Andrew Pump’s Reflection and a Parish Update on the 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Dear St. Joe’s parishioners,

This weekend Andrew Pump, our Coordinator of Faith Formation and Young Adult Ministry, offers us both a Sunday reflection and a special reflection for children on the readings and the Parable of the Talents. In his reflection, Andrew shares: “In these stories, we are dealing with a pre-capitalist economic worldview. This means that they would have seen the goods of the earth as limited and finite. If you have more, it means someone else is doing without or has a lot less. But in our modern capitalist values and outlook, which we are not often generally aware of because it has become the air we breathe, we have an assumption that we can create wealth; that value is added through the production process and that investment grows the economy…Since the Industrial Revolution, the Magisterium, the teaching authority of the Church, has been a sobering voice, challenging the direction of the promises of progress and growth of modern capitalist societies; showing the shadow side and underbelly of modern life as it was unfolding. Development and Peace is a product of this Catholic social tradition…”

You can view the video version of this homily here, or listen in person at Mass this weekend.

Andrew Pump’s Reflection for Children:

Liturgical Resources:

33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time – November 15 2020 – Liturgy of the Word for use at home


READINGS FOR CHILDREN – 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time – Prayers of the Faithful – World Day of the Poor

Message from Pope Francis – World Day of the Poor 2020

Parish Update

From Darkness into Light — An Advent Community Learning Series at St. Joe’s: Join us for a new Parish educational initiative offered entirely through Zoom this Advent. Based on the theme of moving from darkness into light, we are offering four Zoom sessions on different topics, facilitated by members of St. Joseph’s Parish. These include an exploration of sacred music with Jamie Loback, an evening of prayer and peace with Michelle Miller, stories of flight and refuge with Deborah Dorner and John Weir, as well as other members of the Refugee Outreach Committee, and an exploration of faith and doubt as portrayed in literature with Christopher Adam. All are welcome to these Zoom sessions. Participants will receive in advance of each session by email readings and other resources from their Zoom facilitator. Please register for the session(s) of your choice using the links below. Following registration, Zoom will automatically send you the link to join the actual session:

  • Faith and Doubt in Literature: (Thursday, December 3rd, 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.): We will read and discuss three short works of literature, including poetry, in which the author or speaker struggles with, and negotiates faith and doubt through the written word. The session will contextualize each work and author within the milieu of the relevant cultural and social history. Facilitator: Christopher Adam. Zoom Registration — Click here.
  • The Refugee Experience as Part of the Advent Narrative (Thursday, December 10th, 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.): St. Joseph’s Refugee Outreach Committee (ROC) hears many stories from families who are seeking refuge from persecution. The Flight into Egypt (Matt 2:13-23), part of the Advent/Christmas narrative, is such a story. In the second session of Darkness into Light, members of the ROC will share themes and experiences common to both of our stories. Facilitators: Deborah Dorner and John Weir. Zoom Registration — Click here.
  • An Advent Evening of Prayer and Peace (Thursday, December 17th, 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.):  Even at a time when the world around us seems so unsteady, we are invited to pause, relax, and gather together for an Advent evening of peace. They’ll be time for sharing, silence, and prayer. Facilitator: Michelle Miller. Zoom Registration — Click here.
  • Exploring Sacred Music (Monday, December 21st, 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.): Learn about the principles of sacred music and its development; hear some music performed live during the session. Facilitator: Jamie Loback. Zoom registration — Click here.


Our bishops invite us to make a donation on November 15, the World Day of the Poor, to DEVELOPMENT AND PEACE-CARITAS CANADA. This is to support our partners in the Global South who have been affected by the COVID 19 pandemic. DEVELOPMENT AND PEACE has 100 projects in 35 countries. As Pope Francis said: “An emergency like that of COVID 19 is overcome with the antibodies of solidarity.” The pandemic is worsening poverty in communities already lacking in food and experiencing hunger, conflict, insufficient health care and gender inequality. In some refugee camps there is a lack of soap for handwashing. Please remember how interconnected our human family is. DEVELOPMENT AND PEACE donations can be made on-line at or by cheque and placed in the basket at the back of the church.

