In the book A Pilgrim’s Almanac, Edward Hays shares:
The Feast of all Saints is a day to celebrate all saints, including the unknown saints whose names are not mentioned in the Holy Hall of Fame of the Church. This is a day to recall that we are all called to be holy. Pray today that someday in the future this will be your feast day too. November 2nd is the Feast of All the Holy Dead. It is a day to remember those you loved who have passed through the doorway of death. Take time today to prayerfully recall those family members, friends and significant people in your life who have died.
Join us at St. Joseph’s Parish on Monday, November 1, 2021 at Noon for All Saints’ Day and on Tuesday, November 2, 2021 at Noon for All Souls’ Day. Fr. Jim will celebrate Mass on both days.
Remembering Our Loved Ones
Dear God,
We thank you for the wonderful memories
we have of our departed loved ones.
We are grateful when these memories
bring us happiness and comfort.
Help us to continue to keep
the memories of our loved ones alive
by living out the gifts and virtues
we treasured so much in their lives.
May our remembrance of them
in this way help their spirit to live on in us,
and may the virtues contribute to building
your kingdom here on earth.
(Source: Living With Christ, November 2021)
I will do both masses Chris.