paul Watson
Marion Wheelton
Jean Wright
Walley Wright
Anna Yensen
Hector de Jesus Zenteno

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