Announcements, Second Sunday of Ordinary Time Resources & Bulletin


Announcing our Coordinator for the Synodal Process at St. Joe’s

Eleanor Rabnett has agreed to serve as the Coordinator for the Synodal Process at St. Joseph’s Parish. As a member of our parish for many years and as an Oblate Associate, many of you will already know Eleanor and her passion for community. In early February, we will begin to offer opportunities for parishioners to participate and to share in several areas, including in how belonging to the local and the broader Church has led to experiences of both joy and suffering, what steps you feel the Holy Spirit is asking us, as the church, to take and what changes is the Spirit suggesting for the church moving forward together? We’re grateful for Eleanor’s willingness to coordinate this process in our parish as part of a team. St. Joe’s, along with other parishes in Ottawa-Cornwall, will be submitting a report to the Archdiocese by May 2022.

Professors John Renken & Cathy Clifford on Synodality

Pope Francis has invited all of us throughout the world to share with him our experience of journeying together as Church and how that experience can be improved. To hear more about this and how you can participate, we have asked Fr. John Renken and Professor Cathy Clifford to tell us more. The dates and times of the presentations are the following: Friday, Jan. 28, at 2pm with Fr. John Renken and Wednesday, Jan. 19 and Feb. 2, at 7pm with Cathy Clifford. You can register for one or more of these sessions by clicking here. Find the Zoom link for the presentations here.

Fr Richard Beaudette, OMI has prepared a video homily for second Sundar of Ordinary time and we are also sharing with you resources for this Sunday.

A Wedding Story

Second Sunday of Ordinary Time Homily youtube link

Liturgical Resources

2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time – January 16 2022 – Liturgy of the Word for use at home


READINGS FOR CHILDREN – 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time – 2022

2nd Sunday in Ordinary 2022 – Prayers of the Faithful

Mission Prayer

 Vocation Reflection: “What concern is that to you and me?
By Richard Beaudette OMI – Vocation Team

”In the gospel passage, two people are supposed to be enjoying the happiest day of their lives with family and friends – and disaster strikes. They run out of wine! This could be a terrible omen for this couple; if they cannot manage the arrangements for the feast, what else might be lacking in their marriage. John doesn’t go into detail about the shortage of wine, he simply states it as fact through Mary’s announcement to Jesus.”

2022 Church Envelopes

If you have not yet picked up your box of 2022 church donations envelopes, you can do so in the following ways:

  • Monday to Friday, 8 am to 4 pm in the front office (please call ahead: 613-233-4095, ext. 251)
  • At weekend liturgies by calling the front office in advance from Monday to Friday between 8 am and 4 pm and requesting to collect your box at one of the Masses.

If you do not have your box this weekend and would like to make an offering at Mass, please use one of the envelopes in the pews and mark your name on it. We will add your contribution to your account.

Financial Stewardship

Recent Sunday Offerings:

Sunday, January 9, 2021: TBA

Christian Meditation

Due to the ongoing COVID restrictions, ALL Christian Meditation sessions have been cancelled until January 17, 2022. Please check the bulletin for further updates.

Front Office News

2022 Missals are available for purchase, $5 cash, or cheque. Please contact the Front Office if you would like to purchase one: 613-233-4095 or

Prayers for those who are sick:  Paul Chamberlain, Jane McGarry

Prayers for those who have died: Christine Crawford, Dianne Dussault

Please contact Kathleen in the Front office ( for bulletin submissions or to add a name to the prayers for the sick & deceased.

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