Andrew Pump’s Reflection and a Parish Update for the Feast of Christ the King

As we reach the end of our liturgical year, Andrew Pump offers the reflection for the Feast of Christ the King. In it, he explores the concept of truth, what the term would have meant in biblical times and how ideas around truth evolved through Church history — from the evolution of the Church’s teachings on perceived ideal forms of government to the changing view of, and relationship with the Jewish people. Andrew shares:

“Pope Francis’ papacy is another great moment to challenge our assumptions of God and truth, and let the unconditional compassion and love of God soften our hardened hearts and institutions…”

Liturgical Resources

Our Lord Jesus Christ King of the Universe – November 21 2021 – Liturgy of the Word for use at home


READINGS FOR CHILDREN – Christ the King – 2021

Our Lord Jesus Christ King of the Universe 2021 – Prayers of the Faithful

Mission Prayer

Parish Update

St. Joe’s Fundraiser for Kateri Native Ministry

On  November 18th, more than 75 St. Joe’s parishioners and friends from Holy Canadian Martyrs Parish, St. Basil’s Parish, Kateri Native Ministry and beyond gathered in our church to listen to Donna Naughton’s presentation on the Kendaasawin Program of reconciliation and healing. St. Joseph’s Parish launched a fundraiser for Kateri Native Ministry, in support of this program. We will continue to raise funds until the end of Advent. As of Friday, November 19, 2021, we have raised $1,975 for Kateri Native Ministry in our parish. 

To learn more about our fundraising campaign and to watch the YouTube recording of Donna’s presentation, please click here.

The 2021/2022 Sunday Missal now available for purchase

The 2021/2022 Sunday Missals have arrived and are available for purchase this weekend at Mass for $5 (cash or cheque). To buy your copy, please see:

  • Saturday 5:00 p.m.: Chris
  • Sunday 9:30 a.m.: Kathleen
  • Sunday 11:30 a.m.: Kathleen
  • Sunday 7:30 p.m.: Chris

Together, let’s act for the planet and its defenders!

This year’s Development and Peace education and action campaign, People and Planet First, is inspired by the words of Pope Francis, who says that “a true ecological approach always becomes a social approach; it must integrate questions of justice in debates on the environment, so as to hear both the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor” (Laudato Si’, 49). These cries are too often silenced by powerful companies that plunder resources in countries of the Global South, without regard for people’s fundamental human and environmental rights. Many such companies are Canadian.

Let’s act to end the impunity of such companies. Please sign the petition after Mass this week-end asking the federal government to enact laws that will oblige Canadian companies to conduct due diligence across their overseas operations and that will give the victims of any abuses access to justice in Canadian courts. Development and Peace members will be present at St. Joe’s after all Masses to assist and answer any questions.

Let’s act to end the impunity of such companies. Please sign the petition after Mass this week-end asking the federal government to enact laws that will oblige Canadian companies to conduct due diligence across their overseas operations and that will give the victims of any abuses access to justice in Canadian courts. Development and Peace members will be present after all masses to assist and answer any questions.

Congratulations to Michèle Gascon and Pierre Gauthier!

Parishioners Michèle Gascon and Pierre Gauthier celebrated the Sacrament of Matrimony in our church on Friday, November 19, 2021. Many blessings for Michèle and Pierre as they begin this new phase of their life together.

Seeking a ride to church from Kanata

We are looking for a ride to Church for a parishioner who lives in Kanata – close to Campeau Drive and Kanata Avenue. This is for the 11:30 Sunday Mass. Currently the parishioner is having to pay for a taxi to get to St. Joe’s on Sunday mornings. Once at church there is a friend who can drive her home, so it is just a one-way drive. Ideally it would be great to get a few names and numbers. If you can help please call Eleanor Rabnett at 613-315-5317 or email her at and she will connect you with the parishioner. Thank you so much!

News on the Synodal Process

The Diocese has been preparing documents to help guide parishes through the Synodal process and has also launched a new section on its website entitled Synod 2021-2023.  In particular, you may be interested in reading the English version of the Vademecum for the Synod on Synodality. The whole process is meant to help parish communities grow as part of a missionary Church.  The Vatican released a new timeline allowing us a little more time. Now, parish and group summary reports will need to be submitted to the Diocese by May 6th, 2022. We anticipate receiving a detailed guide by early next week. Stay tuned for news specific to St. Joe’s on how this synodal process will unfold in our parish.

December gift cards for personal use, gifts and gift baskets

Do you belong to an organization or group that creates gift baskets for families over the holiday season? Do you put gift cards in those baskets?  It’s a wonderful way to ensure the person receiving your gift can purchase some of the special items important to their celebration.

OMRA offers gift cards all year round and we can help you get gift cards to put in gift baskets. If you purchase your gift cards through OMRA, your gift gives twice. The recipient gets the full value of the gift card.  OMRA receives about 5% from the store because we order the cards in large quantities.  We use the monies received to offer portable rental subsidies to refugees in Ottawa. Check us out at

If you place your order with me by 10pm on Nov 27th, we hope to have the cards available for distribution before Dec 10th.  If you are thinking about giving gift cards as Christmas gifts, you might consider purchasing them from OMRA.  It’s a gift that gives more than once. If you are part of a group creating a gift basket for persons or families over the holidays, you may be adding gift cards to the basket.  Please consider purchasing them from OMRA.

OMRA sells grocery cards for Loblaws/Independent – $50 and $100, Metro/Food Basics – $50 and $100, Farm Boy – $50 and Shoppers Drug Mart – $50. Please return any fully used Farm Boy cards to me as OMRA receives $1.00 for every card returned and Farm Boy reissues them.  If you have requests for small denominations of grocery card, please contact me.  Last month several people asked for $25 cards from Metro and Loblaws. We can do special orders.

There are several ways to pay for your grocery cards

Cheque  — Cheques are dated for the first of the month and addressed to OMRA Shelter Corp. Record the grocery card denominations you need on the information bar. You can mail them to me, Donna Rietschlin, 512 Sherbourne Rd., Ottawa K2A 3G4 or give them to your me when you receive your cards.

 E-transfer Send an etransfer to by the first through 3rd of the month. NO question is needed.  Be sure to let me know what cards you are ordering.  

Contact: Donna Rietschlin —

Vocation Reflection: “What Have You Done?”
By Richard Beaudette, OMI – Vocation Team

“One of the Eucharistic Prayers for Various Needs speaks of Jesus “going about doing good” and that is what we are called to do as disciples of Jesus. The Gospel invites us, not to ask if Jesus is a king, but to ask myself if he is my king, and to further ask if I follow him with my whole heart. Those are the essential questions for each disciple and they call us to ongoing conversion of heart and mind to live more fully the call the discipleship in whatever way is given to each one.” Read the reflection here (published on Wednesday November 17).

Sunday offerings for November 14, 2021: $5,390

Thank you for your generosity!

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