An unknown tragedy: A very serious need has occurred in the refugee camps in Bangladesh, The Rohingya purge of close to a million refugees from Burma/Myanmar by their military began in 2017.  There is an immediate need for shelter, food, water, hygiene and medical supplies needs, especially for women-led households. Global Affairs Canada has given Development and Peace a $1 million grant for immediate needs.  Development and Peace supports training and micro-entrepreneurship for the future when less aid money will be available. Sometimes there is resentment in the host communities because of the large influx of refugees. There has been a significant spike in COVID 19 which has wiped out many businesses. Both the Rohingyas and Bangladeshis in the host communities need our prayers and support.

Why I give to Development and Peace – Caritas Canada: A Testimony from St. Joe’s parishioner Joan O’Connell 

I have been a donor to Development and Peace-Caritas Canada for almost 20 years.  When I think of why, words like democratic, Catholic, Canadian, challenging, enduring, come to mind.  But it is also the words describing Development and Peace’s mission and fundamental principles: justice, solidarity, education, respect, partnership, subsidiarity, peace, participation, action, equality.  In short, Development and Peace provides me a way that I can actively live out my faith.

My first involvement with Development and Peace was during the education and action campaign about genetically modified seeds.  It introduced me to a topic I knew nothing about and the impacts that GMO’s were having on the people and land of the Global South.  Each year, I learned more about different challenges confronting our sisters and brothers of the Global South and what actions we could take to help change the systems allowing these injustices to take place.  I decided to become a monthly donor.  I was fortunate to go on a Development and Peace solidarity trip to Ecuador in 2008 just after I retired.  There, my understanding of the history of the Americas was challenged and upended.  I met many of Development and Peace’s partner groups and learned about and saw firsthand the work they were doing and the impact that my monthly donations were having on the people we met.  It was a moment of pride and great joy when I saw an old sign in front of the rustic eco-lodge where we stayed one night high in the Andes thanking Development and Peace for its support.

The pandemic has affected us all.  It has affected Development and Peace in a big way too as the annual Share Lent collection did not take place on the 5th Sunday of Lent because the churches were closed.  This in turn has affected how much support Development and Peace can provide to the people of the Global South who often do not have access to the social and governmental supports we have here.  That is why this week-end’s collection is so important.  If you would like to learn more about Development and Peace-Caritas Canada, has lots of great information and stories from the field and a place where you can donate.

St. Joe’s Supper Table Fundraiser — Order Gifts from Our Christmas Catalogue!

From homemade spice mixes and rubs, to cakes, loaves, barks, brittles and squares, and even customized ornaments, the St. Joe’s Supper Table Christmas Catalogue has an array of gift options for the holidays. Please consider buying your baked goods or gifts this Christmas from the St. Joe’s Supper Table. All items will be prepared on-site in our kitchen and will be available for pick-up or delivery before Christmas. All proceeds support our community meal service! Download the Christmas Catalogue and order form here: St-Joes-Christmas-Catalogue. For more information, please contact the St. Joe’s Supper Table Manager, Ryan Mitchell:

Upcoming Weekday Noon Mass Intentions:

  • Wednesday, November 18: Intention for David Mallet who is ill, requested by Louise Lalonde
  • Thursday, November 19: Intention for Kay Duggan & Diane Routliffe, requested by Mary Duggan
  • Friday, November 20: Intention for Dorothy Hamm, requested by Margaret, Stephanie and Daryl Hamm

“My Branches Bear Much Fruit” — An Oblate Vocations Reflection: As an Oblate Associate, I have come to appreciate community more than I could have ever imagined. As a religious order, the Oblates are called to live differently than most Diocesan Priests. They would typically live in community and everyone would work together to support that community as well as the broader community they serve. I know I have had a number of conversations over the years about how difficult it must be for priests to live alone.” To read Oblate Associate Serena Shaw’s complete reflection, please click here this weekend.

Sunday Offering for November 8, 2020: $5,165. Thank you for your continued generosity! If you are attending Mass this weekend and would like to make a donation, you will find a Sunday offering basket near the main entrance of the church. You can leave your donation here at either the beginning or the end of Mass. If you are not yet returning to St. Joe’s for Mass this weekend or will be away, please consider using Canada Helps. You may choose the Parish fund of your choice through this form: You can also read more about the donation of securities here.

To share your ministry news with parishioners, please contact us using the email address below.



Christopher Adam

2 thoughts on “Andrew Pump’s Reflection and a Parish Update on the 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time”

  1. Thank you Andrew for your sharing today on the readings. Very thoughtfully done and with challenges. I appreciated your humble honest admission of what you did and have not so much now done . Than you!

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